Title 12


Subchapter B - Farm Credit System

12: 609
12: A
Subpart A - General Rules
12: 609.905
     609.905 Background.
12: 609.910
     609.910 Compliance with the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (Public Law 106-229) (E-SIGN).
12: 609.915
     609.915 Compliance with Federal Reserve Board Regulations B, M, and Z.
12: B
Subpart B - Interpretations and Definitions
12: 609.920
     609.920 Interpretations.
12: 609.925
     609.925 Definitions.
12: C
Subpart C - Standards for Boards and Management
12: 609.930
     609.930 Policies and procedures.
12: 609.935
     609.935 Business planning.
12: 609.940
     609.940 Internal systems and controls.
12: 609.945
     609.945 Records retention.
12: D
Subpart D - General Requirements for Electronic Communications
12: 609.950
     609.950 Electronic communications.
12: 610
12: 610.101
     610.101 Cross reference.
12: 611
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 611.100
     611.100 Definitions.
12: 611.110
     611.110 Meetings of stockholders.
12: B
Subpart B - Bank and Association Board of Directors
12: 611.210
     611.210 Director qualifications and training.
12: 611.220
     611.220 Outside directors.
12: C
Subpart C - Election of Directors and Other Voting Procedures
12: 611.310
     611.310 Eligibility for membership on bank and association boards and subsequent employment.
12: 611.320
     611.320 Impartiality in the election of directors.
12: 611.325
     611.325 Bank and association nominating committees.
12: 611.326
     611.326 Floor nominations for open Farm Credit bank and association director positions.
12: 611.330
     611.330 Disclosures of Farm Credit bank and association director-nominees.
12: 611.340
     611.340 Confidentiality and security in voting.
12: 611.350
     611.350 Application of cooperative principles to the election of directors.
12: 611.360
     611.360 [Reserved]
12: D
Subpart D - Compensation Practices of Farm Credit Banks and Associations
12: 611.400
     611.400 Compensation of bank board members.
12: 611.410
     611.410 [Reserved]
12: E
Subpart E - Transfer of Authorities
12: 611.500
     611.500 General.
12: 611.501
     611.501 Procedures.
12: 611.505
     611.505 Farm Credit Administration review.
12: 611.510
     611.510 Approval procedures.
12: 611.515
     611.515 Information statement.
12: 611.520
     611.520 Plan of transfer.
12: 611.525
     611.525 Stockholder reconsideration.
12: F
Subpart F - Bank Mergers, Consolidations and Charter Amendments
12: 611.1000
     611.1000 General authority.
12: 611.1010
     611.1010 Farm Credit bank charter amendment procedures.
12: 611.1020
     611.1020 Requirements for mergers or consolidations of Farm Credit banks.
12: 611.1030
     611.1030 [Reserved]
12: 611.1040
     611.1040 Creation of new associations.
12: G
Subpart G - Mergers, Consolidations, and Charter Amendments of Associations
12: 611.1120
     611.1120 General authority.
12: 611.1121
     611.1121 Association charter amendment procedures.
12: 611.1122
     611.1122 Requirements for association mergers or consolidations.
12: 611.1123
     611.1123 Association merger or consolidation agreements.
12: 611.1124
     611.1124 Territorial adjustments.
12: 611.1125
     611.1125 Treatment of associations not approving districtwide mergers.
12: 611.1126
     611.1126 Reconsiderations of mergers and consolidations.
12: H
Subpart H - Rules for Inter-System Fund Transfers
12: 611.1130
     611.1130 Inter-System transfer of funds and equities.
12: I
Subpart I - Service Corporations
12: 611.1135
     611.1135 Incorporation of service corporations.
12: 611.1136
     611.1136 Regulation and examination of service corporations.
12: 611.1137
     611.1137 Title VIII service corporations.
12: J
Subpart J - Unincorporated Business Entities
12: 611.1150
     611.1150 Purpose and scope.
12: 611.1151
     611.1151 Definitions.
12: 611.1152
     611.1152 Authority over equity investments in UBEs for business activity.
12: 611.1153
     611.1153 General restrictions and prohibitions on the use of UBEs.
12: 611.1154
     611.1154 Notice of equity investments in UBEs.
12: 611.1155
     611.1155 Approval of equity investments in UBEs.
12: 611.1156
     611.1156 Ongoing requirements.
12: 611.1157
     611.1157 Disclosure and reporting requirements.
12: 611.1158
     611.1158 Grandfather provision.
12: K
Subparts K-O [Reserved]
