Title 10
SECTION 1703.103
1703.103 Requests for agency records available through the electronic reading room.
§ 1703.103 Requests for agency records available through the electronic reading room.(a) The DNFSB will maintain an electronic reading room on its public Web site at https://www.dnfsb.gov/foia-reading-room. Records may be obtained by accessing and downloading them from the electronic reading room. The electronic reading room is intended to provide easy accessibility to a substantial collection of the agency's records. The agency considers the records available through its electronic reading room to have been placed in the public domain.
(b) The public records of the agency that are available in the electronic reading room or through links from the electronic reading room include:
(1) The Board's rules and regulations;
(2) Statements of policy adopted by the Board.
(3) Board recommendations; the Secretary of Energy's response, any final decision, and implementation plans regarding Board recommendations; and interested person's comments, data, views, or arguments to the Board concerning its recommendations and the Secretary of Energy's response and final decision;
(4) Transcripts of public hearings and any Board correspondence related thereto;
(5) Recordings or transcripts of Board meetings that were closed under 10 CFR part 1704, where the Board subsequently determines under 10 CFR 1704.9 that the recordings or transcripts may be made publicly available;
(6) Board orders, decisions, notices, and other actions in a public hearing;
(7) Board correspondence, except that which is exempt from mandatory public disclosure under § 1703.104;
(8) Copies of the filings, certifications, pleadings, records, briefs, orders, judgments, decrees, and mandates in court proceedings to which the Board is a party and the correspondence with the courts or clerks of court;
(9) Those of the Board's Administrative Directives that affect members of the public;
(10) Index of the documents identified in this section, but not including drafts thereof; and
(11) Annual reports to Congress in which the Board's operations during a past fiscal year are described.
(12) Copies of records released pursuant to FOIA requests, along with an index to these records. The format will generally be the same as the format of the released records.
[56 FR 21261, May 8, 1991, as amended at 62 FR 66815, Dec. 22, 1997; 82 FR 30723, July 3, 2017]