Title 12


Part 51 - Receiverships For Uninsured National Banks

PART 51 - RECEIVERSHIPS FOR UNINSURED NATIONAL BANKS Authority:12 U.S.C. 16, 93a, 191-200, 481, 482, 1831c, and 1867. Source:81 FR 92602, Dec. 20, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

12: 51.1
   51.1 Purpose and scope.
12: 51.2
   51.2 Appointment of receiver.
12: 51.3
   51.3 Notice of appointment of receiver.
12: 51.4
   51.4 Claims.
12: 51.5
   51.5 Order of priorities.
12: 51.6
   51.6 Administrative expenses of receiver.
12: 51.7
   51.7 Powers and duties of receiver; disposition of fiduciary and custodial accounts.
12: 51.8
   51.8 Payment of claims and dividends to shareholders.
12: 51.9
   51.9 Termination of receivership.