Appendix N to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Furnaces and Boilers
10: : Appendix N
Appendix N to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for
Measuring the Energy Consumption of Furnaces and Boilers Note:
Prior to July 13, 2016, representations with respect to the
energy use or efficiency of residential furnaces and boilers,
including compliance certifications, must be based on testing
conducted in accordance with either this appendix as it now appears
or appendix N as it appeared at 10 CFR part 430, subpart B revised
as of January 1, 2016.
After July 13, 2016, representations with respect to energy use
or efficiency of residential furnaces and boilers, including
compliance certifications, must be based on testing conducted in
accordance with this appendix.
1.0 Scope. The scope of this appendix is as specified in
section 2 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
For purposes of this appendix, the Department of Energy
incorporates by reference several industry standards, either in
whole or in part, as listed in § 430.3. In cases where there is a
conflict, the language of the test procedure in this appendix takes
precedence over the incorporated standards.
2.0 Definitions. Definitions include those specified in
section 3 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3) and the following additional and modified definitions.
2.1 Active mode means the condition in which the furnace
or boiler is connected to the power source, and at least one of the
burner, electric resistance elements, or any electrical auxiliaries
such as blowers or pumps, are activated.
2.2 Boiler pump means a pump installed on a boiler and
that is separate from the circulating water pump.
2.3 Control means a device used to regulate the operation
of a piece of equipment and the supply of fuel, electricity, air,
or water.
2.4 Draft inducer means a fan incorporated in the furnace
or boiler that either draws or forces air into the combustion
2.5 Gas valve means an automatic or semi-automatic device
consisting essentially of a valve and operator that controls the
gas supply to the burner(s) during normal operation of an
appliance. The operator may be actuated by application of gas
pressure on a flexible diaphragm, by electrical means, by
mechanical means or by other means.
2.6 Installation and operation (I&O) manual means
instructions for installing, commissioning, and operating the
furnace or boiler, which are supplied with the product when shipped
by the manufacturer.
2.7 Isolated combustion system means a system where a
unit is installed within the structure, but isolated from the
heated space. A portion of the jacket heat from the unit is lost,
and air for ventilation, combustion and draft control comes from
outside the heated space.
2.8 Multi-position furnace means a furnace that can be
installed in more than one airflow configuration (i.e.,
upflow or horizontal; downflow or horizontal; upflow or downflow;
and upflow, or downflow, or horizontal).
2.9 Off mode means a mode in which the furnace or boiler
is connected to a mains power source and is not providing any
active mode or standby mode function, and where the mode may
persist for an indefinite time. The existence of an off switch in
off position (a disconnected circuit) is included within the
classification of off mode.
2.10 Off switch means the switch on the furnace or boiler
that, when activated, results in a measurable change in energy
consumption between the standby and off modes.
2.11 Oil control valve means an automatically or manually
operated device consisting of an oil valve for controlling the fuel
supply to a burner to regulate burner input.
2.12 Standby mode means any mode in which the furnace or
boiler is connected to a mains power source and offers one or more
of the following space heating functions that may persist:
a. To facilitate the activation of other modes (including
activation or deactivation of active mode) by remote switch
(including thermostat or remote control), internal or external
sensors, or timer;
b. Continuous functions, including information or status
displays or sensor based functions.
2.13 Thermal stack damper means a type of stack damper
that relies exclusively upon the changes in temperature in the
stack gases to open or close the damper.
3.0 Classifications. Classifications are as specified in
section 4 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
4.0 Requirements. Requirements are as specified in
section 5 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
5.0 Instruments. Instruments must be as specified in
section 6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
6.0 Apparatus. The apparatus used in conjunction with the
furnace or boiler during the testing must be as specified in
section 7 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3) except for sections 7.1,,,, and 7.8;
and as specified in sections 6.1 through 6.5 of this appendix.
6.1 General.
a. Install the furnace or boiler in the test room in accordance
with the I&O manual, as defined in section 2.6 of this
appendix, except that if provisions within this appendix are
specified, then the provisions herein drafted and prescribed by DOE
govern. If the I&O manual and any additional provisions of this
appendix are not sufficient for testing a furnace or boiler, the
manufacturer must request a waiver from the test procedure pursuant
to 10 CFR 430.27.
b. If the I&O manual indicates the unit should not be
installed with a return duct, then the return (inlet) duct
specified in section 7.2.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3) is not required.
c. Test multi-position furnaces in the least efficient
configuration. Testing of multi-position furnaces in other
configurations is permitted if energy use or efficiency is
represented pursuant to the requirements in 10 CFR part 429.
d. The apparatuses described in section 6 of this appendix are
used in conjunction with the furnace or boiler during testing. Each
piece of apparatus shall conform to material and construction
specifications listed in this appendix and in ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3), and the reference
standards cited in this appendix and in ASHRAE 103-1993.
e. Test rooms containing equipment must have suitable facilities
for providing the utilities (including but not limited to
environmental controls, sufficient fluid source(s), applicable
measurement equipment, and any other technology or tools) necessary
for performance of the test and must be able to maintain conditions
within the limits specified in section 6 of this appendix.
6.2 Forced-air central furnaces (direct vent and direct
a. Units not equipped with a draft hood or draft diverter must
be provided with the minimum-length vent configuration recommended
in the I&O manual or a 5-ft flue pipe if there is no
recommendation provided in the I&O manual (see Figure 4 of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3)). For a
direct exhaust system, insulate the minimum-length vent
configuration or the 5-ft flue pipe with insulation having an
R-value not less than 7 and an outer layer of aluminum foil. For a
direct vent system, see section 7.5 of ASHRAE 103-1993 for
insulation requirements.
b. For units with power burners, cover the flue collection box
with insulation having an R-value of not less than 7 and an outer
layer of aluminum foil before the cool-down and heat-up tests
described in sections 9.5 and 9.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated
by reference, see § 430.3), respectively. However, do not apply the
insulation for the jacket loss test (if conducted) described in
section 8.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 or the steady-state test described
in section 9.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993.
c. For power-vented units, insulate the shroud surrounding the
blower impeller with insulation having an R-value of not less than
7 and an outer layer of aluminum foil before the cool-down and
heat-up tests described in sections 9.5 and 9.6, respectively, of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3). Do not
apply the insulation for the jacket loss test (if conducted)
described in section 8.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 or the steady-state
test described in section 9.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993. Do not insulate
the blower motor or block the airflow openings that facilitate the
cooling of the combustion blower motor or bearings.
6.3 Downflow furnaces. Install an internal section of
vent pipe the same size as the flue collar for connecting the flue
collar to the top of the unit, if not supplied by the manufacturer.
