Title 10


Subpart E - Technical Criteria Source:48 FR 28222, June 21, 1983, unless otherwise noted.

10: 82
Performance Objectives
10: 60.101
   60.101 Purpose and nature of findings.
10: 60.102
   60.102 Concepts.
10: 60.111
   60.111 Performance of the geologic repository operations area through permanent closure.
10: 60.112
   60.112 Overall system performance objective for the geologic repository after permanent closure.
10: 60.113
   60.113 Performance of particular barriers after permanent closure.
10: 83
Land Ownership and Control
10: 60.121
   60.121 Requirements for ownership and control of interests in land.
10: 84
Siting Criteria
10: 60.122
   60.122 Siting criteria.
10: 85
Design Criteria for the Geologic Repository Operations Area
10: 60.130
   60.130 General considerations.
10: 60.131
   60.131 General design criteria for the geologic repository operations area.
10: 60.132
   60.132 Additional design criteria for surface facilities in the geologic repository operations area.
10: 60.133
   60.133 Additional design criteria for the underground facility.
10: 60.134
   60.134 Design of seals for shafts and boreholes.
10: 86
Design Criteria for the Waste Package
10: 60.135
   60.135 Criteria for the waste package and its components.
10: 87
Preclosure Controlled Area
10: 60.136
   60.136 Preclosure controlled area.
10: 88
Performance Confirmation Requirements
10: 60.137
   60.137 General requirements for performance confirmation.