12: P
Subpart P - Termination of System Institution Status
12: 611.1200
     611.1200 Applicability of this subpart.
12: 611.1205
     611.1205 Definitions that apply in this subpart.
12: 611.1210
     611.1210 Advance notices - commencement resolution and notice to equity holders.
12: 611.1211
     611.1211 Special requirements.
12: 611.1215
     611.1215 Communications with the public and equity holders.
12: 611.1216
     611.1216 Public availability of documents related to the termination.
12: 611.1217
     611.1217 Plain language requirements.
12: 611.1218
     611.1218 Role of directors.
12: 611.1219
     611.1219 Prohibited acts.
12: 611.1220
     611.1220 Termination resolution.
12: 611.1221
     611.1221 Submission to FCA of plan of termination and disclosure information; other required submissions.
12: 611.1223
     611.1223 Plan of termination - contents.
12: 611.1230
     611.1230 FCA review and approval - plan of termination.
12: 611.1235
     611.1235 Plan of termination - distribution.
12: 611.1240
     611.1240 Voting record date and stockholder approval.
12: 611.1245
     611.1245 Stockholder reconsideration.
12: 611.1246
     611.1246 Filing of termination application and its contents.
12: 611.1247
     611.1247 FCA review and approval - termination.
12: 611.1250
     611.1250 Preliminary exit fee estimate.
12: 611.1255
     611.1255 Exit fee calculation.
12: 611.1260
     611.1260 Payment of debts and assessments - terminating association.
12: 611.1265
     611.1265 Retirement of a terminating association's investment in its affiliated bank.
12: 611.1270
     611.1270 Repayment of obligations - terminating bank.
12: 611.1275
     611.1275 Retirement of equities held by other System institutions.
12: 611.1280
     611.1280 Dissenting stockholders' rights.
12: 611.1285
     611.1285 Loan refinancing by borrowers.
12: 611.1290
     611.1290 Continuation of borrower rights.
12: 612
12: A
Subpart A - Standards of Conduct
12: 612.2130
     612.2130 Definitions.
12: 612.2135
     612.2135 Director and employee responsibilities and conduct - generally.
12: 612.2140
     612.2140 Directors - prohibited conduct.
12: 612.2145
     612.2145 Director reporting.
12: 612.2150
     612.2150 Employees - prohibited conduct.
12: 612.2155
     612.2155 Employee reporting.
12: 612.2157
     612.2157 Joint employees.
12: 612.2160
     612.2160 Institution responsibilities.
12: 612.2165
     612.2165 Policies and procedures.
12: 612.2170
     612.2170 Standards of Conduct Official.
12: 612.2260
     612.2260 Standards of conduct for agents.
12: 612.2270
     612.2270 Purchase of System obligations.
12: B
Subpart B - Referral of Known or Suspected Criminal Violations
12: 612.2300
     612.2300 Purpose and scope.
12: 612.2301
     612.2301 Referrals.
12: 612.2302
     612.2302 Notification of board of directors and bonding company.
12: 612.2303
     612.2303 Institution responsibilities.
12: 613
12: A
Subpart A - Financing Under Titles I and II of the Farm Credit Act
12: 613.3000
     613.3000 Financing for farmers, ranchers, and aquatic producers or harvesters.
12: 613.3005
     613.3005 Lending objective.
12: 613.3010
     613.3010 Financing for processing or marketing operations.
12: 613.3020
     613.3020 Financing for farm-related service businesses.
12: 613.3030
     613.3030 Rural home financing.
12: B
Subpart B - Financing for Banks Operating Under Title III of the Farm Credit Act
12: 613.3100
     613.3100 Domestic lending.
12: 613.3200
     613.3200 International lending.
12: C
Subpart C - Similar Entity Authority Under Sections 3.1(11)(B) and 4.18A of the Act
12: 613.3300
     613.3300 Participations and other interests in loans to similar entities.
12: 614
12: A
Subpart A - Lending Authorities
12: 614.4000
     614.4000 Farm Credit Banks.
12: 614.4010
     614.4010 Agricultural credit banks.
12: 614.4020
     614.4020 Banks for cooperatives.
12: 614.4030
     614.4030 Federal land credit associations.
12: 614.4040
     614.4040 Production credit associations.
12: 614.4050
     614.4050 Agricultural credit associations.
12: 614.4055
     614.4055 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation loan participations.
12: 614.4060
     614.4060 Affiliates established pursuant to section 8.5(e)(1) of the Farm Credit Act of 1971.
12: B
Subpart B - Chartered Territories
12: 614.4070
     614.4070 Loans and chartered territory - Farm Credit Banks, agricultural credit banks, Federal land bank associations, Federal land credit associations, production credit associations, and agricultural credit associations.
12: 614.4080
     614.4080 Loans and chartered territory - banks for cooperatives.
12: C
Subpart C - Bank/Association Lending Relationship
12: 614.4100
     614.4100 Policies governing lending through Federal land bank associations.
12: 614.4110
     614.4110 Transfer of direct lending authority to Federal land bank associations and agricultural credit associations.
12: 614.4120
     614.4120 Policies governing extensions of credit to direct lender associations and OFIs.
12: 614.4125
     614.4125 Funding and discount relationships between Farm Credit Banks or agricultural credit banks and direct lender associations.
12: 614.4130
     614.4130 Funding and discount relationships between Farm Credit Banks or agricultural credit banks and OFIs.
12: D
Subpart D - General Loan Policies for Banks and Associations
12: 614.4150
     614.4150 Lending policies and loan underwriting standards.
12: 614.4155
     614.4155 Interest rates.
12: 614.4160
     614.4160 Differential interest rate programs.
12: 614.4165
     614.4165 Young, beginning, and small farmers and ranchers.
12: 614.4170
     614.4170 General.
12: 614.4175
     614.4175 Uninsured voluntary and involuntary accounts.
12: E
Subpart E - Loan Terms and Conditions
12: 614.4200
     614.4200 General requirements.
12: 614.4231
     614.4231 Certain seasonal commodity loans to cooperatives.
12: 614.4232
     614.4232 Loans to domestic lessors.
12: 614.4233
     614.4233 International loans.
12: F
Subpart F - Collateral Evaluation Requirements
12: 614.4240
     614.4240 Collateral definitions.
12: 614.4245
     614.4245 Collateral evaluation policies.
12: 614.4250
     614.4250 Collateral evaluation standards.
12: 614.4255
     614.4255 Independence requirements.
12: 614.4260
     614.4260 Evaluation requirements.
12: 614.4265
     614.4265 Real property evaluations.
12: 614.4266
     614.4266 Personal and intangible property evaluations.
12: 614.4267
     614.4267 Professional association membership; competency.
12: G
Subpart G [Reserved]
12: H
Subpart H - Loan Purchases and Sales
12: 614.4325
     614.4325 Purchase and sale of interests in loans.
12: 614.4330
     614.4330 Loan participations.
12: 614.4335
     614.4335 Borrower stock requirements.
12: 614.4337
     614.4337 Disclosure to borrowers.
12: I
Subpart I - Loss-Sharing Agreements
12: 614.4340
     614.4340 General.
12: 614.4345
     614.4345 Guaranty agreements.
12: J
Subpart J - Lending and Leasing Limits
12: 614.4350
     614.4350 Definitions.
12: 614.4351
     614.4351 Computation of lending and leasing limit base.
12: 614.4352
     614.4352 Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks.