Do not insulate the internal vent pipe during the jacket loss test
(if conducted) described in section 8.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) or the steady-state test
described in section 9.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993. Do not insulate the
internal vent pipe before the cool-down and heat-up tests described
in sections 9.5 and 9.6, respectively, of ASHRAE 103-1993. If the
vent pipe is surrounded by a metal jacket, do not insulate the
metal jacket. Install a 5-ft test stack of the same cross-sectional
area or perimeter as the vent pipe above the top of the furnace.
Tape or seal around the junction connecting the vent pipe and the
5-ft test stack. Insulate the 5-ft test stack with insulation
having an R-value not less than 7 and an outer layer of aluminum
foil. (See Figure 3-E of ASHRAE 103-1993.)
6.4 Units with draft hoods or draft diverters. Install
the stack damper in accordance with the I&O manual. Install 5
feet of stack above the damper.
a. For units with an integral draft diverter, cover the 5-ft
stack with insulation having an R-value of not less than 7 and an
outer layer of aluminum foil.
b. For units with draft hoods, insulate the flue pipe between
the outlet of the furnace and the draft hood with insulation having
an R-value of not less than 7 and an outer layer of aluminum
c. For units with integral draft diverters that are mounted in
an exposed position (not inside the overall unit cabinet), cover
the diverter boxes (excluding any openings through which draft
relief air flows) before the beginning of any test (including
jacket loss test) with insulation having an R-value of not less
than 7 and an outer layer of aluminum foil.
d. For units equipped with integral draft diverters that are
enclosed within the overall unit cabinet, insulate the draft
diverter box with insulation as described in section 6.4.c before
the cool-down and heat-up tests described in sections 9.5 and 9.6,
respectively, of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3). Do not apply the insulation for the jacket loss test (if
conducted) described in section 8.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 or the
steady-state test described in section 9.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993.
6.5 Condensate collection. Attach condensate drain lines
to the unit as specified in the I&O manual. Maintain a
continuous downward slope of drain lines from the unit. Additional
precautions (such as eliminating any line configuration or position
that would otherwise restrict or block the flow of condensate or
checking to ensure a proper connection with condensate drain spout
that allows for unobstructed flow) must be taken to facilitate
uninterrupted flow of condensate during the test. Collection
containers must be glass or polished stainless steel to facilitate
removal of interior deposits. The collection container must have a
vent opening to the atmosphere.
7.0 Testing conditions. The testing conditions must be as
specified in section 8 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3), except for section,,,,,,,, 8.7.2,
and 8.8.3; and as specified in sections 7.1 to 7.10 of this
appendix, respectively.
7.1 Fuel supply, gas. In conducting the tests specified
herein, gases with characteristics as shown in Table 1 of ASHRAE
103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) shall be used.
Maintain the gas supply, ahead of all controls for a furnace, at a
test pressure between the normal and increased values shown in
Table 1 of ASHRAE 103-1993. Maintain the regulator outlet pressure
at a level approximating that recommended in the I&O manual, as
defined in section 2.6 of this appendix, or, in the absence of such
recommendation, to the nominal regulator settings used when the
product is shipped by the manufacturer. Use a gas having a specific
gravity as shown in Table 1 of ASHRAE 103-1993 and with a higher
heating value within ±5% of the higher heating value shown in Table
1 of ASHRAE 103-1993. Determine the actual higher heating value in
Btu per standard cubic foot for the gas to be used in the test
within an error no greater than 1%.
7.2 Installation of piping. Install piping equipment in
accordance with the I&O manual. In the absence of such
specification, install piping in accordance with section of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3).
7.3 Gas burner. Adjust the burners of gas-fired furnaces
and boilers to their maximum Btu input ratings at the normal test
pressure specified by section 7.1 of this appendix. Correct the
burner input rate to reflect gas characteristics at a temperature
of 60 °F and atmospheric pressure of 30 in of Hg and adjust down to
within ±2 percent of the hourly Btu nameplate input rating
specified by the manufacturer as measured during the steady-state
performance test in section 8 of this appendix. Set the primary air
shutters in accordance with the I&O manual to give a good flame
at this condition. If, however, the setting results in the deposit
of carbon on the burners during any test specified herein, the
tester shall adjust the shutters and burners until no more carbon
is deposited and shall perform the tests again with the new
settings (see Figure 9 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3)). After the steady-state performance test
has been started, do not make additional adjustments to the burners
during the required series of performance tests specified in
section 9 of ASHRAE 103-1993. If a vent-limiting means is provided
on a gas pressure regulator, keep it in place during all tests.
7.4 Modulating gas burner adjustment at reduced input
rate. For gas-fired furnaces and boilers equipped with
modulating-type controls, adjust the controls to operate the unit
at the nameplate minimum input rate. If the modulating control is
of a non-automatic type, adjust the control to the setting
recommended in the I&O manual. In the absence of such
recommendation, the midpoint setting of the non-automatic control
shall be used as the setting for determining the reduced fuel input
rate. Start the furnace or boiler by turning the safety control
valve to the “ON” position. For boilers, use a supply water
temperature that will allow for continuous operation without
shutoff by the control. If necessary to achieve such continuous
operation, supply water may be increased above 120 °F; in such
cases, gradually increase the supply water temperature to determine
what minimum supply water temperature, with a 20 °F temperature
rise across the boiler, will be needed to adjust for the minimum
input rate at the reduced input rate control setting. Monitor
regulated gas pressure out of the modulating control valve (or
entering the burner) to determine when no further reduction of gas
pressure results. The flow rate of water through the boiler shall
be adjusted to achieve a 20 °F temperature rise.
7.5 Oil burner. Adjust the burners of oil-fired furnaces
or boilers to give a CO2 reading specified in the I&O manual
and an hourly Btu input during the steady-state performance test
described in section 8 of this appendix. Ensure the hourly BTU
input is within ±2% of the normal hourly Btu input rating as
specified in the I&O manual. Smoke in the flue may not exceed a
No. 1 smoke during the steady-state performance test as measured by
the procedure in ASTM D2156R13 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3). Maintain the average draft over the fire and in the flue
during the steady-state performance test at the value specified in
the I&O manual. Do not allow draft fluctuations exceeding 0.005
in. water. Do not make additional adjustments to the burner during
the required series of performance tests. The instruments and
measuring apparatus for this test are described in section 6 of
this appendix and shown in Figure 8 of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3).
