Title 10

PART 470

Part 470 - Appropriate Technology Small Grants Program

PART 470 - APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM Authority:Energy Research and Development Administration Appropriation Authorization of 1977, Pub. L. 95-39; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-438; Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91. Source:45 FR 8928, Feb. 8, 1980, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:The recordkeeping requirements contained in this part have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1904-0036.

10: 470.1
   470.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 470.2
   470.2 Definitions.
10: 470.10
   470.10 Establishment of program.
10: 470.11
   470.11 Eligibility requirements.
10: 470.12
   470.12 Management.
10: 470.13
   470.13 Program solicitation.
10: 470.14
   470.14 Evaluation and selection.
10: 470.15
   470.15 Allocation of funds.
10: 470.16
   470.16 Cost sharing and funds from other sources.
10: 470.17
   470.17 General requirements.
10: 470.18
   470.18 Debriefing.
10: 470.20
   470.20 Dissemination of information.