12: 614.4353
     614.4353 Direct lender associations.
12: 614.4354
     614.4354 [Reserved]
12: 614.4355
     614.4355 Banks for cooperatives.
12: 614.4356
     614.4356 Farm Credit Leasing Services Corporation.
12: 614.4357
     614.4357 Banks for cooperatives look-through notes.
12: 614.4358
     614.4358 Computation of obligations.
12: 614.4359
     614.4359 Attribution rules.
12: 614.4360
     614.4360 Lending and leasing limit violations.
12: 614.4361
     614.4361 Transition.
12: 614.4362
     614.4362 Loan and lease concentration risk mitigation policy.
12: K
Subparts K-L [Reserved]
12: M
Subpart M - Loan Approval Requirements
12: 614.4450
     614.4450 General requirements.
12: 614.4460
     614.4460 Loan approval responsibility.
12: 614.4470
     614.4470 Loans subject to bank approval.
12: N
Subpart N [Reserved]
12: O
Subpart O - Special Lending Programs
12: 614.4525
     614.4525 General.
12: 614.4530
     614.4530 Special loans, production credit associations and agricultural credit associations.
12: P
Subpart P - Farm Credit Bank and Agricultural Credit Bank Financing of Other Financing Institutions
12: 614.4540
     614.4540 Other financing institution access to Farm Credit Banks and agricultural credit banks for funding, discount, and other similar financial assistance.
12: 614.4550
     614.4550 Place of discount.
12: 614.4560
     614.4560 Requirements for OFI funding relationships.
12: 614.4570
     614.4570 Recourse and security.
12: 614.4580
     614.4580 Limitation on the extension of funding, discount and other similar financial assistance to an OFI.
12: 614.4590
     614.4590 Equitable treatment of OFIs and Farm Credit System associations.
12: 614.4595
     614.4595 Public disclosure about OFIs.
12: 614.4600
     614.4600 Insolvency of an OFI.
12: Q
Subpart Q - Banks for Cooperatives and Agricultural Credit Banks Financing International Trade
12: 614.4700
     614.4700 Financing foreign trade receivables.
12: 614.4710
     614.4710 [Reserved]
12: 614.4720
     614.4720 Letters of credit.
12: 614.4800
     614.4800 Guarantees and contracts of suretyship.
12: 614.4810
     614.4810 Standby letters of credit.
12: 614.4900
     614.4900 Foreign exchange.
12: R
Subpart R - Secondary Market Authorities
12: 614.4910
     614.4910 Basic authorities.
12: S
Subpart S - Flood Insurance Requirements
12: 614.4920
     614.4920 Purpose and scope.
12: 614.4925
     614.4925 Definitions.
12: 614.4930
     614.4930 Requirement to purchase flood insurance where available.
12: 614.4932
     614.4932 Exemptions.
12: 614.4935
     614.4935 Escrow requirement.
12: 614.4940
     614.4940 Required use of standard flood hazard determination form.
12: 614.4945
     614.4945 Force placement of flood insurance.
12: 614.4950
     614.4950 Determination fees.
12: 614.4955
     614.4955 Notice of special flood hazards and availability of Federal disaster relief assistance.
12: 614.4960
     614.4960 Notice of servicer's identity.
12: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart S of Part 614 - Sample Form of Notice of Special Flood Hazards and Availability of Federal Disaster Relief Assistance
12: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Subpart S of Part 614 - Sample Clause for Option to Escrow for Outstanding Loans
12: 615
12: A
Subpart A - Funding
12: 615.5000
     615.5000 General responsibilities.
12: 615.5010
     615.5010 Funding Corporation.
12: 615.5030
     615.5030 Borrowings from commercial banks.
12: 615.5040
     615.5040 Borrowings from financial institutions other than commercial banks.
12: B
Subpart B - Collateral
12: 615.5045
     615.5045 Definitions.
12: 615.5050
     615.5050 Collateral requirements.
12: 615.5060
     615.5060 Special collateral requirement.
12: 615.5090
     615.5090 Reduction in carrying value of collateral.
12: C
Subpart C - Issuance of Bonds, Notes, Debentures and Similar Obligations
12: 615.5100
     615.5100 Authority to issue.
12: 615.5101
     615.5101 Requirements for issuance.
12: 615.5102
     615.5102 Issuance of debt obligations through the Funding Corporation.
12: 615.5103-615.5104
     615.5103-615.5104 [Reserved]
12: 615.5105
     615.5105 Consolidated Systemwide notes.
12: D
Subpart D - Other Funding
12: 615.5110
     615.5110 Authority to issue (other funding).
12: 615.5120
     615.5120 Purchase eligibility requirement.
12: 615.5130
     615.5130 Procedures.
12: E
Subpart E - Investment Management
12: 615.5131
     615.5131 Definitions.
12: 615.5132
     615.5132 Investment purposes.
12: 615.5133
     615.5133 Investment management.
12: 615.5134
     615.5134 Liquidity reserve.
12: 615.5136
     615.5136 Emergencies impeding normal access of Farm Credit banks to capital markets.
12: 615.5140
     615.5140 Eligible investments.
12: 615.5142
     615.5142 [Reserved]
12: 615.5143
     615.5143 Management of ineligible investments and reservation of authority to require divestiture.
12: 615.5144
     615.5144 Banks for cooperatives and agricultural credit banks.
12: F
Subpart F - Property, Transfers of Capital, and Other Investments
12: 615.5170
     615.5170 Real and personal property.
12: 615.5171
     615.5171 Transfer of capital from banks to associations.
12: 615.5172
     615.5172 Production credit association and agricultural credit association investment in farmers' notes given to cooperatives and dealers.
