Title 10
SECTION 1704.3
1704.3 Open meetings requirement.
§ 1704.3 Open meetings requirement.(a) Any meetings of the Board, as defined in § 1704.2, shall be conducted in accordance with this part. Except as provided in § 1704.4, the Board's meetings, or portions thereof, shall be open to public observation.
(b) The General Counsel or his designee will attend and monitor briefings described in § 1704.2(d) (3)-(4) and informal preliminary discussions described in § 1704.2(d)(5) to assure that those gatherings do not proceed to the point of becoming deliberations and “meetings” within the meaning of the Sunshine Act.
(c) The General Counsel or his designee will inform the Board Members if developing discussions at a briefing or gathering should be deferred until a notice of an open or closed meeting can be published in the Federal Register, and a meeting conducted pursuant to the Sunshine Act and these regulations.