7.6 Adjust air throughputs to achieve a temperature rise that is
the higher of a and b, below, unless c applies. A tolerance of ±2
°F is permitted.
a. 15 °F less than the nameplate maximum temperature rise or
b. 15 °F higher than the minimum temperature rise specified in
the I&O manual.
c. A furnace with a non-adjustable air temperature rise range
and an automatically controlled airflow that does not permit a
temperature rise range of 30 °F or more must be tested at the
midpoint of the rise range.
7.7 Establish the temperature rise specified in section 7.6 of
this appendix by adjusting the circulating airflow. This adjustment
must be accomplished by symmetrically restricting the outlet air
duct and varying blower speed selection to obtain the desired
temperature rise and minimum external static pressure, as specified
in Table 4 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3). If the required temperature rise cannot be obtained at the
minimum specified external static pressure by adjusting blower
speed selection and duct outlet restriction, then the following
a. If the resultant temperature rise is less than the required
temperature rise, vary the blower speed by gradually adjusting the
blower voltage so as to maintain the minimum external static
pressure listed in Table 4 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3). The airflow restrictions shall then remain
unchanged. If static pressure must be varied to prevent unstable
blower operation, then increase the static pressure until blower
operation is stabilized, except that the static pressure must not
exceed the maximum external static pressure as specified by the
manufacturer in the I&O manual.
b. If the resultant temperature rise is greater than the
required temperature rise, then the unit can be tested at a higher
temperature rise value, but one not greater than nameplate maximum
temperature rise. In order not to exceed the maximum temperature
rise, the speed of a direct-driven blower may be increased by
increasing the circulating air blower motor voltage.
7.8 Measurement of jacket surface temperature. Divide the
jacket of the furnace or boiler into 6-inch squares when practical,
and otherwise into 36-square-inch regions comprising 4 inch by 9
inch or 3 inch by 12 inch sections, and determine the surface
temperature at the center of each square or section with a surface
thermocouple. Record the surface temperature of the 36-square-inch
areas in groups where the temperature differential of the
36-square-inch areas is less than 10 °F for temperature up to 100
°F above room temperature, and less than 20 °F for temperatures
more than 100 °F above room temperature. For forced-air central
furnaces, the circulating air blower compartment is considered as
part of the duct system, and no surface temperature measurement of
the blower compartment needs to be recorded for the purpose of this
test. For downflow furnaces, measure all cabinet surface
temperatures of the heat exchanger and combustion section,
including the bottom around the outlet duct and the burner door,
using the 36-square-inch thermocouple grid. The cabinet surface
temperatures around the blower section do not need to be measured
(See Figure 3-E of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see
§ 430.3)).
7.9 Installation of vent system. Keep the vent or air
intake system supplied by the manufacturer in place during all
tests. Test units intended for installation with a variety of vent
pipe lengths with the minimum vent length as specified in the
I&O manual, or a 5-ft. flue pipe if there are no
recommendations in the I&O manual. Do not connect a furnace or
boiler employing a direct vent system to a chimney or induced-draft
source. Vent combustion products solely by using the venting
incorporated in the furnace or boiler and the vent or air intake
system supplied by the manufacturer. For units that are not
designed to significantly preheat the incoming air, see section 7.5
of this appendix and Figure 4a or 4b of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3). For units that do
significantly preheat the incoming air, see Figure 4c or 4d of
ASHRAE 103-1993.
7.10 Additional optional method of testing for determining
DP and DF for furnaces and boilers. On units
whose design is such that there is no measurable airflow through
the combustion chamber and heat exchanger when the burner(s) is
(are) off as determined by the optional test procedure in section
7.10.1 of this appendix, DF and DP may be set equal to 0.05.
7.10.1 Optional test method for indicating the absence of
flow through the heat exchanger. Manufacturers may use the
following test protocol to determine whether air flows through the
combustion chamber and heat exchanger when the burner(s) is (are)
off. The minimum default draft factor (as allowed per sections
8.8.3 and 9.10 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3)) may be used only for units determined pursuant to this
protocol to have no airflow through the combustion chamber and heat
exchanger. Test apparatus. Use a smoke stick that produces
smoke that is easily visible and has a density less than or
approximately equal to air. Use a smoke stick that produces smoke
that is non-toxic to the test personnel and produces gas that is
unreactive with the environment in the test chamber. Test conditions. Minimize all air currents and
drafts in the test chamber, including turning off ventilation if
the test chamber is mechanically ventilated. Wait at least two
minutes following the termination of the furnace or boiler on-cycle
before beginning the optional test method for indicating the
absence of flow through the heat exchanger. Location of the test apparatus. After all air
currents and drafts in the test chamber have been eliminated or
minimized, position the smoke stick based on the following
equipment configuration: (a) For horizontal combustion air intakes,
approximately 4 inches from the vertical plane at the termination
of the intake vent and 4 inches below the bottom edge of the
combustion air intake; or (b) for vertical combustion air intakes,
approximately 4 inches horizontal from vent perimeter at the
termination of the intake vent and 4 inches down (parallel to the
vertical axis of the vent). In the instance where the boiler
combustion air intake is closer than 4 inches to the floor, place
the smoke device directly on the floor without impeding the flow of
smoke. Duration of test. Establish the presence of
smoke from the smoke stick and then monitor the direction of the
smoke flow for no less than 30 seconds. Test results. During visual assessment,
determine whether there is any draw of smoke into the combustion
air intake vent.
If absolutely no smoke is drawn into the combustion air intake,
the furnace or boiler meets the requirements to allow use of the
minimum default draft factor pursuant to section 8.8.3 and/or
section 9.10 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
If there is any smoke drawn into the intake, proceed with the
methods of testing as prescribed in section 8.8 of ASHRAE
8.0 Test procedure. Conduct testing and measurements as
specified in section 9 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3) except for sections,,,,,, 9.7.4, and 9.10; and as
specified in sections 8.1 through 8.11 of this appendix. Section
8.4 of this appendix may be used in lieu of section 9.2 of ASHRAE
8.1 Fuel input. For gas units, measure and record the
steady-state gas input rate in Btu/hr, including pilot gas,
corrected to standard conditions of 60 °F and 30 in. Hg. Use
measured values of gas temperature and pressure at the meter and
barometric pressure to correct the metered gas flow rate to the
above standard conditions. For oil units, measure and record the
steady-state fuel input rate.
8.2 Electrical input. For furnaces and boilers, during
the steady-state test, perform a single measurement of all of the
electrical power involved in burner operation (PE), including
energizing the ignition system, controls, gas valve or oil control
valve, and draft inducer, if applicable. For boilers, the
measurement of PE must include the boiler pump if so equipped. If
the boiler pump does not operate during the measurement of PE, add
the boiler pump nameplate power to the measurement of PE. If the
boiler pump nameplate power is not available, use 0.13 kW.