12: 615.5173
     615.5173 Stock of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation.
12: 615.5174
     615.5174 Farmer Mac securities.
12: 615.5175
     615.5175 Investments in Farm Credit System institution preferred stock.
12: G
Subpart G - Risk Assessment and Management
12: 615.5180
     615.5180 Bank interest rate risk management program.
12: 615.5182
     615.5182 Interest rate risk management by associations and other Farm Credit System institutions other than banks.
12: H
Subpart H - Capital Adequacy
12: 615.5200
     615.5200 Capital planning.
12: 615.5201
     615.5201 Definitions.
12: 615.5205
     615.5205 Minimum permanent capital standards.
12: 615.5206
     615.5206 Permanent capital ratio computation.
12: 615.5207
     615.5207 Capital adjustments and associated reductions to assets.
12: 615.5208
     615.5208 Allotment of allocated investments.
12: 615.5209-615.5212
     615.5209-615.5212 [Reserved]
12: 615.5215
     615.5215 Distribution of earnings.
12: 615.5216
     615.5216 [Reserved]
12: I
Subpart I - Issuance of Equities
12: 615.5220
     615.5220 Capitalization bylaws.
12: 615.5230
     615.5230 Implementation of cooperative principles.
12: 615.5240
     615.5240 Regulatory capital requirements.
12: 615.5245
     615.5245 Limitations on association preferred stock.
12: 615.5250
     615.5250 Disclosure requirements for sales of borrower stock.
12: 615.5255
     615.5255 Disclosure and review requirements for sales of other equities.
12: J
Subpart J - Retirement of Equities and Payment of Dividends
12: 615.5260
     615.5260 Retirement of eligible borrower stock.
12: 615.5270
     615.5270 Retirement of other equities.
12: 615.5280
     615.5280 Retirement in event of default.
12: 615.5290
     615.5290 Retirement of capital stock and participation certificates in event of restructuring.
12: 615.5295
     615.5295 Payment of dividends.
12: K
Subpart K [Reserved]
12: L
Subpart L - Establishment of Minimum Capital Ratios for an Individual Institution
12: 615.5350
     615.5350 General - Applicability.
12: 615.5351
     615.5351 Standards for determination of appropriate individual institution minimum capital ratios.
12: 615.5352
     615.5352 Procedures.
12: 615.5353
     615.5353 Relation to other actions.
12: 615.5354
     615.5354 Enforcement.
12: M
Subpart M - Issuance of a Capital Directive
12: 615.5355
     615.5355 Purpose and scope.
12: 615.5356
     615.5356 Notice of intent to issue a capital directive.
12: 615.5357
     615.5357 Response to notice.
12: 615.5358
     615.5358 Decision.
12: 615.5359
     615.5359 Issuance of a capital directive.
12: 615.5360
     615.5360 Reconsideration based on change in circumstances.
12: 615.5361
     615.5361 Relation to other administrative actions.
12: N
Subpart N [Reserved]
12: O
Subpart O - Book-Entry Procedures for Farm Credit Securities
12: 615.5450
     615.5450 Definitions.
12: 615.5451
     615.5451 Book-entry and definitive securities.
12: 615.5452
     615.5452 Law governing rights and obligations of Federal Reserve Banks, Farm Credit banks, and Funding Corporation; rights of any person against Federal Reserve Banks, Farm Credit banks, and Funding Corporation.
12: 615.5453
     615.5453 Law governing other interests.
12: 615.5454
     615.5454 Creation of participant's security entitlement; security interests.
12: 615.5455
     615.5455 Obligations of the Farm Credit banks and the Funding Corporation; no adverse claims.
12: 615.5456
     615.5456 Authority of Federal Reserve Banks.
12: 615.5457
     615.5457 Withdrawal of eligible book-entry securities for conversion to definitive form.
12: 615.5458
     615.5458 Waiver of regulations.
12: 615.5459
     615.5459 Liability of Farm Credit banks, Funding Corporation and Federal Reserve Banks.
12: 615.5460
     615.5460 Additional provisions.
12: 615.5461
     615.5461 Lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated or defaced Farm Credit securities, including coupons.
12: 615.5462
     615.5462 Restrictive endorsement of bearer securities.
12: P
Subpart P - Global Debt Securities
12: 615.5500
     615.5500 Definitions.
12: 615.5502
     615.5502 Issuance of global debt securities.
12: Q
Subpart Q - Bankers' Acceptances
12: 615.5550
     615.5550 Bankers' acceptances.
12: R
Subpart R [Reserved]
