Title 10
SECTION 1703.106
1703.106 Requests for waiver or reduction of fees.
§ 1703.106 Requests for waiver or reduction of fees.(a) The Board shall collect fees for record requests made under § 1703.105, as provided in § 1703.107(b), unless a requester submits a request in writing for a waiver or reduction of fees. The Designated FOIA Officer shall make a determination on a fee waiver or reduction request within five working days of the request coming into his possession. No determination shall be made that a fee waiver or reduction request should be denied, until the Designated FOIA Officer has consulted with the General Counsel's Office. If the determination is made that the written request for a waiver or reduction of fees does not meet the requirements of this section, the Designated FOIA Officer shall inform the requester that the request for waiver or reduction of fees is being denied and set forth his appeal rights under § 1703.109.
(b) A person requesting the board to waive or reduce search, review, or duplication fees shall:
(1) Describe the purpose for which the requester intends to use the requested information;
(2) Explain the extent to which the requester will extract and analyze the substantive content of the agency record;
(3) Describe the nature of the specific activity or research in which the agency records will be used and the specific qualifications the requester possesses to utilize information for the intended use in such a way that it will contribute to public understanding;
(4) Describe the likely impact of disclosure of the requested records on the public's understanding of the subject as compared to the level of understanding of the subject existing prior to disclosure;
(5) Describe the size and nature of the public to whose understanding a contribution will be made;
(6) Describe the intended means of dissemination to the general public;
(7) Indicate if public access to information will be provided free of charge or provided for an access or publication fee; and
(8) Describe any commercial or private interest the requester or any other party has in the agency records sought.
(c) The Board shall waive or reduce fees, without further specific information from the requester if, from information provided with the request for agency records made under § 1703.105, it can determine that disclosure of the information in the agency records is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the Government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.
(d) In making a determination regarding a request for a waiver or reduction of fees, the Board shall consider the following factors:
(1) Whether the subject of the requested agency records concerns the operations or activities of the Government;
(2) Whether disclosure of the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of Government operations or activities;
(3) Whether, and the extent to which, the requester has a commercial interest that would be furthered by the disclosure of the requested agency records; and
(4) Whether the magnitude of the identified commercial interest of the requester is sufficiently large, in comparison with the public interest in disclosure, that disclosure is primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.