Title 12

PART 611

Part 611 - Organization

PART 611 - ORGANIZATION Authority:Secs. 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.12, 1.13, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.3A, 4.12, 4.12A, 4.15, 4.20, 4.21, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 4.28A, 5.9, 5.17, 5.25, 7.0-7.13, 8.5(e) of the Farm Credit Act (12 U.S.C. 2002, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2020, 2021, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124, 2128, 2129, 2130, 2154a, 2183, 2184, 2203, 2208, 2209, 2211, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2243, 2252, 2261, 2279a-2279f-1, 2279aa-5(e)); secs. 411 and 412 of Pub. L. 100-233, 101 Stat. 1568, 1638; secs. 414 of Pub. L. 100-399, 102 Stat. 989, 1004. Source:37 FR 11415, June 7, 1972, unless otherwise noted.

12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 611.100
   611.100 Definitions.
12: 611.110
   611.110 Meetings of stockholders.
12: B
Subpart B - Bank and Association Board of Directors
12: 611.210
   611.210 Director qualifications and training.
12: 611.220
   611.220 Outside directors.
12: C
Subpart C - Election of Directors and Other Voting Procedures
12: 611.310
   611.310 Eligibility for membership on bank and association boards and subsequent employment.
12: 611.320
   611.320 Impartiality in the election of directors.
12: 611.325
   611.325 Bank and association nominating committees.
12: 611.326
   611.326 Floor nominations for open Farm Credit bank and association director positions.
12: 611.330
   611.330 Disclosures of Farm Credit bank and association director-nominees.
12: 611.340
   611.340 Confidentiality and security in voting.
12: 611.350
   611.350 Application of cooperative principles to the election of directors.
12: 611.360
   611.360 [Reserved]
12: D
Subpart D - Compensation Practices of Farm Credit Banks and Associations
12: 611.400
   611.400 Compensation of bank board members.
12: 611.410
   611.410 [Reserved]
12: E
Subpart E - Transfer of Authorities
12: 611.500
   611.500 General.
12: 611.501
   611.501 Procedures.
12: 611.505
   611.505 Farm Credit Administration review.
12: 611.510
   611.510 Approval procedures.
12: 611.515
   611.515 Information statement.
12: 611.520
   611.520 Plan of transfer.
12: 611.525
   611.525 Stockholder reconsideration.
12: F
Subpart F - Bank Mergers, Consolidations and Charter Amendments
12: 611.1000
   611.1000 General authority.
12: 611.1010
   611.1010 Farm Credit bank charter amendment procedures.
12: 611.1020
   611.1020 Requirements for mergers or consolidations of Farm Credit banks.
12: 611.1030
   611.1030 [Reserved]
12: 611.1040
   611.1040 Creation of new associations.
12: G
Subpart G - Mergers, Consolidations, and Charter Amendments of Associations
12: 611.1120
   611.1120 General authority.
12: 611.1121
   611.1121 Association charter amendment procedures.
12: 611.1122
   611.1122 Requirements for association mergers or consolidations.
12: 611.1123
   611.1123 Association merger or consolidation agreements.
12: 611.1124
   611.1124 Territorial adjustments.
12: 611.1125
   611.1125 Treatment of associations not approving districtwide mergers.
12: 611.1126
   611.1126 Reconsiderations of mergers and consolidations.
12: H
Subpart H - Rules for Inter-System Fund Transfers
12: 611.1130
   611.1130 Inter-System transfer of funds and equities.
12: I
Subpart I - Service Corporations
12: 611.1135
   611.1135 Incorporation of service corporations.
12: 611.1136
   611.1136 Regulation and examination of service corporations.
12: 611.1137
   611.1137 Title VIII service corporations.
12: J
Subpart J - Unincorporated Business Entities
12: 611.1150
   611.1150 Purpose and scope.
12: 611.1151
   611.1151 Definitions.
12: 611.1152
   611.1152 Authority over equity investments in UBEs for business activity.
12: 611.1153
   611.1153 General restrictions and prohibitions on the use of UBEs.
12: 611.1154
   611.1154 Notice of equity investments in UBEs.
12: 611.1155
   611.1155 Approval of equity investments in UBEs.
12: 611.1156
   611.1156 Ongoing requirements.
12: 611.1157
   611.1157 Disclosure and reporting requirements.
12: 611.1158
   611.1158 Grandfather provision.
12: K
Subparts K-O [Reserved]
12: P
Subpart P - Termination of System Institution Status
12: 611.1200
   611.1200 Applicability of this subpart.
12: 611.1205
   611.1205 Definitions that apply in this subpart.
12: 611.1210
   611.1210 Advance notices - commencement resolution and notice to equity holders.
12: 611.1211
   611.1211 Special requirements.
12: 611.1215
   611.1215 Communications with the public and equity holders.
12: 611.1216
   611.1216 Public availability of documents related to the termination.
12: 611.1217
   611.1217 Plain language requirements.
12: 611.1218
   611.1218 Role of directors.
12: 611.1219
   611.1219 Prohibited acts.
12: 611.1220
   611.1220 Termination resolution.
12: 611.1221
   611.1221 Submission to FCA of plan of termination and disclosure information; other required submissions.
12: 611.1223
   611.1223 Plan of termination - contents.
12: 611.1230
   611.1230 FCA review and approval - plan of termination.
12: 611.1235
   611.1235 Plan of termination - distribution.
12: 611.1240
   611.1240 Voting record date and stockholder approval.
12: 611.1245
   611.1245 Stockholder reconsideration.
12: 611.1246
   611.1246 Filing of termination application and its contents.
12: 611.1247
   611.1247 FCA review and approval - termination.
12: 611.1250
   611.1250 Preliminary exit fee estimate.
12: 611.1255
   611.1255 Exit fee calculation.
12: 611.1260
   611.1260 Payment of debts and assessments - terminating association.
12: 611.1265
   611.1265 Retirement of a terminating association's investment in its affiliated bank.
12: 611.1270
   611.1270 Repayment of obligations - terminating bank.
12: 611.1275
   611.1275 Retirement of equities held by other System institutions.
12: 611.1280
   611.1280 Dissenting stockholders' rights.
12: 611.1285
   611.1285 Loan refinancing by borrowers.
12: 611.1290
   611.1290 Continuation of borrower rights.