12: S
Subpart S - Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Securities
12: 615.5570
     615.5570 Book-entry procedures for Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Securities.
12: 616
12: 616.600
     616.600 Definitions.
12: 616.6100
     616.6100 Purchase and sale of interests in leases.
12: 616.6200
     616.6200 Out-of-territory leasing.
12: 616.6300
     616.6300 Leasing policies, procedures, and underwriting standards.
12: 616.6400
     616.6400 Documentation.
12: 616.6500
     616.6500 Investment in leased assets.
12: 616.6600
     616.6600 Leasing limit.
12: 616.6700
     616.6700 Stock purchase requirements.
12: 616.6800
     616.6800 Disclosure requirements.
12: 617
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 617.7000
     617.7000 Definitions.
12: 617.7005
     617.7005 When may electronic communications be used in the borrower rights process
12: 617.7010
     617.7010 May borrower rights be waived
12: 617.7015
     617.7015 What happens to borrower rights when a loan is sold
12: B
Subpart B - Disclosure of Effective Interest Rates
12: 617.7100
     617.7100 Who must make and who is entitled to receive an effective interest rate disclosure
12: 617.7105
     617.7105 When must a qualified lender disclose the effective interest rate to a borrower
12: 617.7110
     617.7110 How should a qualified lender disclose the cost of borrower stock or participation certificates
12: 617.7115
     617.7115 How should a qualified lender disclose loan origination charges
12: 617.7120
     617.7120 How should a qualified lender present the disclosures to a borrower
12: 617.7125
     617.7125 How should a qualified lender determine the effective interest rate
12: 617.7130
     617.7130 What initial disclosures must a qualified lender make to a borrower
12: 617.7135
     617.7135 What subsequent disclosures must a qualified lender make to a borrower
12: C
Subpart C - Disclosure of Differential Interest Rates
12: 617.7200
     617.7200 What disclosures must a qualified lender make to a borrower on loans offered with more than one rate of interest
12: D
Subpart D - Actions on Applications; Review of Credit Decisions
12: 617.7300
     617.7300 When acting on a loan application, what are the notice requirements and review rights
12: 617.7305
     617.7305 What is a CRC and who are the members
12: 617.7310
     617.7310 What is the review process of the CRC
12: 617.7315
     617.7315 What records must the qualified lender maintain on behalf of the CRC
12: E
Subpart E - Distressed Loan Restructuring; State Agricultural Loan Mediation Programs
12: 617.7400
     617.7400 What protections exist for borrowers who meet all loan obligations
12: 617.7405
     617.7405 On what policies are loan restructurings based
12: 617.7410
     617.7410 When and how does a qualified lender notify a borrower of the right to seek loan restructuring
12: 617.7415
     617.7415 How does a qualified lender decide to restructure a loan
12: 617.7420
     617.7420 How will a decision on an application for restructuring be issued
12: 617.7425
     617.7425 What type of notice should be given to a borrower before foreclosure
12: 617.7430
     617.7430 Are institutions required to participate in state agricultural loan mediation programs
12: F
Subpart F - Distressed Loan Restructuring Directive
12: 617.7500
     617.7500 What is a directive used for and what may it require
12: 617.7505
     617.7505 How will the qualified lender know when FCA is considering issuing a distressed loan restructuring directive
12: 617.7510
     617.7510 What should the qualified lender do when it receives notice of a distressed loan restructuring directive
12: 617.7515
     617.7515 How does the FCA decide whether to issue a directive
12: 617.7520
     617.7520 How does the FCA issue a directive and when will it be effective
12: 617.7525
     617.7525 May FCA use other enforcement actions
12: G
Subpart G - Right of First Refusal
12: 617.7600
     617.7600 What are the definitions used in this subpart
12: 617.7605
     617.7605 How should System institutions document whether the borrower had the financial resources to avoid foreclosure
12: 617.7610
     617.7610 What should the System institution do when it decides to sell acquired agricultural real estate
12: 617.7615
     617.7615 What should the System institution do when it decides to lease acquired agricultural real estate
12: 617.7620
     617.7620 What should the System institution do when it decides to sell acquired agricultural real estate at a public auction
12: 617.7625
     617.7625 Whom should the System institution notify
12: 617.7630
     617.7630 Does this Federal requirement affect any state property laws
12: 618
12: A
Subpart A - Related Services
12: 618.8000
     618.8000 Definitions.
12: 618.8005
     618.8005 Eligibility.
12: 618.8010
     618.8010 Related services authorization process.
12: 618.8015
     618.8015 Policy guidelines.
12: 618.8020
     618.8020 Feasibility requirements.
12: 618.8025
     618.8025 Feasibility reviews.
12: 618.8030
     618.8030 Out-of-territory related services.
12: B
Subpart B - Member Insurance
12: 618.8040
     618.8040 Authorized insurance services.
12: C
Subparts C-F [Reserved]
12: G
Subpart G - Releasing Information
12: 618.8300
     618.8300 General regulation.
12: 618.8310
     618.8310 Lists of borrowers and stockholders.
12: 618.8320
     618.8320 Data regarding borrowers and loan applicants.
12: 618.8325
     618.8325 Disclosure of loan documents.
12: 618.8330
     618.8330 Production of documents and testimony during litigation.
12: 618.8340
     618.8340 [Reserved]
12: H
Subpart H - Disposition of Obsolete Records
12: 618.8360
     618.8360 [Reserved]
12: 618.8370
     618.8370 [Reserved]
12: I
Subpart I [Reserved]
12: J
Subpart J - Internal Controls
12: 618.8430
     618.8430 Internal controls.
12: 618.8440
     618.8440 Planning.
12: 619
12: 619.9000
     619.9000 The Act.
12: 619.9010
     619.9010 Additional security.
12: 619.9015
     619.9015 Agricultural credit associations.
12: 619.9020
     619.9020 Agricultural credit banks.
12: 619.9025
     619.9025 Agricultural land.
12: 619.9050
     619.9050 Associations.
12: 619.9060
     619.9060 Bank for cooperatives.
12: 619.9110
     619.9110 Consolidation.
12: 619.9130
     619.9130 Differential interest rates.
12: 619.9135
     619.9135 Direct lender.
12: 619.9140
     619.9140 Farm Credit bank(s).
12: 619.9145
     619.9145 Farm Credit Bank.
12: 619.9146
     619.9146 Farm Credit institutions.
12: 619.9155
     619.9155 Federal land credit association.
12: 619.9170
     619.9170 Fixed interest rate.
12: 619.9180
     619.9180 Fixed interest spread.
12: 619.9185
     619.9185 Funding Corporation.
12: 619.9195
     619.9195 [Reserved]
