Title 12

PART 1080

Part 1080 - Rules Relating To Investigations

PART 1080 - RULES RELATING TO INVESTIGATIONS Authority:Pub. L. 111-203, title X, 12 U.S.C. 5481 et seq. Source:77 FR 39108, June 29, 2012, unless otherwise noted.

12: 1080.1
   1080.1 Scope.
12: 1080.2
   1080.2 Definitions.
12: 1080.3
   1080.3 Policy as to private controversies.
12: 1080.4
   1080.4 Initiating and conducting investigations.
12: 1080.5
   1080.5 Notification of purpose.
12: 1080.6
   1080.6 Civil investigative demands.
12: 1080.7
   1080.7 Investigational hearings.
12: 1080.8
   1080.8 Withholding requested material.
12: 1080.9
   1080.9 Rights of witnesses in investigations.
12: 1080.10
   1080.10 Noncompliance with civil investigative demands.
12: 1080.11
   1080.11 Disposition.
12: 1080.12
   1080.12 Orders requiring witnesses to testify or provide other information and granting immunity.
12: 1080.13
   1080.13 Custodians.
12: 1080.14
   1080.14 Confidential treatment of demand material and non-public nature of investigations.