Appendix A to Part 217 - The Federal Reserve Board's Framework for Implementing the Countercyclical Capital Buffer
12: : Appendix A
Appendix A to Part 217 - The Federal Reserve Board's Framework for
Implementing the Countercyclical Capital Buffer 1. Background
(a) In 2013, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System (Board) issued a final regulatory capital rule (Regulation
Q) in coordination with the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
that strengthened risk-based and leverage capital requirements
applicable to insured depository institutions and depository
institution holding companies (banking organizations). 1 Among
those changes was the introduction of a countercyclical capital
buffer (CCyB) for large, internationally active banking
organizations. 2
1 See 12 CFR part 217; Federal Reserve Board Approves
Final Rule To Help Ensure Banks Maintain Strong Capital Positions
(July 2, 2013), available at;
Agencies Adopt Supplementary Leverage Ratio Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (July 9, 2013), available at;
and FDIC Board Approves Basel III Interim Final Rule and
Supplementary Leverage Ratio Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (July 9,
2013) available at
2 12 CFR 217.11(b). The CCyB applies only to banking
organizations subject to the advanced approaches capital rules,
which generally apply to those banking organizations with greater
than $250 billion in assets or more than $10 billion in
on-balance-sheet foreign exposures. See 12 CFR 217.100(b).
An advanced approaches institution is subject to the CCyB
regardless of whether it has completed the parallel run process and
received notification from its primary Federal supervisor.
See 12 CFR 217.121(d).
(b) The CCyB is a supplemental, macroprudential policy tool that
the Board can increase during periods of rising vulnerabilities in
the financial system and reduce when vulnerabilities recede. It is
designed to increase the resilience of large banking organizations
when there is an elevated risk of above-normal losses. Increasing
the resilience of large banking organizations will, in turn,
improve the resilience of the broader financial system.
Above-normal losses often follow periods of rapid asset price
appreciation or credit growth that are not well supported by
underlying economic fundamentals. The circumstances in which the
Board would most likely begin to increase the CCyB above zero
percent to augment minimum capital requirements and other capital
buffers would be when systemic vulnerabilities are meaningfully
above normal. By requiring large banking organizations to hold
additional capital during those periods of excess and removing the
requirement to hold additional capital when the vulnerabilities
have diminished, the CCyB also is expected to moderate fluctuations
in the supply of credit over time. Moderating the supply of credit
may mitigate or prevent the conditions that contribute to
above-normal losses, such as elevated asset prices and excessive
leverage, and prevent or mitigate reductions in lending to
creditworthy borrowers that can amplify an economic downturn. In
this way, implementation of the CCyB also responds to the
Dodd-Frank Act's requirement that the Board seek to make its
capital requirements countercyclical. 3
3 12 U.S.C. 1844(b), 1464a(g)(1), and 3907(a)(1) (codifying
sections 616(a), (b), and (c) of the Dodd-Frank Act).
(c) Regulation Q established the initial CCyB amount with
respect to private sector credit exposures located in the United
States (U.S.-based credit exposures) at zero percent and provided
that the maximum potential amount of the CCyB for credit exposures
in the United States was 2.5 percent of risk-weighted assets. 4 The
Board expects to make decisions about the appropriate level of the
CCyB for U.S.-based credit exposures jointly with the OCC and FDIC,
and expects that the CCyB amount for U.S.-based credit exposures
will be the same for covered depository institution holding
companies and insured depository institutions. The CCyB is designed
to take into account the macrofinancial environment in which
banking organizations function and the degree to which that
environment impacts the resilience of advanced approaches
institutions. Therefore, the appropriate level of the CCyB for
U.S.-based credit exposures is not closely linked to the
characteristics of an individual institution. Rather, the impact of
the CCyB on any single institution will depend on the particular
composition of the private-sector credit exposures of the
institution across national jurisdictions.
4 The CCyB is subject to a phase-in arrangement between 2016 and
2019. See 12 CFR 217.300(a)(2).
2. Overview and Scope of the Policy Statement
This Policy Statement describes the framework that the Board
will follow in setting the amount of the CCyB for U.S.-based credit
exposures. The framework consists of a set of principles for
translating assessments of financial system vulnerabilities that
are regularly undertaken by the Board into the appropriate level of
the CCyB. Those assessments are informed by a broad array of
quantitative indicators of financial and economic performance and a
set of empirical models. In addition, the framework includes an
assessment of whether the CCyB is the most appropriate policy
instrument (among available policy instruments) to address the
highlighted financial system vulnerabilities.
3. The Objectives of the CCyB
(a) The objectives of the CCyB are to strengthen banking
organizations' resilience against the build-up of systemic
vulnerabilities and reduce fluctuations in the supply of credit.