12: 619.9200
     619.9200 Loss-sharing agreements.
12: 619.9210
     619.9210 Merger.
12: 619.9230
     619.9230 Open-end mortgage loan plans.
12: 619.9235
     619.9235 Outside director.
12: 619.9240
     619.9240 Participation agreement.
12: 619.9250
     619.9250 Participation certificates.
12: 619.9260
     619.9260 Primary security.
12: 619.9270
     619.9270 Qualified Public Accountant or External Auditor.
12: 619.9310
     619.9310 Senior officer.
12: 619.9320
     619.9320 Shareholder or stockholder.
12: 619.9330
     619.9330 Speculative purposes.
12: 619.9335
     619.9335 Supplemental retirement plan or supplemental executive retirement plan.
12: 619.9338
     619.9338 Unincorporated business entities.
12: 619.9340
     619.9340 Variable interest rate.
12: 620
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 620.1
     620.1 Definitions.
12: 620.2
     620.2 Preparing and filing reports.
12: 620.3
     620.3 Accuracy of reports and assessment of internal control over financial reporting.
12: B
Subpart B - Annual Report to Shareholders
12: 620.4
     620.4 Preparing and providing the annual report.
12: 620.5
     620.5 Contents of the annual report to shareholders.
12: 620.6
     620.6 Disclosures in the annual report to shareholders relating to directors and senior officers.
12: C
Subpart C - Quarterly Report
12: 620.10
     620.10 Preparing the quarterly report.
12: 620.11
     620.11 Content of quarterly report to shareholders.
12: D
Subpart D - Notice to Shareholders
12: 620.15
     620.15 Notice of significant or material events.
12: 620.17
     620.17 Special notice provisions for events related to noncompliance with minimum regulatory capital ratios.
12: E
Subpart E - Annual Meeting Information Statements and Other Information To Be Furnished in Connection with Annual Meetings and Director Elections
12: 620.20
     620.20 Preparing and distributing the information statement.
12: 620.21
     620.21 Contents of the information statement.
12: F
Subpart F - Bank and Association Audit and Compensation Committees
12: 620.30
     620.30 Audit committees.
12: 620.31
     620.31 Compensation committees.
12: 621
12: A
Subpart A - Purpose and Definitions
12: 621.1
     621.1 Purpose and applicability.
12: 621.2
     621.2 Definitions.
12: B
Subpart B - General Rules
12: 621.3
     621.3 Application of generally accepted accounting principles.
12: 621.4
     621.4 Audit by qualified public accountant.
12: 621.5
     621.5 Accounting for the allowance for loan losses and chargeoffs.
12: C
Subpart C - Loan Performance and Valuation Assessment
12: 621.6
     621.6 Categorizing high-risk loans and other property owned.
12: 621.7
     621.7 Rule of aggregation.
12: 621.8
     621.8 Application of payments and income recognition on nonaccrual loans.
12: 621.9
     621.9 Reinstatement to accrual status.
12: 621.10
     621.10 Monitoring of performance categories and other property owned.
12: D
Subpart D - -Reports of Condition and Performance and Accounts and Exposures
12: 621.12
     621.12 Reports of condition and performance.
12: 621.13
     621.13 Content and standards - general rules.
12: 621.14
     621.14 Certification of correctness.
12: 621.15
     621.15 Reports of accounts and exposures.
12: E
Subpart E - Auditor Independence
12: 621.30
     621.30 General.
12: 621.31
     621.31 Non-audit services.
12: 621.32
     621.32 Conflicts of interest and rotation.
12: 622
12: A
Subpart A - Rules Applicable to Formal Hearings
12: 622.1
     622.1 Scope of regulations.
12: 622.2
     622.2 Definitions.
12: 622.3
     622.3 Appearance and practice.
12: 622.4
     622.4 Commencement of proceedings.
12: 622.5
     622.5 Answer.
12: 622.6
     622.6 Opportunity for informal settlement.
12: 622.7
     622.7 Conduct of hearings.
12: 622.8
     622.8 Rules of evidence.
12: 622.9
     622.9 Subpoenas.
12: 622.10
     622.10 Depositions.
12: 622.11
     622.11 Motions.
12: 622.12
     622.12 Proposed findings and conclusions; recommended decision.
12: 622.13
     622.13 Exceptions.
12: 622.14
     622.14 Briefs.
12: 622.15
     622.15 Oral argument before the Board.
12: 622.16
     622.16 Notice of submission to the Board.
12: 622.17
     622.17 Decision of the Board.
12: 622.18
     622.18 Filing.
12: 622.19
     622.19 Service.
12: 622.20
     622.20 Documents in proceedings confidential.
12: 622.21
     622.21 Computing time.
12: 622.22
     622.22 Retained authority.
12: 622.23-622.50
     622.23-622.50 [Reserved]
12: B
Subpart B - Rules and Procedures for Assessment and Collection of Civil Money Penalties
12: 622.51
     622.51 Definitions.
12: 622.52
     622.52 Purpose and scope.
12: 622.53-622.54
     622.53-622.54 [Reserved]
12: 622.55
     622.55 Notice of assessment of civil money penalty.
12: 622.56
     622.56 Request for formal hearing on assessment.
12: 622.57
     622.57 Waiver of hearing; consent.
12: 622.58
     622.58 Hearing on assessment.
12: 622.59
     622.59 Assessment order.
12: 622.60
     622.60 Payment of civil money penalty.
12: 622.61
     622.61 Adjustment of civil money penalties by the rate of inflation under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended.
12: 622.62-622.75
     622.62-622.75 [Reserved]
12: C
Subpart C - Rules and Procedures Applicable to Suspension or Removal of an Individual Where Certain Crimes Are Charged or Proven
12: 622.76
     622.76 Definitions.
12: 622.77
     622.77 Purpose and scope.
12: 622.78
     622.78 Suspension, prohibition or removal.
12: 622.79
     622.79 Petition for informal hearing.
12: 622.80
     622.80 Informal hearing.
12: 622.81
     622.81 Default.
12: 622.82
     622.82 Decision of the Board.
12: 622.83-622.100
     622.83-622.100 [Reserved]
