Title 12
SECTION 1310.20
1310.20 Council information collection; consultation; coordination; confidentiality.
§ 1310.20 Council information collection; consultation; coordination; confidentiality.(a) Information collection from the Office of Financial Research, member agencies, the Federal Insurance Office, and other Federal and State financial regulatory agencies. The Council may receive, and may request the submission of, such data or information from the Office of Financial Research, member agencies, the Federal Insurance Office, and (acting through the Office of Financial Research, to the extent the Council determines necessary) other Federal and State financial regulatory agencies as the Council deems necessary to carry out the provisions of title I of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C. 5311-5374) or this part.
(b) Information collection from nonbank financial companies. (1) The Council may, to the extent the Council determines appropriate, direct the Office of Financial Research to require the submission of periodic and other reports from any nonbank financial company, including a nonbank financial company that is being considered for a proposed or final determination under § 1310.10(a), for the purpose of assessing the extent to which a nonbank financial company poses a threat to the financial stability of the United States.
(2) Before requiring the submission of reports under this paragraph (b) from any nonbank financial company that is regulated by a member agency or any primary financial regulatory agency, the Council, acting through the Office of Financial Research, shall coordinate with such agency or agencies and shall, whenever possible, rely on information available from the Office of Financial Research or such agency or agencies.
(3) Before requiring the submission of reports under this paragraph (b) from a company that is a foreign nonbank financial company, the Council shall, acting through the Office of Financial Research, to the extent appropriate, consult with the appropriate foreign regulator of such foreign nonbank financial company and, whenever possible, rely on information already being collected by such foreign regulator, with English translation.
(4) The Council may, to the extent the Council determines appropriate, accept the submission of any data, information, and reports voluntarily submitted by any nonbank financial company that is being considered for a proposed or final determination under § 1310.10(a), for the purpose of assessing the extent to which a nonbank financial company poses a threat to the financial stability of the United States.
(c) Consultation. The Council shall consult with the primary financial regulatory agency, if any, for each nonbank financial company or subsidiary of a nonbank financial company that is being considered for supervision by the Board of Governors under § 1310.10(a) in a timely manner before the Council makes any final determination under § 1310.10(a) with respect to such nonbank financial company.
(d) International coordination. In exercising its duties under this part with respect to foreign nonbank financial companies and cross-border activities and markets, the Council, acting through its Chairperson or other authorized designee, shall consult with appropriate foreign regulatory authorities, to the extent appropriate.
(e) Confidentiality - (1) In general. The Council shall maintain the confidentiality of any data, information, and reports submitted under this part.
(2) Retention of privilege. The submission of any non-publicly available data or information under this part shall not constitute a waiver of, or otherwise affect, any privilege arising under Federal or State law (including the rules of any Federal or State court) to which the data or information is otherwise subject.
(3) Freedom of Information Act. Section 552 of title 5, United States Code, including the exceptions thereunder, and any regulations thereunder adopted by the Council, shall apply to any data, information, and reports submitted under this part.