The CCyB supplements the minimum capital requirements and the
capital conservation buffer, which themselves are designed to
provide substantial resilience to unexpected losses created by
normal fluctuations in economic and financial conditions. The
capital surcharge on global systemically important banking
organizations adds an additional layer of defense for the largest
and most systemically important institutions, whose financial
distress can have outsized effects on the rest of the financial
system and the real economy. 5 However, periods of financial
excesses, for example as reflected in episodes of rapid asset price
appreciation or credit growth not well supported by underlying
economic fundamentals, are often followed by above-normal losses
that leave banking organizations and other financial institutions
undercapitalized. Therefore, the Board would most likely begin to
increase the CCyB above zero in those circumstances when systemic
vulnerabilities become meaningfully above normal and progressively
raise the CCyB level if vulnerabilities become more severe.
5 See, Federal Reserve Board Approves Final Rule
Requiring The Largest, Most Systemically Important U.S. Bank
Holding Companies To Further Strengthen Their Capital Positions
(July 20, 2015), available at
(b) The CCyB is expected to help provide additional resilience
for advanced approaches institutions, and by extension the broader
financial system, against elevated vulnerabilities primarily in two
ways. First, advanced approaches institutions will likely hold more
capital to avoid limitations on capital distributions and
discretionary bonus payments resulting from implementation of the
CCyB. Strengthening their capital positions when financial
conditions are accommodative would increase the capacity of
advanced approaches institutions to absorb outsized losses during a
future significant economic downturn or period of financial
instability, thus making them more resilient.
(c) The second and related goal of the CCyB is to promote a more
sustainable supply of credit over the economic cycle. During a
credit cycle downturn, better-capitalized institutions have been
shown to be more likely than weaker institutions to have continued
access to funding. Better-capitalized institutions also are less
likely to take actions that lead to broader financial-sector
distress and its associated macroeconomic costs, such as
large-scale sales of assets at prices below their fundamental value
and sharp contractions in credit supply. 6 Therefore, it is likely
that as a result of the CCyB having been put into place during the
preceding period of rapid credit creation, advanced approaches
institutions would be better positioned to continue their important
intermediary functions during a subsequent economic contraction. A
timely and credible reduction in the CCyB requirement during a
period of high credit losses could reinforce those beneficial
effects of a higher base level of capital, because it would permit
advanced approaches institutions either to realize loan losses
promptly and remove them from their balance sheets or to expand
their balance sheets, for example by continuing to lend to
creditworthy borrowers.
6 For additional background on the relationship between
financial distress and economic outcomes, see Carmen Reinhart and
Kenneth Rogoff (2009), This Time is Different. Princeton
University Press; Òscar Jordà & Moritz Schularick & Alan M Taylor
(2011), “Financial Crises, Credit Booms, and External Imbalances:
140 Years of Lessons,” IMF Economic Review, Palgrave
Macmillan, vol. 59(2), pages 340-378; and Bank for International
Settlements (2010), “Assessing the Long-Run Economic Impact of
Higher Capital and Liquidity Requirements.”
(d) During a period of cyclically increasing vulnerabilities,
advanced approaches institutions might react to an increase in the
CCyB by raising lending standards, otherwise reducing their risk
exposure, augmenting their capital, or some combination of those
actions. They may choose to raise capital by taking actions that
would increase net income, reducing capital distributions such as
share repurchases or dividends, or issuing new equity. In this
regard, an increase in the CCyB would not prevent advanced
approaches institutions from maintaining their important role as
credit intermediaries, but would reduce the likelihood that banking
organizations with insufficient capital would foster unsustainable
credit growth or engage in imprudent risk taking. The specific
combination of adjustments and the relative size of each adjustment
will depend in part on the initial capital positions of advanced
approaches institutions, the cost of debt and equity financing, and
the earnings opportunities presented by the economic situation at
the time. 7
7 For estimates of the size of certain adjustments, see Samuel
G. Hanson, Anil K. Kashyap, and Jeremy C. Stein (2011), “A
Macroprudential Approach to Financial Regulation,” Journal of
Economic Perspectives 25(1), pp. 3-28; Skander J. Van den
Heuvel (2008), “The Welfare Cost of Bank Capital Requirements.”
Journal of Monetary Economics 55, pp. 298-320.
