Title 10
Appendix S to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Water Consumption of Faucets and Showerheads
10: : Appendix S
Appendix S to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Water Consumption of Faucets and Showerheads Note:After April 21, 2014, any representations made with respect to the water consumption of showerheads or faucets must be made in accordance with the results of testing pursuant to this appendix.
Manufacturers conducting tests of showerheads or faucets November 22, 2013 and prior to April 21, 2014, must conduct such test in accordance with either this appendix or appendix S as it appeared at 10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix S, in the 10 CFR parts 200 to 499 edition revised as of January 1, 2013. Any representations made with respect to the water consumption of such showerheads or faucets must be in accordance with whichever version is selected. Given that after April 21, 2014 representations with respect to the water consumption of showerheads and faucets must be made in accordance with tests conducted pursuant to this appendix, manufacturers may wish to begin using this test procedure as soon as possible.
1. Scope: This appendix covers the test requirements used to measure the hydraulic performance of faucets and showerheads.
2. Flow Capacity Requirementsa. Faucets - The test procedures to measure the water flow rate for faucets, expressed in gallons per minute (gpm) and liters per minute (L/min), or gallons per cycle (gal/cycle) and liters per cycle (L/cycle), shall be conducted in accordance with the test requirements specified in section 5.4, Flow Rate, of ASME A112.18.1-2012 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3). Measurements shall be recorded at the resolution of the test instrumentation. Calculations shall be rounded off to the same number of significant digits as the previous step. The final water consumption value shall be rounded to one decimal place for non-metered faucets, or two decimal places for metered faucets.
b. Showerheads - The test procedures to measure the water flow rate for showerheads, expressed in gallons per minute (gpm) and liters per minute (L/min), shall be conducted in accordance with the test requirements specified in section 5.4, Flow Rate, of the ASME A112.18.1-2012 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3). Measurements shall be recorded at the resolution of the test instrumentation. Calculations shall be rounded off to the same number of significant digits as the previous step. The final water consumption value shall be rounded to one decimal place. If the time/volume method of section is used, the container must be positioned as to collect all water flowing from the showerhead, including any leakage from the ball joint.
[63 FR 13316, Mar. 18, 1998, as amended at 78 FR 62986, Oct. 23, 2013]