Title 12

PART 1030

Part 1030 - Truth In Savings (regulation Dd)

PART 1030 - TRUTH IN SAVINGS (REGULATION DD) Authority:12 U.S.C. 4302-4304, 4308, 5512, 5581. Source:76 FR 79278, Dec. 21, 2011, unless otherwise noted.

12: 1030.1
   1030.1 Authority, purpose, coverage, and effect on state laws.
12: 1030.2
   1030.2 Definitions.
12: 1030.3
   1030.3 General disclosure requirements.
12: 1030.4
   1030.4 Account disclosures.
12: 1030.5
   1030.5 Subsequent disclosures.
12: 1030.6
   1030.6 Periodic statement disclosures.
12: 1030.7
   1030.7 Payment of interest.
12: 1030.8
   1030.8 Advertising.
12: 1030.9
   1030.9 Enforcement and record retention.
12: 1030.10
   1030.10 [Reserved]
12: 1030.11
   1030.11 Additional disclosure requirements for overdraft services.
12: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 1030 - Annual Percentage Yield Calculation
12: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 1030 - Model Clauses and Sample Forms
12: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 1030 - Effect on State Laws
12: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Part 1030 - Issuance of Official Interpretations
   Supplement I to Part 1030 - Official Interpretations