For furnaces, during the steady-state test, perform a single
measurement of the electrical power to the circulating air blower
(BE). For hot water boilers, use the circulating water pump
nameplate power for BE, or if the pump nameplate power is not
available, use 0.13 kW.
8.3 Input to interrupted ignition device. For burners
equipped with an interrupted ignition device, record the nameplate
electric power used by the ignition device, PEIG, or record that
PEIG = 0.4 kW if no nameplate power input is provided. Record the
nameplate ignition device on-time interval, tIG, or, if the
nameplate does not provide the ignition device on-time interval,
measure the on-time interval with a stopwatch at the beginning of
the test, starting when the burner is turned on. Set tIG = 0 and
PEIG = 0 if the device on-time interval is less than or equal to 5
seconds after the burner is on.
8.4 Optional test procedures for condensing furnaces and
boilers, measurement of condensate during the establishment of
steady-state conditions. For units with step-modulating or
two-stage controls, conduct the test at both the maximum and
reduced inputs. In lieu of collecting the condensate immediately
after the steady state conditions have been reached as required by
section 9.2 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3), condensate may be collected during the establishment of
steady state conditions as defined by section of ASHRAE
103-1993. Perform condensate collection for at least 30 minutes.
Measure condensate mass immediately at the end of the collection
period to prevent evaporation loss from the sample. Record fuel
input for the 30-minute condensate collection test period. Observe
and record fuel higher heating value (HHV), temperature, and
pressures necessary for determining fuel energy input (Qc,ss).
Measure the fuel quantity and HHV with errors no greater than 1%.
The humidity for the room air shall at no time exceed 80%.
Determine the mass of condensate for the establishment of steady
state conditions (Mc,ss) in pounds by subtracting the tare
container weight from the total container and condensate weight
measured at the end of the 30-minute condensate collection test
8.5 Cool-down test for gas- and oil-fueled gravity and
forced-air central furnaces without stack dampers. Turn off the
main burner after completing steady-state testing, and measure the
flue gas temperature by means of the thermocouple grid described in
section 7.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3) at 1.5 minutes (TF,OFF(t3)) and 9 minutes (TF,OFF(t4)) after
shutting off the burner. When taking these temperature readings,
the integral draft diverter must remain blocked and insulated, and
the stack restriction must remain in place. On atmospheric systems
with an integral draft diverter or draft hood and equipped with
either an electromechanical inlet damper or an electromechanical
flue damper that closes within 10 seconds after the burner shuts
off to restrict the flow through the heat exchanger in the
off-cycle, bypass or adjust the control for the electromechanical
damper so that the damper remains open during the cool-down
For furnaces that employ post-purge, measure the length of the
post-purge period with a stopwatch. Record the time from burner
“OFF” to combustion blower “OFF” (electrically de-energized) as tP.
If the measured tP is less than or equal to 30 seconds, set tP at 0
and conduct the cool-down test as if there is no post-purge. If tP
is prescribed by the I&O manual or measured to be greater than
180 seconds, stop the combustion blower at 180 seconds and use that
value for tP. Measure the flue gas temperature by means of the
thermocouple grid described in section 7.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 at
the end of the post-purge period, tP(TF,OFF (tP)), and at the time
(1.5 + tP) minutes (TF,OFF(t3)) and (9.0 + tP) minutes (TF,OFF(t4))
after the main burner shuts off.
8.6 Cool-down test for gas- and oil-fueled gravity and
forced-air central furnaces without stack dampers and with
adjustable fan control. For a furnace with adjustable fan
control, measure the time delay between burner shutdown and blower
shutdown, t +. This time delay, t +, will be 3.0 minutes for
non-condensing furnaces or 1.5 minutes for condensing furnaces or
until the supply air temperature drops to a value of 40 °F above
the inlet air temperature, whichever results in the longest fan
on-time. For a furnace without adjustable fan control or with the
type of adjustable fan control whose range of adjustment does not
allow for the time delay, t +, specified above, bypass the fan
control and manually control the fan to allow for the appropriate
delay time as specified in section of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3). For a furnace that
employs a single motor to drive both the power burner and the
indoor air circulating blower, the power burner and indoor air
circulating blower must be stopped at the same time
8.7 Cool-down test for gas- and oil-fueled boilers without
stack dampers. After steady-state testing has been completed,
turn the main burner(s) “OFF” and measure the flue gas temperature
at 3.75 minutes (temperature designated as TF,OFF(t3)) and 22.5
minutes (temperature designated as TF,OFF(t4)) after the burner
shut-off using the thermocouple grid described in section 7.6 of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3).
a. During this off-period, for units that do not have pump delay
after shut-off, do not allow any water to circulate through the hot
water boilers.
b. For units that have pump delay on shut-off, except those
having pump controls sensing water temperature, the unit control
must stop the pump. Measure and record the time between burner
shut-off and pump shut-off (t +) to the nearest second.
c. For units having pump delay controls that sense water
temperature, operate the pump for 15 minutes and record t + as 15
minutes. While the pump is operating, maintain the inlet water
temperature and flow rate at the same values as used during the
steady-state test, as specified in sections 9.1 and of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3).
d. For boilers that employ post-purge, measure the length of the
post-purge period with a stopwatch. Record the time from burner
“OFF” to combustion blower “OFF” (electrically de-energized) as tP.
If tP is prescribed by the I&O manual or measured to be greater
than 180 seconds, stop the combustion blower at 180 seconds and use
that value for tP. Measure the flue gas temperature by means of the
thermocouple grid described in section 7.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 at
the end of the post-purge period tP (TF,OFF(tP)) and at (3.75 + tP)
minutes (TF,OFF(t3)) and (22.5 + tP) minutes (TF,OFF(t4)) after the
main burner shuts off. If the measured tP is less than or equal to
30 seconds, record tP as 0 and conduct the cool-down test as if
there is no post-purge.
8.8 Direct measurement of off-cycle losses testing
method. [Reserved]
8.9 Calculation options. The rate of the flue gas mass
flow through the furnace and the factors DP, DF, and DS are
calculated by the equations in sections 11.6.1, 11.6.2, 11.6.3,
11.6.4, 11.7.1, and 11.7.2 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3). On units whose design is such that there
is no measurable airflow through the combustion chamber and heat
exchanger when the burner(s) is (are) off (as determined by the
optional test procedure in section 7.10 of this appendix), DF and
DP may be set equal to 0.05.
