Appendix B to Part 436 - Goal Setting Methodology
10: : Appendix B
Appendix B to Part 436 - Goal Setting Methodology
In establishing and updating agency goals for energy
conservation, the following methodology or an equivalent method
should be utilized:
(a) For overall energy consumption -
(1) An analysis shall be made to determine what factors have the
most significant impact upon the amount of each fuel type used by
the agency in performing functions in support of its overall
mission. Consideration is to be given, but not limited to, the
following factors: Number of people using energy; number of
vehicles using gasoline; amounts of other equipment using energy;
tempo of operations (one, two, or three shifts); the type of
operations (degree of equipment or labor intensity); equipment fuel
limitations; environmental conditions (tropical versus arctic,
etc.); budget levels for fuel, operations, maintenance, and
equipment acquisition; and phase-out schedule (of older equipment
or plants which may be inefficient). After identifying these
factors, a further analysis shall be made to identify any projected
workload changes in the quality or quantity of these factors on a
yearly basis up to 1990.
(2) Based upon the analysis in (a)(1) and an evaluation of
available information on past energy usage, a baseline of energy
use by fuel type by functional category shall be established
beginning with FY 1975. In addition to “General Transportation,”
other functional categories should be selected to enhance energy
management. Total fuel use for a particular activity may be
allocated to the functional category for which the preponderance of
fuel is used. Figure B-1 is an example of one such baseline.
This example shows an increase in energy use, for a specific
fuel type, during the period 1975-1981, with a further increase
from 1981 to 1984 and a leveling off and no growth from 1984-1990.
A justification, based on factors as discussed above, shall
accompany each baseline.
(3) Thereafter, analyses should be made of the measures
available for reducing the energy consumption profiles without
adverse impact on mission accomplishment. Finding viable
opportunities for reducing energy use, increasing energy efficiency
and switching energy sources, will require consultation with
specialists in the fields of operations, maintenance, engineering,
design, and economics, and consideration of the measures identified
in appendix C. The DOE Federal Energy Management Programs Office
can, upon request, provide information on where such resources can
be located. Once these measures are identified, they are to be
incorporated into a time-phased investment program, (using where
appropriate, the life cycle costing factors and methodology in
subpart A of this part). If investment and other costs for
implementing a measure are insignificant, a Federal agency may
presume that a measure is cost-effective without further analysis.
An estimate must then be made as to the lead time required to
implement the program and realize energy reductions.
Figure B-2 shows a summarized investment program, which should
be accompanied by a detailed description of the measures, projects,
and programs making up the total planned investments for each year.
This summary need not be by function or fuel type.
These analyses should enable the agency to project an energy
consumption goal, with the assumption that funds for executing the
planned projects will be approved. Figure B-3 shows a new energy
use profile, with planned initiatives and related investments taken
into consideration, and the resulting goal entitled “Energy Use
With A Plan” superimposed on Figure B-1. Included are the
anticipated effects on consumption cause by improvements in energy
efficiency and fuel switching.
A comparison of these projections will show the energy use
avoidance resulting from the investment program as depicted in
Figure B-2. Using the prices of fuel contained in appendix C to
subpart A, the dollars saved can be projected against the dollars
invested. Life cycle costing methodology pursuant to subpart A,
will be used to determine priorities for submitting individual
initiatives into the appropriate budget year.
(b) For energy efficiencies - Energy efficiency baselines and
goals for each fuel type shall be calculated using the same
consumption factors and similar methodology to that outlined in
paragraph (a). Energy consumption by fuel type shall be linked to
mission through the functional categories listed in §
436.106(a)(2). This will identify a rate which will indicate energy
efficiency trends. This linkage may be accomplished through the
following algorithm:
Step 1: Determine functional categories from section
436.106(a)(2) which best describe the Agency overall mission.
Step 2: Determine types of fuels used to support the
functions selected in Step 1.
Step 3: Determine quantities of fuel consumed or planned
for consumption over a specific period of time.
Step 4: Determine quantity of output of function for same
period of time used in Step 3. Quantify output in a standard
measure which best describes functional category.
Step 5: Determine the energy efficiency ratio by dividing
quantity from Step 4 by quantity from Step 3.
This ratio of fuel consumed to a unit measure of output will be
used to develop a projection of a baseline and goals through 1990,
and used in reporting variance. Examples of ratios that should be
considered are:
• Production or industrial process type operations Ton of product
Cu. ft. of natural gas • Services, such as postal delivery
Customers served or pounds delivered Gallons of automotive gasoline
• General transportation Passenger miles Gallons of automotive
gasoline • Training Persons trained or in training Gallons of navy
Agencies shall select one or more of these ratios, which shall
be used throughout the planning period, or use more appropriate
energy efficiency ratios, to describe their overall functions.
Figure B-4 illustrates the planning baseline and goal resulting
from this type of analysis.
(c) For fuel switching - Fuel switching goals for gasoline other
oil-based fuel and natural gas may be calculated as follows:
Step 1: For each fiscal year, identify investments, where
appropriate, in fuel switching from gasoline, other oil-based fuel
and natural gas to alternate renewable or nonrenewable fuel
Step 2: Project for each fiscal year, the avoidance in
the use of gasoline, other oil-based fuel and natural gas resulting
from previous fuel switching investments.
Completion of these steps will permit the formulation of charts
such as that shown in Figure B-5.