Title 12
SECTION 1310.11
1310.11 Considerations in making proposed and final determinations.
§ 1310.11 Considerations in making proposed and final determinations.(a) Considerations for U.S. nonbank financial companies. In making a proposed or final determination under § 1310.10(a) with respect to a U.S. nonbank financial company, the Council shall consider -
(1) The extent of the leverage of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(2) The extent and nature of the off-balance-sheet exposures of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(3) The extent and nature of the transactions and relationships of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries with other significant nonbank financial companies and significant bank holding companies;
(4) The importance of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries as a source of credit for households, businesses, and State and local governments and as a source of liquidity for the United States financial system;
(5) The importance of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries as a source of credit for low-income, minority, or underserved communities, and the impact that the failure of such U.S. nonbank financial company would have on the availability of credit in such communities;
(6) The extent to which assets are managed rather than owned by the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries, and the extent to which ownership of assets under management is diffuse;
(7) The nature, scope, size, scale, concentration, interconnectedness, and mix of the activities of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(8) The degree to which the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries are already regulated by 1 or more primary financial regulatory agencies;
(9) The amount and nature of the financial assets of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(10) The amount and types of the liabilities of the U.S. nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries, including the degree of reliance on short-term funding; and
(11) Any other risk-related factor that the Council deems appropriate, either by regulation or on a case-by-case basis.
(b) Considerations for foreign nonbank financial companies. In making a proposed or final determination under § 1310.10(a) with respect to a foreign nonbank financial company, the Council shall consider -
(1) The extent of the leverage of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(2) The extent and nature of the United States related off-balance-sheet exposures of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(3) The extent and nature of the transactions and relationships of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries with other significant nonbank financial companies and significant bank holding companies;
(4) The importance of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries as a source of credit for United States households, businesses, and State and local governments and as a source of liquidity for the United States financial system;
(5) The importance of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries as a source of credit for low-income, minority, or underserved communities in the United States, and the impact that the failure of such foreign nonbank financial company would have on the availability of credit in such communities;
(6) The extent to which assets are managed rather than owned by the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries and the extent to which ownership of assets under management is diffuse;
(7) The nature, scope, size, scale, concentration, interconnectedness, and mix of the activities of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(8) The extent to which the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries are subject to prudential standards on a consolidated basis in the foreign nonbank financial company's home country that are administered and enforced by a comparable foreign supervisory authority;
(9) The amount and nature of the United States financial assets of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries;
(10) The amount and nature of the liabilities of the foreign nonbank financial company and its subsidiaries used to fund activities and operations in the United States, including the degree of reliance on short-term funding; and
(11) Any other risk-related factor that the Council deems appropriate, either by regulation or on a case-by-case basis.