8.10 Optional test procedures for condensing furnaces and
boilers that have no off-period flue losses. For units that
have applied the test method in section 7.10 of this appendix to
determine that no measurable airflow exists through the combustion
chamber and heat exchanger during the burner off-period and having
post-purge periods of less than 5 seconds, the cool-down and
heat-up tests specified in sections 9.5 and 9.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) may be omitted. In lieu of
conducting the cool-down and heat-up tests, the tester may use the
losses determined during the steady-state test described in section
9.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993 when calculating heating seasonal
efficiency, EffyHS.
8.11 Measurement of electrical standby and off mode
8.11.1 Standby power measurement. With all electrical
auxiliaries of the furnace or boiler not activated, measure the
standby power (PW,SB) in accordance with the procedures in IEC
62301 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3), except that section
8.5, Room Ambient Temperature, of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) and the voltage provision
of section, Electrical Supply, of ASHRAE 103-1993
shall apply in lieu of the corresponding provisions of IEC 62301 at
section 4.2, Test room, and the voltage specification of
section 4.3, Power supply. Frequency shall be 60Hz.
Clarifying further, IEC 62301 section 4.4, Power measurement
instruments, and section 5, Measurements, apply in lieu
of ASHRAE 103-1993 section 6.10, Energy Flow Rate. Measure
the wattage so that all possible standby mode wattage for the
entire appliance is recorded, not just the standby mode wattage of
a single auxiliary. Round the recorded standby power (PW,SB) to the
second decimal place, except for loads greater than or equal to
10W, which must be recorded to at least three significant
8.11.2 Off mode power measurement. If the unit is
equipped with an off switch or there is an expected difference
between off mode power and standby mode power, measure off mode
power (PW,OFF) in accordance with the standby power procedures in
IEC 62301 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3), except that
section 8.5, Room Ambient Temperature, of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) and the voltage provision
of section, Electrical Supply, of ASHRAE 103-1993
shall apply in lieu of the corresponding provisions of IEC 62301 at
section 4.2, Test room, and the voltage specification of
section 4.3, Power supply. Frequency shall be 60Hz.
Clarifying further, IEC 62301 section 4.4, Power measurement
instruments, and section 5, Measurements, apply for this
measurement in lieu of ASHRAE 103-1993 section 6.10, Energy Flow
Rate. Measure the wattage so that all possible off mode wattage
for the entire appliance is recorded, not just the off mode wattage
of a single auxiliary. If there is no expected difference in off
mode power and standby mode power, let PW,OFF = PW,SB, in which
case no separate measurement of off mode power is necessary. Round
the recorded off mode power (PW,OFF) to the second decimal place,
except for loads greater than or equal to 10W, in which case round
the recorded value to at least three significant figures.
9.0 Nomenclature. Nomenclature includes the nomenclature
specified in section 10 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by
reference, see § 430.3) and the following additional variables:
Effmotor = Efficiency of power burner motor PEIG = Electrical power
to the interrupted ignition device, kW RT,a = RT,F if flue gas is
measured = RT,S if stack gas is measured RT,F = Ratio of combustion
air mass flow rate to stoichiometric air mass flow rate RT,S =
Ratio of the sum of combustion air and relief air mass flow rate to
stoichiometric air mass flow rate tIG = Electrical interrupted
ignition device on-time, min. Ta,SS,X = TF,SS,X if flue gas
temperature is measured, °F = TS,SS,X if stack gas temperature is
measured, °F yIG = Ratio of electrical interrupted ignition device
on-time to average burner on-time yP = Ratio of power burner
combustion blower on-time to average burner on-time ESO = Average
annual electric standby mode and off mode energy consumption, in
kilowatt-hours PW,OFF = Furnace or boiler off mode power, in watts
PW,SB = Furnace or boiler standby mode power, in watts
10.0 Calculation of derived results from test
measurements. Perform calculations as specified in section 11
of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3), except
for sections,, and appendices B and C; and as
specified in sections 10.1 through 10.11 and Figure 1 of this
10.1 Annual fuel utilization efficiency. The annual fuel
utilization efficiency (AFUE) is as defined in sections 11.2.12
(non-condensing systems), 11.3.12 (condensing systems), 11.4.12
(non-condensing modulating systems) and 11.5.12 (condensing
modulating systems) of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference,
see § 430.3), except for the definition for the term EffyHS in the
defining equation for AFUE. EffyHS is defined as:
EffyHS = heating seasonal efficiency as defined in sections 11.2.11
(non-condensing systems), 11.3.11 (condensing systems), 11.4.11
(non-condensing modulating systems) and 11.5.11 (condensing
modulating systems) of ASHRAE 103-1993, except that for condensing
modulating systems sections and are replaced by
sections 10.2 and 10.3 of this appendix. EffyHS is based on the
assumptions that all weatherized warm air furnaces or boilers are
located outdoors, that non-weatherized warm air furnaces are
installed as isolated combustion systems, and that non-weatherized
boilers are installed indoors.
10.2 Part-load efficiency at reduced fuel input rate. If
the option in section 8.10 of this appendix is not employed,
calculate the part-load efficiency at the reduced fuel input rate,
EffyU,R, for condensing furnaces and boilers equipped with
either step-modulating or two-stage controls, expressed as a
percent and defined as:
If the option in section 8.10 of this appendix is employed,
calculate EffyU,R as follows:

LL,A = value as defined in section 11.2.7 of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) LG = value as defined in
section of ASHRAE 103-1993, at reduced input rate, LC =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced
input rate, LJ = value as defined in section of ASHRAE
103-1993 at maximum input rate, tON = value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993, QP = pilot fuel input rate determined
in accordance with section 9.2 of ASHRAE 103-1993 in Btu/h, QIN =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993, tOFF =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced
input rate, LS,ON = value as defined in section of ASHRAE
103-1993 at reduced input rate, LS,OFF = value as defined in
section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced input rate, LI,ON =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced
input rate, LI,OFF = value as defined in section of
ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced input rate, CJ = jacket loss factor and
equal to: = 0.0 for furnaces or boilers intended to be installed
indoors = 1.7 for furnaces intended to be installed as isolated
combustion systems = 2.4 for boilers (other than finned-tube
boilers) intended to be installed as isolated combustion systems =
3.3 for furnaces intended to be installed outdoors = 4.7 for
boilers (other than finned-tube boilers) intended to be installed
outdoors = 1.0 for finned-tube boilers intended to be installed
outdoors = 0.5 for finned-tube boilers intended to be installed in
isolated combustion system applications LS,SS = value as defined in
section 11.4.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced input rate, CS = value
as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at reduced input
10.3 Part-Load Efficiency at Maximum Fuel Input Rate. If
the option in section 8.10 of this appendix is not employed,
calculate the part-load efficiency at maximum fuel input rate,
EffyU,H, for condensing furnaces and boilers equipped with
two-stage controls, expressed as a percent and defined as:
If the option in section 8.10 of this appendix is employed,
calculate EffyU,H as follows:

LL,A = value as defined in section 11.2.7 of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3), LG = value as defined in
section of ASHRAE 103-1 at maximum input rate, LC = value
as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum input
rate, LJ = value as defined in section of ASHRAE
103-1993 at maximum input rate, tON = value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993, QP = pilot fuel input rate determined
in accordance with section 9.2 of ASHRAE 103-1993 in Btu/h, QIN =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993, tOFF =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum
input rate, LS,ON = value as defined in section of ASHRAE
103-1993 at maximum input rate, LS,OFF = value as defined in
section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum input rate, LI,ON =
value as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum
input rate, LI,OFF = value as defined in section of
ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum input rate, CJ = value as defined in
section 10.2 of this appendix, LS,SS = value as defined in section
11.4.6 of ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum input rate, CS = value as
defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 at maximum input
10.4 National average burner operating hours, average annual
fuel energy consumption, and average annual auxiliary electrical
energy consumption for gas or oil furnaces and boilers.
