Appendix D to Subpart G of Part 431 - Uniform Test Method for the Measurement of Standby Loss of Electric Instantaneous Water Heaters (Other Than Storage-Type Instantaneous Water Heaters)
10: : Appendix D
Appendix D to Subpart G of Part 431 - Uniform Test Method for the
Measurement of Standby Loss of Electric Instantaneous Water Heaters
(Other Than Storage-Type Instantaneous Water Heaters)
Note: Prior to November 6, 2017, manufacturers must make
any representations with respect to the energy use or efficiency of
the subject commercial water heating equipment in accordance with
the results of testing pursuant to this appendix or the procedures
in 10 CFR 431.106 that were in place on January 1, 2016. On and
after November 6, 2017, manufacturers must make any representations
with respect to energy use or efficiency of electric instantaneous
water heaters (other than storage-type instantaneous water heaters)
in accordance with the results of testing pursuant to this appendix
to demonstrate compliance with the energy conservation standards at
10 CFR 431.110.
1. General
Determine the standby loss (as applicable) in accordance with
the following sections of this appendix.
2. Test Set-Up
2.1. Placement of Water Heater. A water heater for
installation on combustible floors must be placed on a 3/4-inch
plywood platform supported by three 2 × 4-inch runners. If the
water heater is for installation on noncombustible floors, suitable
noncombustible material must be placed on the platform. When the
use of the platform for a large water heater is not practical, the
water heater may be placed on any suitable flooring. A wall-mounted
water heater must be mounted on a simulated wall section.
2.2. Test Configuration. If the instantaneous
water heater is not required to be tested using a recirculating
loop, then set up the unit in accordance with Figure 2.1, 2.2, or
2.3 of this appendix (as applicable). If the unit is required to be
tested using a recirculating loop, then set up the unit as per
Figure 2.4 of this appendix.
2.2.1. If the instantaneous water heater does not have any
external piping, install an outlet water valve within 10 inches of
the piping length of the water heater jacket or enclosure. If the
instantaneous water heater includes external piping assembled at
the manufacturer's premises prior to shipment, install water valves
in the outlet piping within 5 inches of the end of the piping
supplied with the unit.
2.2.2. If the water heater is not able to achieve an outlet
water temperature of 70 °F ± 2 °F above the supply water
temperature at a constant maximum electricity input rate, a
recirculating loop with pump as shown in Figure 2.4 of this
appendix must be used. If a recirculating loop with a pump is used,
then ensure that the inlet water temperature (labeled as TIWT in
Figure 2.4 of this appendix) is greater than or equal to 70 °F and
less than or equal to 120 °F at all times during the steady-state
verification period.
2.3. Installation of Temperature Sensors 2.3.1. Without
Recirculating Loop Vertical Connections. Use Figure 2.1 (for top
connections) and 2.2 (for bottom connections) of this appendix. Horizontal Connections. Use Figure 2.3 of this
2.3.2. With Recirculating Loop. Set up the recirculating
loop as shown in Figure 2.4 of this appendix.
2.3.3. For water heaters with multiple outlet water connections
leaving the water heater jacket that are required to be operated to
achieve the rated input, temperature sensors must be installed for
each outlet water connection leaving the water heater jacket or
enclosure that is used during testing, in accordance with sections
2.3.1 and 2.3.2 of this appendix.
2.4. Piping Insulation. Insulate all the water piping
external to the water heater jacket or enclosure, including piping
that is installed by the manufacturer or shipped with the unit, for
at least 4 ft of piping length from the connection at the appliance
with material having an R-value not less than 4 °F·f t2·h/Btu.
Ensure that the insulation does not contact any appliance surface
except at the location where the pipe connections penetrate the
appliance jacket or enclosure.
2.5. Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve Insulation. If
the manufacturer has not provided a temperature and pressure relief
valve, one shall be installed and insulated as specified in section
2.4 of this appendix. The temperature and pressure relief valve
must be installed in the outlet water piping between the unit being
tested and the outlet water valve.
2.6. Energy Consumption. Install equipment that
determines, within ± 1 percent, the quantity of electricity
consumed by factory-supplied water heater components, and of the
test loop recirculating pump, if used.
3. Test Conditions 3.1. Water Supply
3.1.1. Water Supply Pressure. The pressure of the water
supply must be maintained between 40 psi and the maximum pressure
specified by the manufacturer of the unit being tested. The
accuracy of the pressure-measuring devices must be ± 1.0 psi.