4. The Framework for Setting the U.S. CCyB
(a) The Board regularly monitors and assesses threats to
financial stability by synthesizing information from a
comprehensive set of financial-sector and macroeconomic indicators,
supervisory information, surveys, and other interactions with
market participants. 8 In forming its view about the appropriate
size of the U.S. CCyB, the Board will consider a number of
financial system vulnerabilities, including but not limited to,
asset valuation pressures and risk appetite, leverage in the
nonfinancial sector, leverage in the financial sector, and maturity
and liquidity transformation in the financial sector. The decision
will reflect the implications of the assessment of overall
financial system vulnerabilities as well as any concerns related to
one or more classes of vulnerabilities. The specific combination of
vulnerabilities is important because an adverse shock to one class
of vulnerabilities could be more likely than another to exacerbate
existing pressures in other parts of the economy or financial
8 Tobias Adrian, Daniel Covitz, and Nellie Liang (2014),
“Financial Stability Monitoring.” Finance and Economics
Discussion Series 2013-021. Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System,
(b) The Board intends to monitor a wide range of financial and
macroeconomic quantitative indicators including, but not limited
to, measures of relative credit and liquidity expansion or
contraction, a variety of asset prices, funding spreads, credit
condition surveys, indices based on credit default swap spreads,
option implied volatilities, and measures of systemic risk. 9 In
addition, empirical models that translate a manageable set of
quantitative indicators of financial and economic performance into
potential settings for the CCyB, when used as part of a
comprehensive judgmental assessment of all available information,
can be a useful input to the Board's deliberations. Such models may
include, but are not limited to, those that rely on small sets of
indicators - such as the nonfinancial credit-to-GDP ratio, its
growth rate, and combinations of the credit-to-GDP ratio with
trends in the prices of residential and commercial real estate -
which some academic research has shown to be useful in identifying
periods of financial excess followed by a period of crisis on a
cross-country basis. 10 Such models may also include those that
consider larger sets of indicators, which have the advantage of
representing conditions in all key sectors of the economy,
especially those specific to risk-taking, performance, and the
financial condition of large banks. 11
9 See 12 CFR 217.11(b)(2)(iv).
10 See, e.g., Jorda, Oscar, Moritz Schularick and Alan
Taylor, 2013. “When Credit Bites Back: Leverage, Business Cycles
and Crises,” Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 45(2),
pp. 3-28, and Drehmann, Mathias, Claudio Borio, and Kostas
Tsatsaronis, 2012. “Characterizing the Financial Cycle: Don't Lose
Sight of the Medium Term!” BIS Working Papers 380, Bank for
International Settlements. Jorda, Oscar, Moritz Schularick and Alan
Taylor, 2015. “Leveraged Bubbles,” Center for Economic Policy
Research Discussion Paper No. DP10781. BCBS (2010), “Guidance
for National Authorities Operating the Countercyclical Capital
Buffer,” BIS.
11 See, e.g., Aikman, David, Michael T. Kiley, Seung Jung
Lee, Michael G. Palumbo, and Missaka N. Warusawitharana (2015),
“Mapping Heat in the U.S. Financial System,” Finance and
Economics Discussion Series 2015-059. Washington: Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (providing an
example of the range of indicators used and type of analysis
(c) However, no single indictor or fixed set of indicators can
adequately capture all the vulnerabilities in the U.S. economy and
financial system. Moreover, adjustments in the CCyB that were
tightly linked to a specific model or set of models could be
imprecise due to the relatively short period that some indicators
are available, the limited number of past crises against which the
models can be calibrated, and limited experience with the CCyB as a
macroprudential tool. As a result, the types of indicators and
models considered in assessments of the appropriate level of the
CCyB are likely to change over time based on advances in research
and the experience of the Board with this new macroprudential
(d) The Board will determine the appropriate level of the CCyB
for U.S.-based credit exposures based on its analysis of the above
factors. Generally, a zero percent U.S. CCyB amount would reflect
an assessment that U.S. economic and financial conditions are
broadly consistent with a financial system in which levels of
system-wide vulnerabilities are within or near their normal range
of values. The Board could increase the CCyB as vulnerabilities
build. A 2.5 percent CCyB amount for U.S.-based credit exposures,
which is the maximum level under the Board's rule, would reflect an
assessment that the U.S. financial sector is experiencing a period
of significantly elevated or rapidly increasing system-wide
vulnerabilities. Importantly, as a macroprudential policy tool, the
CCyB will be activated and deactivated based on broad developments
and trends in the U.S. financial system, rather than the activities
of any individual banking organization.
(e) Similarly, the Board would remove or reduce the CCyB when
the conditions that led to its activation abate or lessen.
Additionally, the Board would remove or reduce the CCyB when
release of CCyB capital would promote financial stability. Indeed,
for the CCyB to be most effective, the CCyB should be deactivated
or reduced in a timely manner. Deactivating the CCyB in a timely
manner could, for example, promote the prompt realization of loan
losses by advanced approaches institutions and the removal of such
loans from their balance sheets and would reduce the likelihood
that advanced approaches institutions would significantly pare
their risk-weighted assets in order to maintain their capital
ratios during a downturn.