12: D
Subpart D - Rules and Procedures Applicable to Formal Investigations
12: 622.101
     622.101 Definitions.
12: 622.102
     622.102 Scope.
12: 622.103
     622.103 Formal investigations are confidential.
12: 622.104
     622.104 Order to conduct formal investigation.
12: 622.105
     622.105 Conduct of investigation.
12: 622.106
     622.106 Service of subpoena and payment of witness fees.
12: 622.107
     622.107 Transcripts.
12: 623
12: 623.1
     623.1 Scope of part.
12: 623.2
     623.2 Definitions.
12: 623.3
     623.3 Who may practice.
12: 623.4
     623.4 Suspension and debarment.
12: 623.5
     623.5 Reinstatement.
12: 623.6
     623.6 Duty to file information concerning adverse judicial or administrative action.
12: 623.7
     623.7 Proceeding under this part.
12: 624
12: 624.1
     624.1 Authority, purpose, scope, exemptions and compliance dates.
12: 624.2
     624.2 Definitions.
12: 624.3
     624.3 Initial margin.
12: 624.4
     624.4 Variation margin.
12: 624.5
     624.5 Netting arrangements, minimum transfer amount and satisfaction of collecting and posting requirements.
12: 624.6
     624.6 Eligible collateral.
12: 624.7
     624.7 Segregation of collateral.
12: 624.8
     624.8 Initial margin models and standardized amounts.
12: 624.9
     624.9 Cross-border application of margin requirements.
12: 624.10
     624.10 Documentation of margin matters.
12: 624.11
     624.11 Special rules for affiliates.
12: 624.12
     624.12 Capital.
12: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 624 - Standardized Minimum Initial Margin Requirements for Non-Cleared Swaps and Non - Cleared Security-Based Swaps
12: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 624 - Margin Values for Eligible Noncash Margin Collateral
12: 625
12: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
12: 625.1
     625.1 Purpose.
12: 625.2
     625.2 Proceedings covered.
12: 625.3
     625.3 Eligibility of applicants.
12: 625.4
     625.4 Standards for awards.
12: 625.5
     625.5 Allowable fees and expenses.
12: 625.6
     625.6 Rulemaking on maximum rates for attorney fees.
12: 625.7
     625.7 Awards against other agencies.
12: B
Subpart B - Applicant Information Required
12: 625.10
     625.10 Contents of application.
12: 625.11
     625.11 Net worth exhibit.
12: 625.12
     625.12 Documentation of fees and expenses.
12: 625.13
     625.13 When an application may be filed.
12: C
Subpart C - Procedures for Considering Applications
12: 625.20
     625.20 Settlement.
12: 625.21
     625.21 Filing and service of documents.
12: 625.22
     625.22 Answer to application.
12: 625.23
     625.23 Reply.
12: 625.24
     625.24 Comments by other parties.
12: 625.25
     625.25 Further proceedings.
12: 625.26
     625.26 Recommended decision.
12: 625.27
     625.27 Board decision.
12: 625.28
     625.28 Judicial review.
12: 625.29
     625.29 Payment of award.
12: 626
12: 626.6000
     626.6000 Definitions.
12: 626.6005
     626.6005 Nondiscrimination in lending and other services.
12: 626.6010
     626.6010 Nondiscrimination in applications.
12: 626.6015
     626.6015 Nondiscriminatory appraisal.
12: 626.6020
     626.6020 Nondiscriminatory advertising.
12: 626.6025
     626.6025 Equal housing lender poster.
12: 626.6030
     626.6030 Complaints.
12: 627
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 627.2700
     627.2700 General - applicability.
12: 627.2705
     627.2705 Definitions.
12: 627.2710
     627.2710 Grounds for appointment of conservators and receivers.
12: 627.2715
     627.2715 Action for removal of conservator or receiver.
12: B
Subpart B - Receivers and Receiverships
12: 627.2720
     627.2720 Appointment of receiver.
12: 627.2725
     627.2725 Powers and duties of the receiver.
12: 627.2726
     627.2726 Treatment by the conservator or receiver of financial assets transferred in connection with a securitization or participation.
12: 627.2730
     627.2730 Preservation of equity.
12: 627.2735
     627.2735 Notice to holders of uninsured accounts and stockholders.
12: 627.2740
     627.2740 Creditors' claims.
12: 627.2745
     627.2745 Priority of claims - associations.
12: 627.2750
     627.2750 Priority of claims - banks.
12: 627.2752
     627.2752 Priority of claims - other Farm Credit institutions.
12: 627.2755
     627.2755 Payment of claims.
12: 627.2760
     627.2760 Inventory, audit, and reports.
12: 627.2765
     627.2765 Final discharge and release of the receiver.
12: C
Subpart C - Conservators and Conservatorships
12: 627.2770
     627.2770 Conservators.
12: 627.2775
     627.2775 Appointment of a conservator.
12: 627.2780
     627.2780 Powers and duties of conservators.
12: 627.2785
     627.2785 Inventory, examination, audit, and reports to stockholders.
12: 627.2790
     627.2790 Final discharge and release of the conservator.
12: D
Subpart D - Voluntary Liquidation
12: 627.2795
     627.2795 Voluntary liquidation.
12: 627.2797
     627.2797 Preservation of equity.
12: 628
12: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
12: 628.1
     628.1 Purpose, applicability, and reservations of authority.
12: 628.2
     628.2 Definitions.
12: 628.3
     628.3 Operational requirements for certain exposures.
12: 628.4-628.9
     628.4-628.9 [Reserved]
12: B
Subpart B - Capital Ratio Requirements and Buffers
12: 628.10
     628.10 Minimum capital requirements.
12: 628.11
     628.11 Capital buffer amounts.
12: 628.12-628.19
     628.12-628.19 [Reserved]
12: C
Subpart C - Definition of Capital
12: 628.20
     628.20 Capital components and eligibility criteria for tier 1 and tier 2 capital instruments.
12: 628.21
     628.21 [Reserved]
12: 628.22
     628.22 Regulatory capital adjustments and deductions.
12: 628.23
     628.23 Limit on inclusion of third-party capital in total (tier 1 and tier 2) capital.
12: 628.24-628.29
     628.24-628.29 [Reserved]
12: D
Subpart D - Risk-Weighted Assets - Standardized Approach
12: 6
  Risk-Weighted Assets for General Credit Risk
12: 628.30
     628.30 Applicability.
12: 628.31
     628.31 Mechanics for calculating risk-weighted assets for general credit risk.
12: 628.32
     628.32 General risk weights.
12: 628.33
     628.33 Off-balance sheet exposures.
12: 628.34
     628.34 OTC derivative contracts.
12: 628.35
     628.35 Cleared transactions.
12: 628.36
     628.36 Guarantees and credit derivatives: Substitution treatment.
12: 628.37
     628.37 Collateralized transactions.
12: 7
  Risk-Weighted Assets for Unsettled Transactions
12: 628.38
     628.38 Unsettled transactions.
12: 628.39-628.40
     628.39-628.40 [Reserved]
