Title 12

PART 1101

Part 1101 - Description Of Office, Procedures, Public Information

PART 1101 - DESCRIPTION OF OFFICE, PROCEDURES, PUBLIC INFORMATION Authority:5 U.S.C. 552; 12 U.S.C. 3307. Source:45 FR 46794, July 11, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

12: 1101.1
   1101.1 Scope and purpose.
12: 1101.2
   1101.2 Authority and functions.
12: 1101.3
   1101.3 Organization and methods of operation.
12: 1101.4
   1101.4 Disclosure of information, policies, and records.
12: 1101.5
   1101.5 Testimony and production of documents in response to subpoena, order, etc.