Title 12


Part 50 - Liquidity Risk Measurement Standards

PART 50 - LIQUIDITY RISK MEASUREMENT STANDARDS Authority:12 U.S.C. 1 et seq., 93a, 481, 1818, 1828, and 1462 et seq. Source:79 FR 61523, 61538, Oct. 10, 2014, unless otherwise noted.

12: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
12: 50.1
   50.1 Purpose and applicability.
12: 50.2
   50.2 Reservation of authority.
12: 50.3
   50.3 Definitions.
12: 50.4
   50.4 Certain operational requirements.
12: B
Subpart B - Liquidity Coverage Ratio
12: 50.10
   50.10 Liquidity coverage ratio.
12: C
Subpart C - High-Quality Liquid Assets
12: 50.20
   50.20 High-quality liquid asset criteria.
12: 50.21
   50.21 High-quality liquid asset amount.
12: 50.22
   50.22 Requirements for eligible high-quality liquid assets.
12: D
Subpart D - Total Net Cash Outflow
12: 50.30
   50.30 Total net cash outflow amount.
12: 50.31
   50.31 Determining maturity.
12: 50.32
   50.32 Outflow amounts.
12: 50.33
   50.33 Inflow amounts.
12: 50.34
   50.34 Cash flows related to Covered Federal Reserve Facility Funding.
12: E
Subpart E - Liquidity Coverage Shortfall
12: 50.40
   50.40 Liquidity coverage shortfall: Supervisory framework.
12: F
Subpart F - Transitions
12: 50.50
   50.50 Transitions.
12: G-J
Subparts G-J [Reserved]
12: K-L
Subparts K-L - XXX
12: M
Subpart M - XXX