3.1.2. Water Supply Temperature. During the steady-state
verification period, the temperature of the supply water (TSWT)
must be maintained at 70 °F ± 2 °F.
.2. Electrical Supply. Maintain the electrical supply
voltage to within ± 5 percent of the voltage specified on the water
heater nameplate. If a voltage range is specified on the nameplate,
maintain the voltage to within ± 5 percent of the center of the
voltage range specified on the nameplate.
3.3. Ambient Room Temperature. Maintain the
ambient room temperature at 75 °F ± 10 °F at all times during the
steady-state verification period and the standby loss test. Measure
the ambient room temperature at 1-minute intervals during these
periods. Measure the ambient room temperature at the vertical
mid-point of the water heater and approximately 2 feet from the
water heater jacket or enclosure. Shield the sensor against
radiation. Calculate the average ambient room temperature for the
standby loss test. During the standby loss test, the ambient room
temperature must not vary more than ± 5.0 °F at any reading from
the average ambient room temperature.
3.4. Maximum Air Draft. During the steady-state
verification period and the standby loss test, the water heater
must be located in an area protected from drafts of more than 50
ft/min. Prior to beginning steady-state verification before the
standby loss test, measure the air draft within three feet of the
jacket or enclosure of the water heater to ensure this condition is
met. Ensure that no other changes that would increase the air draft
are made to the test set-up or conditions during the conduct of the
3.5. Primary Control
3.5.1. Thermostatically-Activated Water Heaters with an
Internal Thermostat. Before starting the steady-state
verification prior to the standby loss test, the thermostat setting
must be obtained. Set the thermostat to ensure: With supply water temperature as per section 3.1.2 of
this appendix (i.e., 70 °F ± 2 °F) the water flow rate can
be varied so that the outlet water temperature is constant at 70 °F
± 2 °F above the supply water temperature, while the heating
element is operating at the rated input. After the water supply is turned off and the thermostat
reduces the electricity supply to the heating element to a minimum,
the maximum heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX) is 140
°F ± 5 °F. If the water heater includes a built-in safety
mechanism that prevents it from achieving a heat exchanger outlet
water temperature of 140 °F ± 5 °F, adjust the thermostat to its
maximum setting.
3.5.2. Flow-Activated Instantaneous Water Heaters and
Thermostatically-Activated Instantaneous Water Heaters with an
External Thermostat. Before starting the steady-state
verification prior to the standby loss test energize the primary
control such that it is always calling for heating and the heating
element is operating at the rated input. Maintain the supply water
temperature as per section 3.1.2 of this appendix (i.e., 70
°F ± 2 °F). Set the control so that the outlet water temperature
(TOWT) is 140 °F ± 5 °F. If the water heater includes a built-in
safety mechanism that prevents it from achieving a heat exchanger
outlet water temperature of 140 °F ± 5 °F, adjust the control to
its maximum setting.
3.6. For Units With Multiple Outlet Water Connections
3.6.1. For each connection leaving the water heater that is
required for the unit to achieve the rated input, the outlet water
temperature must not differ from that of any other outlet water
connection by more than 2 °F during the steady-state verification
period prior to the standby loss test.
3.6.2. Determine the outlet water temperature representative for
the entire unit at every required measurement interval by
calculating the average of the outlet water temperatures measured
at each connection leaving the water heater jacket or enclosure
that is used during testing. Use the outlet water temperature
representative for the entire unit in all calculations for the
standby loss test.
3.7. Data Collection Intervals. During the standby loss
test, follow the data recording intervals specified in Table 3.1 of
this appendix. Also, the electricity consumption over the course of
the entire test must be measured and used in calculation of standby
3.7.1. Steady-State Verification Period. Follow the data
recording intervals specified in Table 3.1 of this appendix.
Table 3.1 - Data to be Recorded Before and
During the Steady-State Verification Period
Item recorded |
period |
Every 1
minute a |
Every 10
minutes |
Air draft,
ft/min |
X |
minutes/seconds |
X |
Consumed, Btu |
X |
Supply water
temperature (TSWT), °F |
X |
Inlet water
temperature (TIWT), °F |
X b |
Outlet water
temperature (TOWT), °F |
X |
Ambient room
temperature, °F |
X |
Water flow rate,
(gpm) |
X |
3.7.2. Standby Loss Test. Follow the data recording
intervals specified in Table 3.2 of this appendix. Additionally,
the electricity consumption over the course of the entire test must
be measured and used in calculation of standby loss.
