Title 12
SECTION 1301.11
1301.11 Administrative appeals and dispute resolution.
§ 1301.11 Administrative appeals and dispute resolution.(a) Grounds for administrative appeals. A requester may appeal an initial determination of the Council, including but not limited to a determination:
(1) To deny access to records in whole or in part (as provided in § 1301.8(b)(3));
(2) To assign a particular fee category to the requester (as provided in § 1301.12(c));
(3) To deny a request for a reduction or waiver of fees (as provided in § 1301.12(f)(7));
(4) That no records could be located that are responsive to the request (as provided in § 1301.8(b)(4)); or
(5) To deny a request for expedited processing (as provided in § 1301.7(c)(5)).
(b) Time limits for filing administrative appeals. An appeal must be submitted within ninety (90) days of the date of the initial determination or the date of the letter transmitting the last records released, whichever is later, or, in the case of an appeal of a denial of expedited processing, within ninety (90) days of the date of the initial determination to deny expedited processing (see § 1301.7).
(c) Form and content of administrative appeals. The appeal shall -
(1) Be made in writing or, as set forth on the Council's Web site, via the Internet;
(2) Be clearly marked on the appeal request and any envelope that encloses it with the words “Freedom of Information Act Appeal” and addressed to Financial Stability Oversight Council, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20220;
(3) Set forth the name of and contact information for the requester, including a mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, an email address at which the Council may contact the requester regarding the appeal;
(4) Specify the date of the initial request and date of the letter of initial determination, and, where possible, enclose a copy of the initial request and the initial determination being appealed; and
(5) Set forth specific grounds for the appeal.
(d) Processing of administrative appeals. Appeals shall be stamped with the date of their receipt by the office to which addressed, and shall be processed in the approximate order of their receipt. The receipt of the appeal shall be acknowledged by the Council and the requester advised of the date the appeal was received and the expected date of response.
(e) Determinations to grant or deny administrative appeals. The Chairperson of the Council or his/her designee is authorized to and shall decide whether to affirm or reverse the initial determination (in whole or in part), and shall notify the requester of this decision in writing within twenty (20) days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) after the date of receipt of the appeal, unless extended pursuant to § 1301.7(e).
(1) If it is decided that the appeal is to be denied (in whole or in part) the requester shall be -
(i) Notified in writing of the denial;
(ii) Notified of the reasons for the denial, including the FOIA exemptions relied upon;
(iii) Notified of the name and title or position of the official responsible for the determination on appeal;
(iv) Provided with a statement that judicial review of the denial is available in the United States District Court for the judicial district in which the requester resides or has a principal place of business, the judicial district in which the requested records are located, or the District of Columbia in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(4)(B); and
(v) Provided with notification that mediation services may be available to the requester as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation through the Office of Government Information Services in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(h)(3).
(2) If the Council grants the appeal in its entirety, the Council shall so notify the requester and promptly process the request in accordance with the decision on appeal.
(f) Dispute resolution. Requesters may seek dispute resolution by contacting the FOIA Public Liaison or the Office of Government Information Services as set forth on the Council's Web site.