12: 8
  Risk-Weighted Assets for Securitization Exposures
12: 628.41
     628.41 Operational requirements for securitization exposures.
12: 628.42
     628.42 Risk-weighted assets for securitization exposures.
12: 628.43
     628.43 Simplified supervisory formula approach (SSFA) and the gross-up approach.
12: 628.44
     628.44 Securitization exposures to which the SSFA and gross-up approach do not apply.
12: 628.45
     628.45 Recognition of credit risk mitigants for securitization exposures.
12: 628.46-628.50
     628.46-628.50 [Reserved]
12: 9
  Risk-Weighted Assets for Equity Exposures
12: 628.51
     628.51 Introduction and exposure measurement.
12: 628.52
     628.52 Simple risk-weight approach (SRWA).
12: 628.53
     628.53 Equity exposures to investment funds.
12: 628.54-628.60
     628.54-628.60 [Reserved]
12: 10
12: 628.61
     628.61 Purpose and scope.
12: 628.62
     628.62 Disclosure requirements.
12: 628.63
     628.63 Disclosures.
12: 628.64-628.99
     628.64-628.99 [Reserved]
12: E
Subparts E-F [Reserved]
12: G
Subpart G - Transition Provisions
12: 628.300
     628.300 Transitions.
12: 628.301
     628.301 Initial compliance and reporting requirements.
12: 630
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 630.1
     630.1 Purpose.
12: 630.2
     630.2 Definitions.
12: 630.3
     630.3 Publishing and filing the report to investors.
12: 630.4
     630.4 Responsibilities for preparing the report to investors.
12: 630.5
     630.5 Accuracy of reports and assessment of internal control over financial reporting.
12: 630.6
     630.6 Funding Corporation committees.
12: B
Subpart B - Annual Report to Investors
12: 630.20
     630.20 Contents of the annual report to investors.
12: C
Subpart C - Quarterly Reports to Investors
12: 630.40
     630.40 Contents of the quarterly report to investors.
12: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 630 - Supplemental Information Disclosure Guidelines
12: 650
12: A
Subpart A - Regulation, Examination and Enforcement
12: 650.1
     650.1 Definitions.
12: 650.2
     650.2 Regulatory authority.
12: 650.3
     650.3 Supervision and enforcement.
12: 650.4
     650.4 Access to Corporation records and personnel.
12: 650.5
     650.5 Reports of examination.
12: 650.6
     650.6 Criminal referrals.
12: B
Subpart B - Conservators, Receivers, and Liquidations
12: 650.10
     650.10 Voluntary liquidation.
12: 650.13
     650.13 Grounds for appointment of a receiver or conservator.
12: 650.14
     650.14 Action for removal of receiver or conservator.
12: 650.15
     650.15 Appointment of a receiver.
12: 650.20
     650.20 Powers and duties of the receiver.
12: 650.25
     650.25 Report to Congress.
12: 650.30
     650.30 Preservation of equity.
12: 650.35
     650.35 Notice to stockholders.
12: 650.40
     650.40 Creditor claims.
12: 650.45
     650.45 Priority of claims.
12: 650.50
     650.50 Payment of claims.
12: 650.55
     650.55 Inventory, audit, and reports.
12: 650.60
     650.60 Final discharge and release of the receiver.
12: 650.65
     650.65 Appointment of a conservator.
12: 650.70
     650.70 Powers and duties of the conservator.
12: 650.75
     650.75 Inventory, examination, and reports to stockholders.
12: 650.80
     650.80 Final discharge and release of the conservator.
12: 651
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 651.1
     651.1 Definitions.
12: 651.2
     651.2 [Reserved]
12: B
Subpart B - Standards of Conduct
12: 651.21
     651.21 [Reserved]
12: 651.22
     651.22 Conflict-of-interest policy.
12: 651.23
     651.23 Implementation of policy.
12: 651.24
     651.24 Director, officer, employee, and agent responsibilities.
12: C
Subpart C - Board Governance
12: 651.30
     651.30 [Reserved]
12: 651.35
     651.35 [Reserved]
12: 651.40
     651.40 [Reserved]
12: 651.50
     651.50 Committees of the Corporation's board of directors.
12: 652
12: A
Subpart A - Investment Management
12: 652.1
     652.1 Purpose.
12: 652.5
     652.5 Definitions.
12: 652.10
     652.10 Investment management.
12: 652.15
     652.15 Non-program investment purposes and limitation.
12: 652.20
     652.20 Eligible non-program investments.
12: 652.23
     652.23 Other non-program investments.
12: 652.25
     652.25 Ineligible investments.
12: 652.27
     652.27 Reservation of authority for investment activities.
12: 652.30
     652.30 Interest rate risk management.
12: 652.35
     652.35 Liquidity management.
12: 652.40
     652.40 Liquidity reserve requirement and supplemental liquidity.
12: 652.45
     652.45 Temporary regulatory waivers or modifications for extraordinary situations.
12: B
Subpart B - Risk-Based Capital Requirements
12: 652.50
     652.50 Definitions.
12: 652.55
     652.55 General.
12: 652.60
     652.60 Corporate business planning.
12: 652.61
     652.61 Capital planning.
12: 652.62
     652.62 Notice to OSMO of capital distributions.
12: 652.65
     652.65 Risk-based capital stress test.
12: 652.70
     652.70 Risk-based capital level.
12: 652.75
     652.75 Your responsibility for determining the risk-based capital level.
12: 652.80
     652.80 When you must determine the risk-based capital level.
12: 652.85
     652.85 When to report the risk-based capital level.
12: 652.90
     652.90 How to report your risk-based capital determination.
12: 652.95
     652.95 Failure to meet capital requirements.
12: 652.100
     652.100 Audit of the risk-based capital stress test.
12: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 652 - Risk-Based Capital Stress Test
12: 653
12: 653.1
     653.1 Definitions.
12: 653.2
     653.2 General.
12: 653.3
     653.3 Risk management.
12: 653.4
     653.4 Internal controls.
12: 654
12: 655
12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 655.1
     655.1 Definitions.
12: B
Subpart B - Reports of Condition of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
12: 655.10
     655.10 Reports of condition.
12: 655.15
     655.15 Interim reports, notices, and proxy statements.
12: C
Subpart C - Reports Relating to Securities Activities of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation
12: 655.20
     655.20 Securities not registered under the Securities Act.
12: 655.21
     655.21 Filings and communications with the U.S. Treasury, the SEC, and NYSE.
12: 656-699