Table 3.2 - Data to be Recorded Before and
During the Standby Loss Test
Item recorded |
Before test |
Every 1
minute a |
Air draft,
ft/min |
X |
minutes/seconds |
X |
Heat exchanger
outlet water temperature, °F (TOHX) |
X |
Ambient room
temperature, °F |
X |
4. Determination of Storage Volume. Determine the storage
volume by subtracting the tare weight - measured while the system
is dry and empty - from the weight of the system when filled with
water and dividing the resulting net weight of water by the density
of water at the measured water temperature. The volume of water
contained in the water heater must be computed in gallons.
5. Standby Loss Test. Perform the steady-state
verification period in accordance with section 5.1 of this
appendix. For thermostatically-activated instantaneous water
heaters with an internal thermostat, use section 5.2 of this
appendix to conduct the standby loss test, and for flow-activated
and/or thermostatically-activated instantaneous water heaters with
an external thermostat (including remote thermostatically activated
and/or flow-activated instantaneous water heaters), use section 5.3
of this appendix to conduct the standby loss test.
Set the primary control in accordance with section 3.5 of this
appendix, such that the primary control is always calling for heat
and the water heater is operating at its full rated input. Begin
drawing water from the unit by opening the main supply and the
outlet water valve, and adjust the water flow rate to achieve an
outlet water temperature of 70 °F ± 2 °F above supply water
temperature. At this time, begin recording the parameters specified
in section 3.7.1 of this appendix. The steady-state verification
period is complete when there is a continuous 30-minute period
where the steady-state conditions specified in section 5.1 of this
appendix are met, as confirmed by consecutive readings of the
relevant parameters recorded at 1-minute intervals (except for
electric power input rate, which is determined at 10-minute
intervals, as specified in section 3.7.1 of this appendix).
5.1. Steady-State Conditions. The following conditions
must be met at consecutive readings taken at 1-minute intervals
(except for electricity input rate, for which measurements are
taken at 10-minute intervals) to verify the water heater has
achieved steady-state operation prior to conducting the standby
loss test.
5.1.1. The water flow rate must be maintained within ± 0.25
gallons per minute (gpm) of the initial reading at the start of the
steady-state verification period;
5.1.2. Electric power input rate must be maintained within 2
percent of the rated input certified by the manufacturer.
5.1.3. The supply water temperature (or inlet water temperature
if a recirculating loop is used) must be maintained within ± 0.50
°F of the initial reading at the start of the steady-state
verification period; and
5.1.4. The rise between the supply (or inlet if a recirculating
loop is used) and outlet water temperatures is maintained within ±
0.50 °F of its initial value taken at the start of the steady-state
verification period for units with rated input less than 500,000
Btu/h, and maintained within ± 1.00 °F of its initial value for
units with rated input greater than or equal to 500,000 Btu/h.
5.2. Thermostatically-Activated Instantaneous Water Heaters
with an Internal Thermostat. For water heaters that will
experience cut-in based on a temperature-activated control that is
internal to the water heater, use the following steps to conduct
the standby loss test.
5.2.1. Immediately after the steady-state verification period,
turn off the outlet water valve(s) (installed as per the provisions
in section 2.2 of this appendix), and the water pump (if
applicable) simultaneously and ensure that there is no flow of
water through the water heater.
5.2.2. After the first cut-out following the steady-state
verification period, allow the water heater to remain in standby
mode. Do not change any settings on the water heater at any point
until measurements for the standby loss test are finished. Begin
recording the applicable parameters specified in section 3.7.2 of
this appendix.
5.2.3. At the second cut-out, record the time and ambient
room temperature, and begin measuring the electricity consumption.
Record the initial heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX)
and initial ambient room temperature. For the remainder of the
test, continue recording the applicable parameters specified in
section 3.7.2 of this appendix.
5.2.4. Stop the test after the first cut-out that occurs
after 24 hours, or at 48 hours, whichever comes first.
5.2.5. Immediately after conclusion of the standby loss
test, record the total electrical energy consumption, the final
ambient room temperature, the duration of the standby loss test,
and if the test ends at 48 hours without a cut-out, the final heat
exchanger outlet temperature, or if the test ends after a cut-out,
the maximum heat exchanger outlet temperature that occurs after the
cut-out. Calculate the average of the recorded values of the heat
exchanger outlet water temperature and of the ambient air
temperatures taken at each measurement interval, including the
initial and final values.
