Title 12

PART 335

Part 335 - Securities Of State Nonmember Banks And State Savings Associations

PART 335 - SECURITIES OF STATE NONMEMBER BANKS AND STATE SAVINGS ASSOCIATIONS Authority:12 U.S.C. 1819; 15 U.S.C. 78j-1, 78l(i), 78m, 78n, 78p, 78w, 5412, 5414, 5415, 7241, 7242, 7243, 7244, 7261, 7262, 7264, and 7265. Source:62 FR 6856, Feb. 14, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

12: 335.101
   335.101 Scope of part, authority and OMB control number.
12: 335.111
   335.111 Forms and schedules.
12: 335.121
   335.121 Listing standards related to audit committees.
12: 335.201
   335.201 Securities exempted from registration.
12: 335.211
   335.211 Registration and reporting.
12: 335.221
   335.221 Forms for registration of securities and cross reference to Regulation FD (Fair Disclosure).
12: 335.231
   335.231 Certification, suspension of trading, and removal from listing by exchanges.
12: 335.241
   335.241 Unlisted trading.
12: 335.251
   335.251 Forms for notification of action taken by national securities exchanges.
12: 335.261
   335.261 Exemptions, terminations, and definitions.
12: 335.301
   335.301 Reports of issuers of securities registered pursuant to section 12.
12: 335.311
   335.311 Forms for annual, quarterly, current, and other reports of issuers.
12: 335.321
   335.321 Maintenance of records and issuer's representations in connection with required reports.
12: 335.331
   335.331 Acquisition statements, acquisition of securities by issuers, and other matters.
12: 335.401
   335.401 Solicitations of proxies.
12: 335.501
   335.501 Tender offers.
12: 335.601
   335.601 Requirements of section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
12: 335.611
   335.611 Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securities (Form 3).
12: 335.612
   335.612 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities (Form 4).
12: 335.613
   335.613 Annual statement of beneficial ownership of securities (Form 5).
12: 335.701
   335.701 Filing requirements, public reference, and confidentiality.
12: 335.801
   335.801 Inapplicable SEC regulations; FDIC substituted regulations; additional information.