Title 12

SECTION 1240.31

1240.31 Mechanics for calculating risk-weighted assets for general credit risk.

§ 1240.31 Mechanics for calculating risk-weighted assets for general credit risk.

(a) General risk-weighting requirements. An Enterprise must apply risk weights to its exposures as follows:

(1) An Enterprise must determine the exposure amount of each mortgage exposure, each other on-balance sheet exposure, each OTC derivative contract, and each off-balance sheet commitment, trade and transaction-related contingency, guarantee, repo-style transaction, forward agreement, or other similar transaction that is not:

(i) An unsettled transaction subject to § 1240.40;

(ii) A cleared transaction subject to § 1240.37;

(iii) A default fund contribution subject to § 1240.37;

(iv) A retained CRT exposure, acquired CRT exposure, or other securitization exposure subject to §§ 1240.41 through 1240.46; or

(v) An equity exposure (other than an equity OTC derivative contract) subject to §§ 1240.51 and 1240.52.

(2) An Enterprise must multiply each exposure amount by the risk weight appropriate to the exposure based on the exposure type or counterparty, eligible guarantor, or financial collateral to determine the risk-weighted asset amount for each exposure.

(b) Total risk-weighted assets for general credit risk. Total risk-weighted assets for general credit risk equals the sum of the risk-weighted asset amounts calculated under this section.