Title 11

PART 9407

Part 9407 - Implementation Of The Government In The Sunshine Act

PART 9407 - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE SUNSHINE ACT Authority:5 U.S.C. 552b. Source:73 FR 54257, Sept. 18, 2008, unless otherwise noted.

11: 9407.1
   9407.1 Purpose and scope.
11: 9407.2
   9407.2 Definitions.
11: 9407.3
   9407.3 Open meetings.
11: 9407.4
   9407.4 Notice of meetings.
11: 9407.5
   9407.5 Closed meetings.
11: 9407.6
   9407.6 Procedures for closing meetings.
11: 9407.7
   9407.7 Recordkeeping requirements.
11: 9407.8
   9407.8 Public availability of records.