Title 12

PART 1041

Part 1041 - Payday, Vehicle Title, And Certain High-cost Installment Loans

PART 1041 - PAYDAY, VEHICLE TITLE, AND CERTAIN HIGH-COST INSTALLMENT LOANS Authority:12 U.S.C. 5511, 5512, 5514(b), 5531(b), (c), and (d), 5532. Source:82 FR 54871, Nov. 17, 2017, unless otherwise noted.

12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 1041.1
   1041.1 Authority and purpose.
12: 1041.2
   1041.2 Definitions.
12: 1041.3
   1041.3 Scope of coverage; exclusions; exemptions.
12: B
Subpart B [Reserved]
12: C
Subpart C - Payments
12: 1041.7
   1041.7 Identification of unfair and abusive practice.
12: 1041.8
   1041.8 Prohibited payment transfer attempts.
12: 1041.9
   1041.9 Disclosure of payment transfer attempts.
12: D
Subpart D - Recordkeeping, Anti-Evasion, Severability, and Dates
12: 1041.10-1041.11
   1041.10-1041.11 [Reserved]
12: 1041.12
   1041.12 Compliance program and record retention.
12: 1041.13
   1041.13 Prohibition against evasion.
12: 1041.14
   1041.14 Severability.
12: 1041.15
   1041.15 Effective and compliance dates.
12: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 1041 - Model Forms
   Supplement I to Part 1041 - Official Interpretations