Title 12
SECTION 1310.22
1310.22 Emergency exception to § 1310.21.
§ 1310.22 Emergency exception to § 1310.21.(a) Exception to § 1310.21. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in § 1310.21, the Council may waive or modify any or all of the notice and other procedural requirements of § 1310.21 with respect to a nonbank financial company if -
(1) The Council determines that such waiver or modification is necessary or appropriate to prevent or mitigate threats posed by the nonbank financial company to the financial stability of the United States; and
(2) The Council provides written notice of the waiver or modification under this section to the nonbank financial company as soon as practicable, but not later than 24 hours after the waiver or modification is granted. Any such notice shall set forth the manner and form for transmitting a request for an evidentiary hearing under paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Consultation. (1) In making a determination under paragraph (a) of this section with respect to a nonbank financial company, the Council shall consult with the primary financial regulatory agency, if any, for such nonbank financial company, in such time and manner as the Council may deem appropriate.
(2) In making a determination under paragraph (a) of this section with respect to a foreign nonbank financial company, the Council shall consult with the appropriate home country supervisor, if any, of such foreign nonbank financial company, in such time and manner as the Council may deem appropriate.
(c) Opportunity for evidentiary hearing. (1) If the Council, pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, waives or modifies any of the notice or other procedural requirements of § 1310.21 with respect to a nonbank financial company, the nonbank financial company may request, in writing, an opportunity for a nonpublic, written or oral evidentiary hearing before the Council or its representatives to contest such waiver or modification, not later than 10 days after the date of receipt by the nonbank financial company of the notice described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) Upon receipt of a timely request for an evidentiary hearing under paragraph (c)(1), the Council shall fix a time (not later than 15 days after the date of receipt by the Council of the request) and place at which the nonbank financial company may appear, personally or through counsel, for a nonpublic evidentiary hearing at which the nonbank financial company may submit written materials (or, at the sole discretion of the Council, oral testimony and oral argument) regarding the waiver or modification under this section.
(d) Notice of final determination. If the nonbank financial company makes a timely request for an evidentiary hearing under paragraph (c) of this section, the Council shall, not later than 30 days after the hearing date -
(1) Make a final determination regarding the waiver or modification under this § 1310.22;
(2) Notify the nonbank financial company, in writing, of the final determination of the Council regarding the waiver or modification under this § 1310.22, which notice shall contain a statement of the basis for the final decision of the Council; and
(3) If the Council makes a final determination under § 1310.10(a), publicly announce the final determination of the Council.
(e) Vote required. Any determination of the Council under paragraph (a)(1) of this section to waive or modify any of the notice or other procedural requirements of § 1310.21 shall -
(1) Be made by the Council and shall not be delegated by the Council; and
(2) Require the vote of not fewer than two-thirds of the voting members of the Council then serving, including the affirmative vote of the Chairperson of the Council.