(f) The pace and magnitude of changes in the CCyB will depend
importantly on the underlying conditions in the financial sector
and the economy as well as the desired effects of the proposed
change in the CCyB. If vulnerabilities are rising gradually, then
incremental increases in the level of the CCyB may be appropriate.
Incremental increases would allow banks to augment their capital
primarily through retained earnings and allow policymakers
additional time to assess the effects of the policy change before
making subsequent adjustments. However, if vulnerabilities in the
financial system are building rapidly, then larger or more frequent
adjustments may be necessary to increase loss-absorbing capacity
sooner and potentially to mitigate the rise in vulnerabilities.
(g) The Board will also consider whether the CCyB is the most
appropriate of its available policy instruments to address the
financial system vulnerabilities highlighted by the framework's
judgmental assessments and empirical models. The CCyB primarily is
intended to address cyclical vulnerabilities, rather than
structural vulnerabilities that do not vary significantly over
time. Structural vulnerabilities are better addressed through
targeted reforms or permanent increases in financial system
resilience. Two central factors for the Board to consider are
whether advanced approaches institutions are exposed - either
directly or indirectly - to the vulnerabilities identified in the
comprehensive judgmental assessment or by the quantitative
indicators that suggest activation of the CCyB and whether advanced
approaches institutions are contributing - either directly or
indirectly - to these highlighted vulnerabilities.
(h) In setting the CCyB for advanced approaches institutions
that it supervises, the Board plans to consult with the OCC and
FDIC on their analyses of financial system vulnerabilities and on
the extent to which advanced approaches banking organizations are
either exposed to or contributing to these vulnerabilities.
5. Communication of the U.S. CCyB With the Public
(a) The Board expects to consider at least once per year the
applicable level of the U.S. CCyB. The Board will review financial
conditions regularly throughout the year and may adjust the CCyB
more frequently as a result of those monitoring activities.
(b) Further, the Board will continue to communicate with the
public in other formats regarding its assessment of U.S. financial
stability, including financial system vulnerabilities. In the event
that the Board considered that a change in the CCyB were
appropriate, it would, in proposing the change, include a
discussion of the reasons for the proposed action as determined by
the particular circumstances. In addition, the Board's biannual
Monetary Policy Report to Congress, usually published in February
and July, will continue to contain a section that reports on
developments pertaining to the stability of the U.S. financial
system. 12 That portion of the report will be an important vehicle
for updating the public on how the Board's current assessment of
financial system vulnerabilities bears on the setting of the
12 For the most recent discussion in this format, see box titled
“Developments Related to Financial Stability” in Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System, Monetary Policy Report to
Congress, June 2016, pp. 20-21.
6. Monitoring the Effects of the U.S. CCyB
(a) The effects of the U.S. CCyB ultimately will depend on the
level at which it is set, the size and nature of any adjustments in
the level, and the timeliness with which it is increased or
decreased. The extent to which the CCyB may affect vulnerabilities
in the broader financial system depends upon a complex set of
interactions between required capital levels at the largest banking
organizations and the economy and financial markets. In addition to
the direct effects, the secondary economic effects could be
amplified if financial markets extract a signal from the
announcement of a change in the CCyB about subsequent actions that
might be taken by the Board. Moreover, financial market
participants might react by updating their expectations about
future asset prices in specific markets or broader economic
activity based on the concerns expressed by the regulators in
communications announcing a policy change.
(b) The Board will monitor and analyze adjustments by banking
organizations and other financial institutions to the CCyB: whether
a change in the CCyB leads to observed changes in risk-based
capital ratios at advanced approaches institutions, as well as
whether those adjustments are achieved passively through retained
earnings, or actively through changes in capital distributions or
in risk-weighted assets. Other factors to be monitored include the
extent to which loan growth and interest rate spreads on loans made
by affected banking organizations change relative to loan growth
and loan spreads at banking organizations that are not subject to
the buffer. Another consideration in setting the CCyB and other
macroprudential tools is the extent to which the adjustments by
advanced approaches institutions to higher capital buffers lead to
migration of credit market activity outside of those banking
organizations, especially to the nonbank financial sector.
Depending on the amount of migration, which institutions are
affected by it, and the remaining exposures of advanced approaches
institutions, those adjustments could cause the Board to favor
either a higher or a lower value of the CCyB.
(c) The Board will also monitor information regarding the levels
of and changes in the CCyB in other countries. The Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision is expected to maintain this information for
member countries in a publically available form on its Web site. 13
Using that data in conjunction with supervisory and publicly
available datasets, the Board will be able to draw not only upon
the experience of the United States but also that of other
countries to refine estimates of the effects of changes in the
13 BIS, Countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB),
[81 FR 63686, Sept. 16, 2016]