10.4.1 National average number of burner operating hours.
For furnaces and boilers equipped with single-stage controls, the
national average number of burner operating hours is defined
BOHSS = 2,080 (0.77) (A) DHR − 2,080 (B) Where: 2,080 = national
average heating load hours 0.77 = adjustment factor to adjust the
calculated design heating requirement and heating load hours to the
actual heating load experienced by the heating system A =
100,000/[341,300 (yP PE + yIG PEIG + y BE) + (QIN − QP) EffyHS],
for forced draft unit, indoors = 100,000/[341,300 (yP PE Effmotor +
yIG PEIG + y BE) + (QIN − QP) EffyHS], for forced draft unit,
isolated combustion system, = 100,000/[341,300 (yP PE (1 −
Effmotor) + yIG PEIG + y BE) + (QIN − QP) EffyHS], for induced
draft unit, indoors, and = 100,000/[341,300 (yIG PEIG + y BE) +
(QIN − QP) EffyHS], for induced draft unit, isolated combustion
system. DHR = typical design heating requirements as listed in
Table 8 (in kBtu/h) of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference,
see § 430.3), using the proper value of QOUT defined in of
ASHRAE 103-1993. B = 2 QP (EffyHS) (A)/100,000 Where: Effmotor =
nameplate power burner motor efficiency provided by the
manufacturer, = 0.50, an assumed default power burner efficiency if
not provided by the manufacturer. 100,000 = factor that accounts
for percent and kBtu yP = ratio of induced or forced draft blower
on-time to average burner on-time, as follows: 1 for units without
post-purge; 1 + (tP/3.87) for single stage furnaces with post
purge; 1 + (tP/10) for two-stage and step modulating furnaces with
post purge; 1 + (tP/9.68) for single stage boilers with post purge;
or 1 + (tP/15) for two stage and step modulating boilers with post
purge. PE = all electrical power related to burner operation at
full load steady-state operation, including electrical ignition
device if energized, controls, gas valve or oil control valve,
draft inducer, and boiler pump, as determined in section 8.2 of
this appendix. yIG = ratio of burner interrupted ignition device
on-time to average burner on-time, as follows: 0 for burners not
equipped with interrupted ignition device; (tIG/3.87) for
single-stage furnaces or boilers; (tIG/10) for two-stage and step
modulating furnaces; (tIG/9.68) for single stage boilers; or
(tIG/15) for two stage and step modulating boilers. PEIG =
electrical input rate to the interrupted ignition device on burner
(if employed), as defined in section 8.3 of this appendix y = ratio
of blower or pump on-time to average burner on-time, as follows: 1
for furnaces without fan delay or boilers without a pump delay; 1 +
(t + − t−)/3.87 for single-stage furnaces with fan delay; 1 + (t +
− t−)/10 for two-stage and step modulating furnaces with fan delay;
1 + (t +/9.68) for single-stage boilers with pump delay; 1 + (t
+/1.5) for two-stage and step modulating boilers with pump delay.
BE = circulating air fan or water pump electrical energy input rate
at full-load steady-state operation as defined in section 8.2 of
this appendix. tP = post-purge time as defined in section 8.5
(furnace) or section 8.7 (boiler) of this appendix = 0 if tP is
equal to or less than 30 second tIG = on-time of the burner
interrupted ignition device, as defined in section 8.3 of this
appendix QIN = as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 QP
= as defined in section 11.2.11 of ASHRAE 103-1993 EffyHS = as
defined in section 11.2.11 (non-condensing systems) or section (condensing systems) of ASHRAE 103-1993, percent, and
calculated on the basis of: isolated combustion system
installation, for non-weatherized warm air furnaces; indoor
installation, for non-weatherized boilers; or outdoor installation,
for furnaces and boilers that are weatherized. 2 = ratio of the
average length of the heating season in hours to the average
heating load hours t + = delay time between burner shutoff and the
blower or pump shutoff measured as defined in section of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (furnace) or section 8.7 of this appendix (boiler).