5.2.6. Standby Loss Calculation. Calculate the
standby loss, expressed as a percentage (per hour) of the heat
content of the stored water above room temperature, using the
following equation:

ΔT3 = Average value of the heat exchanger outlet water temperature
(TOHX) minus the average value of the ambient room temperature,
expressed in °F ΔT4 = Final heat exchanger outlet water temperature
(TOHX) measured at the end of the test minus the initial heat
exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX) measured at the start of
the test, expressed in °F k = 8.25 Btu/gallon· °F, the nominal
specific heat of water Va = Volume of water contained in the water
heater in gallons measured in accordance with section 4 of this
appendix Et = Thermal efficiency = 98 percent for electric water
heaters with immersed heating elements Ec = Electrical energy
consumed by the water heater during the duration of the test in Btu
t = Total duration of the test in hours S = Standby loss, the
average hourly energy required to maintain the stored water
temperature expressed as a percentage of the initial heat content
of the stored water above room temperature
5.3. Flow-Activated and Thermostatically-Activated
Instantaneous Water Heaters with an External Thermostat. For
water heaters that are either flow-activated or
thermostatically-activated with an external thermostat, use the
following steps to conduct the standby loss test:
5.3.1. Immediately after the steady-state verification period,
de-energize the primary control to end the call for heating. If the
heating elements do not cut out, then turn off the electricity
supply to the heating elements. After the heating elements have
cut-out, or the electricity supply to the heating elements is
turned off, begin recording the measurements as per the
requirements in section 3.7.2 of this appendix. If the unit does not have an integral pump purge
functionality, then turn off the outlet water valve and water pump
immediately after the main burners cut-out. If the unit has an integral pump purge functionality,
allow the pump purge operation to continue. After the pump purge
operation is complete, immediately turn off the outlet water valve
and water pump and continue recording the required parameters for
the remainder of the test.
5.3.2. Recording Data For units with pump purge functionality, record the
initial heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX), and ambient
room temperature when the main heating element(s) cut-out or the
electricity supply to the heating element(s) is turned off. After
the pump purge operation is complete, record the time as t = 0 and
the initial electricity meter reading. Continue to monitor and
record the heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX) and time
elapsed from the start of the test as per the requirements in
section 3.7.2 of this appendix. For units not equipped with pump purge functionality,
begin recording the measurements as per the requirements of section
3.7.2 of this appendix when the main heating element(s) cut-out or
the electricity supply to the heating element(s) is turned off.
Specifically, record the time as t = 0, and record the initial heat
exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX), ambient room
temperature, and electricity meter readings. Continue to monitor
and record the heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX) and
the time elapsed from the start of the test as per the requirements
in section 3.7.2 of this appendix.
5.3.3. Stopping Criteria. Stop the test when one of the
following occurs: The heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX)
decreases by 35 °F from its value recorded after the main heating
element(s) have cut-out, and the pump purge operation (if
applicable) is complete; or 24 hours have elapsed from the start of the test.
5.3.4. At the end of the test, record the final heat
exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX), electricity consumed
from time t = 0, and the time elapsed from the start of the
5.3.5. Standby Loss Calculation. Calculate the standby
loss, expressed as a percentage (per hour) of the heat content of
the stored water above room temperature, using the following

ΔT1 = Heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX) measured after
the pump purge operation is complete (if the unit is integrated
with pump purge functionality); or after the main heating
element(s) cut-out (if the unit is not equipped with pump purge
functionality) minus heat exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX)
measured at the end of the test, expressed in °F ΔT2 = Heat
exchanger outlet water temperature (TOHX) minus the ambient room
temperature, both measured after the main heating element(s)
cut-out at the start of the test, expressed in °F k = 8.25
Btu/gallon· °F, the nominal specific heat of water Va = Volume of
water contained in the water heater in gallons measured in
accordance with section 4 of this appendix Et = Thermal efficiency
= 98 percent for electric water heaters with immersed heating
elements Ec = Electrical energy consumed by the water heater during
the duration of the test in Btu t = Total duration of the test in
hours S = Standby loss, the average hourly energy required to
maintain the stored water temperature expressed as a percentage of
the initial heat content of the stored water above room temperature
[81 FR 79340, Nov. 10, 2016]