t− = as defined in section 9.6.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993 For furnaces and boilers equipped with two stage or
step modulating controls the average annual energy used during the
heating season, EM, is defined as:
EM = (QIN − QP) BOHSS + (8,760 − 4,600) QP Where: QIN = as defined
in of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3) QP = as defined in 11.4.12 of ASHRAE 103-1993 BOHSS = as
defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix, in which the weighted
EffyHS as defined in or of ASHRAE 103-1993 is
used for calculating the values of A and B, the term DHR is based
on the value of QOUT defined in or of ASHRAE
103-1993, and the term (yPPE + yIGPEIG + yBE) in the factor A is
increased by the factor R, which is defined as: R = 2.3 for two
stage controls = 2.3 for step modulating controls when the ratio of
minimum-to-maximum output is greater than or equal to 0.5 = 3.0 for
step modulating controls when the ratio of minimum-to-maximum
output is less than 0.5 A = 100,000/[341,300 (yP PE + yIG PEIG + y
BE) R + (QIN − QP) EffyHS], for forced draft unit, indoors =
100,000/[341,300 (yP PE Effmotor + yIG PEIG + y BE) R + (QIN − QP)
EffyHS], for forced draft unit, isolated combustion system, =
100,000/[341,300 (yP PE (1 − Effmotor) + yIG PEIG + y BE) R + (QIN
− QP) EffyHS], for induced draft unit, indoors, and =
100,000/[341,300 (yIG PEIG + y BE) R + (QIN − QP) EffyHS], for
induced draft unit, isolated combustion system. Where: Effmotor =
nameplate power burner motor efficiency provided by the
manufacturer, = 0.50, an assumed default power burner efficiency if
not provided by the manufacturer. EffyHS = as defined in
or of ASHRAE 103-1993, and calculated on the basis of:
isolated combustion system installation, for non-weatherized warm
air furnaces; indoor installation, for non-weatherized boilers; or
outdoor installation, for furnaces and boilers that are
weatherized. 8,760 = total number of hours per year 4,600 = as
defined in 11.4.12 of ASHRAE 103-1993 For furnaces and boilers equipped with two-stage or
step-modulating controls, the national average number of burner
operating hours at the reduced operating mode (BOHR) is defined
BOHR = XR EM/QIN,R Where: XR = as defined in of ASHRAE
103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) EM = as defined
in section of this appendix QIN,R = as defined in of ASHRAE 103-1993 For furnaces and boilers equipped with two-stage
controls, the national average number of burner operating hours at
the maximum operating mode (BOHH) is defined as:
BOHH = XH EM/QIN Where: XH = as defined in of ASHRAE
103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) EM = as defined
in section of this appendix QIN = as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 For furnaces and boilers equipped with step-modulating
controls, the national average number of burner operating hours at
the modulating operating mode (BOHM) is defined as:
BOHM = XH EM/QIN,M Where: XH = as defined in of ASHRAE
103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) EM = as defined
in section of this appendix QIN,M = QOUT,M/(EffySS,M/100)
QOUT,M = as defined in or of ASHRAE 103-1993,
as appropriate EffySS,M = as defined in or of
ASHRAE 103-1993, as appropriate, in percent 100 = factor that
accounts for percent
10.4.2 Average annual fuel energy consumption for gas or oil
fueled furnaces or boilers. For furnaces or boilers equipped
with single-stage controls, the average annual fuel energy
consumption (EF) is expressed in Btu per year and defined as:
EF = BOHSS (QIN − QP) + 8,760 QP Where: BOHSS = as defined in
section 10.4.1 of this appendix QIN = as defined in section of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3) QP = as defined in section 11.2.11 of ASHRAE 103-1993 8,760
= as defined in section of this appendix For furnaces or boilers equipped with either two-stage
or step modulating controls, EF is defined as:
EF = EM + 4,600 QP Where: EM = as defined in section of
this appendix 4,600 = as defined in section 11.4.12 of ASHRAE
103-1993 QP = as defined in section 11.2.11 of ASHRAE 103-1993
10.4.3 Average annual auxiliary electrical energy consumption
for gas or oil-fueled furnaces or boilers. For furnaces and
boilers equipped with single-stage controls, the average annual
auxiliary electrical consumption (EAE) is expressed in
kilowatt-hours and defined as:
EAE = BOHSS (yP PE + yIG PEIG + yBE) + ESO Where: BOHSS = as
defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix yP = as defined in
section 10.4.1 of this appendix PE = as defined in section 10.4.1
of this appendix yIG = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this
appendix PEIG = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix y =
as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix BE = as defined in
section 10.4.1 of this appendix ESO = as defined in section 10.11
of this appendix For furnaces or boilers equipped with two-stage
controls, EAE is defined as:
BEH) + ESO Where: BOHR = as defined in section of this
appendix yP = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix PER =
as defined in section 8.2 of this appendix and measured at the
reduced fuel input rate yIG = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this
appendix PEIG = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix y =
as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix BER = as defined in
section 8.2 of this appendix and measured at the reduced fuel input
rate BOHH = as defined in section of this appendix PEH =
as defined in section 8.2 of this appendix and measured at the
maximum fuel input rate BEH = as defined in section 8.2 of this
appendix and measured at the maximum fuel input rate ESO = as
defined in section 10.11 of this appendix For furnaces or boilers equipped with step-modulating
controls, EAE is defined as:
y BEH) + ESO Where: BOHR = as defined in section of this
appendix yP = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix PER =
as defined in section 8.2 of this appendix and measured at the
reduced fuel input rate yIG = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this
appendix PEIG = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix y =
as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix BER = as defined in
section 8.2 of this appendix and measured at the reduced fuel input
rate BOHM = as defined in of this appendix PEH = as
defined in section 8.2 of this appendix and measured at the maximum
fuel input rate BEH = as defined in section 8.2 of this appendix
and measured at the maximum fuel input rate ESO = as defined in
section 10.11 of this appendix
10.5 Average annual electric energy consumption for electric
furnaces or boilers. For electric furnaces and boilers, the
average annual electrical energy consumption (EE) is expressed in
kilowatt-hours and defined as:
EE = 100 (2,080) (0.77) DHR/(3.412 AFUE) + ESO Where: 100 = to
express a percent as a decimal 2,080 = as defined in section 10.4.1
of this appendix 0.77 = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this
appendix DHR = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix 3.412
= conversion factor from watt-hours to Btu AFUE = as defined in
section 11.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see §
430.3), in percent, and calculated on the basis of: isolated
combustion system installation, for non-weatherized warm air
furnaces; indoor installation, for non-weatherized boilers; or
outdoor installation, for furnaces and boilers that are
weatherized. ESO = as defined in section 10.11 of this appendix.
10.6 Energy factor.
10.6.1 Energy factor for gas or oil furnaces and boilers.
Calculate the energy factor, EF, for gas or oil furnaces and
boilers defined as, in percent:
EF = (EF − 4,600 (QP))(EffyHS)/(EF + 3,412 (EAE)) Where: EF =
average annual fuel consumption as defined in section 10.4.2 of
this appendix 4,600 = as defined in section 11.4.12 of ASHRAE
103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) QP = pilot fuel
input rate determined in accordance with section 9.2 of ASHRAE
103-1993 in Btu/h EffyHS = annual fuel utilization efficiency as
defined in sections 11.2.11, 11.3.11, 11.4.11 or 11.5.11 of ASHRAE
103-1993, in percent, and calculated on the basis of: isolated
combustion system installation, for non-weatherized warm air
furnaces; indoor installation, for non-weatherized boilers; or
outdoor installation, for furnaces and boilers that are
weatherized. 3,412 = conversion factor from kW to Btu/h EAE = as
defined in section 10.4.3 of this appendix
10.6.2 Energy factor for electric furnaces and boilers.
The energy factor, EF, for electric furnaces and boilers is defined
EF = AFUE Where: AFUE = annual fuel utilization efficiency as
defined in section 10.4.3 of this appendix, in percent
10.7 Average annual energy consumption for furnaces and
boilers located in a different geographic region of the United
States and in buildings with different design heating
10.7.1 Average annual fuel energy consumption for gas or
oil-fueled furnaces and boilers located in a different geographic
region of the United States and in buildings with different design
heating requirements. For gas or oil-fueled furnaces and
boilers, the average annual fuel energy consumption for a specific
geographic region and a specific typical design heating requirement
(EFR) is expressed in Btu per year and defined as:
EFR = (EF − 8,760 QP) (HLH/2,080) + 8,760 QP Where: EF = as defined
in section 10.4.2 of this appendix 8,760 = as defined in section of this appendix QP = as defined in section 11.2.11 of
ASHRAE 103-1993 (incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) HLH =
heating load hours for a specific geographic region determined from
the heating load hour map in Figure 1 of this appendix 2,080 = as
defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix
10.7.2 Average annual auxiliary electrical energy consumption
for gas or oil-fueled furnaces and boilers located in a different
geographic region of the United States and in buildings with
different design heating requirements. For gas or oil-fueled
furnaces and boilers, the average annual auxiliary electrical
energy consumption for a specific geographic region and a specific
typical design heating requirement (EAER) is expressed in
kilowatt-hours and defined as:
EAER = (EAE − ESO) (HLH/2080) + ESOR Where: EAE = as defined in
section 10.4.3 of this appendix ESO = as defined in section 10.11
of this appendix HLH = as defined in section 10.7.1 of this
appendix 2,080 = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix ESOR
= as defined in section 10.7.3 of this appendix.
10.7.3 Average annual electric energy consumption for
electric furnaces and boilers located in a different geographic
region of the United States and in buildings with different design
heating requirements. For electric furnaces and boilers, the
average annual electric energy consumption for a specific
geographic region and a specific typical design heating requirement
(EER) is expressed in kilowatt-hours and defined as:
EER = 100 (0.77) DHR HLH/(3.412 AFUE) + ESOR Where: 100 = as
defined in section 10.4.3 of this appendix 0.77 = as defined in
section 10.4.1 of this appendix DHR = as defined in section 10.4.1
of this appendix HLH = as defined in section 10.7.1 of this
appendix 3.412 = as defined in section 10.4.3 of this appendix AFUE
= as defined in section 10.4.3 of this appendix ESOR = ESO as
defined in section 10.11 of this appendix, except that in the
equation for ESO, the term BOH is multiplied by the expression
(HLH/2080) to get the appropriate regional accounting of standby
mode and off mode loss.
10.8 Annual energy consumption for mobile home
10.8.1 National average number of burner operating hours for
mobile home furnaces (BOHSS). BOHSS is the same as in
section 10.4.1 of this appendix, except that the value of EffyHS in
the calculation of the burner operating hours, BOHSS, is calculated
on the basis of a direct vent unit with system number 9 or 10.
10.8.2 Average annual fuel energy for mobile home furnaces
(EF). EF is same as in section 10.4.2 of this appendix
except that the burner operating hours, BOHSS, is calculated as
specified in section 10.8.1 of this appendix.
10.8.3 Average annual auxiliary electrical energy consumption
for mobile home furnaces (EAE). EAE is the same as in
section 10.4.3 of this appendix, except that the burner operating
hours, BOHSS, is calculated as specified in section 10.8.1 of this
10.9 Calculation of sales weighted average annual energy
consumption for mobile home furnaces. To reflect the
distribution of mobile homes to geographical regions with average
HLHMHF values different from 2,080, adjust the annual fossil fuel
and auxiliary electrical energy consumption values for mobile home
furnaces using the following adjustment calculations.
10.9.1 For mobile home furnaces, the sales weighted average
annual fossil fuel energy consumption is expressed in Btu per year
and defined as:
EF,MHF = (EF − 8,760 QP) HLHMHF/2,080 + 8,760 QP Where: EF = as
defined in section 10.8.2 of this appendix 8,760 = as defined in
section of this appendix QP = as defined in section 10.2
of this appendix HLHMHF = 1880, sales weighted average heating load
hours for mobile home furnaces 2,080 = as defined in section 10.4.1
of this appendix
10.9.2 For mobile home furnaces, the sales-weighted-average
annual auxiliary electrical energy consumption is expressed in
kilowatt-hours and defined as:
EAE,MHF = EAE HLHMHF/2,080 Where: EAE = as defined in section
10.8.3 of this appendix HLHMHF = as defined in section 10.9.1 of
this appendix 2,080 = as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix
10.10 Direct determination of off-cycle losses for furnaces
and boilers equipped with thermal stack dampers. [Reserved]
10.11 Average annual electrical standby mode and off mode
energy consumption. Calculate the annual electrical standby
mode and off mode energy consumption (ESO) in kilowatt-hours,
defined as:
ESO = (PW,SB (4160 − BOH) + 4600 PW,OFF) K Where: PW,SB = furnace
or boiler standby mode power, in watts, as measured in section
8.11.1 of this appendix 4,160 = average heating season hours per
year BOH = total burner operating hours as calculated in section
10.4 of this appendix for gas or oil-fueled furnaces or boilers.
Where for gas or oil-fueled furnaces and boilers equipped with
single-stage controls, BOH = BOHSS; for gas or oil-fueled furnaces
and boilers equipped with two-stage controls, BOH = (BOHR + BOHH);
and for gas or oil-fueled furnaces and boilers equipped with
step-modulating controls, BOH = (BOHR + BOHM). For electric
furnaces and boilers, BOH = 100(2080)(0.77)DHR/(Ein 3.412(AFUE))
4,600 = as defined in section 11.4.12 of ASHRAE 103-1993
(incorporated by reference, see § 430.3) PW,OFF = furnace or boiler
off mode power, in watts, as measured in section 8.11.2 of this
appendix K = 0.001 kWh/Wh, conversion factor from watt-hours to
kilowatt-hours Where: 100 = to express a percent as a decimal 2,080
= as defined in section 10.4.1 of this appendix 0.77 = as defined
in section 10.4.1 of this appendix DHR = as defined in section
10.4.1 of this appendix Ein = steady-state electric rated power, in
kilowatts, from section 9.3 of ASHRAE 103-1993 3.412 = as defined
in section 10.4.3 of this appendix AFUE = as defined in section
11.1 of ASHRAE 103-1993 in percent

[81 FR 2647, Jan.
15, 2016]