Appendix G to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Unvented Home Heating Equipment
10: : Appendix G
Appendix G to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for
Measuring the Energy Consumption of Unvented Home Heating Equipment
1. Testing conditions.
1.1 Installation.
1.1.1 Electric heater. Install heater according to
manufacturer's instructions. Heaters shall be connected to an
electrical supply circuit of nameplate voltage with a wattmeter
installed in the circuit. The wattmeter shall have a maximum error
not greater than one percent.
1.1.2 Unvented gas heater. Install heater according to
manufacturer's instructions. Heaters shall be connected to a gas
supply line with a gas displacement meter installed between the
supply line and the heater according to manufacturer's
specifications. The gas displacement meter shall have a maximum
error not greater than one percent. Gas heaters with electrical
auxiliaries shall be connected to an electrical supply circuit of
nameplate voltage with a wattmeter installed in the circuit. The
wattmeter shall have a maximum error not greater than one
1.1.3 Unvented oil heater. Install heater according to
manufacturer's instructions. Oil heaters with electric auxiliaries
shall be connected to an electrical supply circuit of nameplate
voltage with a wattmeter installed in the circuit. The wattmeter
shall have a maximum error not greater than one percent.
1.2 Temperature regulating controls. All temperature
regulating controls shall be shorted out of the circuit or adjusted
so that they will not operate during the test period.
1.3 Fan controls. All fan controls shall be set at the
highest fan speed setting.
1.4 Energy supply.
1.4.1 Electrical supply. Supply power to the heater
within one percent of the nameplate voltage.
1.4.2 Natural gas supply. For an unvented gas heater
utilizing natural gas, maintain the gas supply to the heater with a
normal inlet test pressure immediately ahead of all controls at 7
to 10 inches of water column. The regulator outlet pressure at
normal supply test pressure shall be approximately that recommended
by the manufacturer. The natural gas supplied should have a higher
heating value within ±5 percent of 1,025 Btu's per standard cubic
foot. Determine the higher heating value, in Btu's per standard
cubic foot, for the natural gas to be used in the test, with an
error no greater than one percent. Alternatively, the test can be
conducted using “bottled” natural gas of a higher heating value
within ±5 percent of 1,025 Btu's per standard cubic foot as long as
the actual higher heating value of the bottled natural gas has been
determined with an error no greater than one percent as certified
by the supplier.
1.4.3 Propane gas supply. For an unvented gas heater
utilizing propane, maintain the gas supply to the heater with a
normal inlet test pressure immediately ahead of all controls at 11
to 13 inches of water column. The regulator outlet pressure at
normal supply test pressure shall be that recommended by the
manufacturer. The propane supplied should have a higher heating
value of within±5 percent of 2,500 Btu's per standard cubic foot.
Determine the higher heating value in Btu's per standard foot, for
the propane to be used in the test, with an error no greater than
one percent. Alternatively, the test can be conducted using
“bottled” propane of a higher heating value within ±5 percent of
2,500 Btu's per standard cubic foot as long as the actual higher
heating value of the bottled propane has been determined with an
error no greater than one percent as certified by the supplier.
1.4.4 Oil supply. For an unvented oil heater utilizing
kerosene, determine the higher heating value in Btu's per gallon
with an error no greater than one percent. Alternatively, the test
can be conducted using a tested fuel of a higher heating value
within ±5 percent of 137,400 Btu's per gallon as long as the actual
higher heating value of the tested fuel has been determined with an
error no greater than one percent as certified by the supplier.
1.5 Energy flow instrumentation. Install one or more
energy flow instruments which measure, as appropriate and with an
error no greater than one percent, the quantity of electrical
energy, natural gas, propane gas, or oil supplied to the
2. Testing and measurements.
2.1 Electric power measurement. Establish the test
conditions set forth in section 1 of this appendix. Allow an
electric heater to warm up for at least five minutes before
recording the maximum electric power measurement from the
wattmeter. Record the maximum electric power (PE) expressed in
Allow the auxiliary electrical system of a forced air unvented
gas, propane, or oil heater to operate for at least five minutes
before recording the maximum auxiliary electric power measurement
from the wattmeter. Record the maximum auxiliary electric power
(PA) expressed in kilowatts.
2.2 Natural gas, propane, and oil measurement. Establish
the test conditions as set forth in section 1 of this appendix. A
natural gas, propane, or oil heater shall be operated for one hour.
Using either the nameplate rating or the energy flow
instrumentation set forth in section 1.5 of this appendix and the
fuel supply rating set forth in sections 1.4.2, 1.4.3, or 1.4.4 of
this appendix, as appropriate, determine the maximum fuel input
(PF) of the heater under test in Btu's per hour. The energy flow
instrumentation shall measure the maximum fuel input with an error
no greater than one percent.
2.3 Pilot light measurement. Except as provided in
section 2.3.1 of this appendix, measure the energy input rate to
the pilot light (Qp), with an error no greater than 3 percent, for
unvented heaters so equipped.
2.3.1 The measurement of Qp is not required for unvented heaters
where the pilot light is designed to be turned off by the user when
the heater is not in use (i.e., for units where turning the
control to the OFF position will shut off the gas supply to the
burner(s) and the pilot light). This provision applies only if an
instruction to turn off the unit is provided on the heater near the
gas control value (e.g., by label) by the manufacturer.
2.4 Electrical standby mode power measurement. Except as
provided in section 2.4.1 of this appendix, for all electric
heaters and unvented heaters with electrical auxiliaries, measure
the standby power (PW,SB) in accordance with the procedures in IEC
62301 Second Edition (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3), with
all electrical auxiliaries not activated. Voltage shall be as
specified in section 1.4.1 Electrical supply of this
appendix. The recorded standby power (PW,SB) shall be rounded to
the second decimal place, and for loads greater than or equal to
10W, at least three significant figures shall be reported.
2.4.1 The measurement of PW,SB is not required for heaters
designed to be turned off by the user when the heater is not in use
(i.e., for units where turning the control to the OFF
position will shut off the electrical supply to the heater). This
provision applies only if an instruction to turn off the unit is
provided on the heater (e.g., by label) by the
3. Calculations.
3.1 Annual energy consumption for primary electric
heaters. For primary electric heaters, calculate the annual
energy consumption (EE) expressed in kilowatt-hours per year and
defined as:
EE = 2080(0.77)DHR where: 2080 = national average annual heating
load hours 0.77 = adjustment factor DHR = design heating
requirement and is equal to PE /1.2 in kilowatts. PE = as defined
in 2.1 of this appendix 1.2 = typical oversizing factor for primary
electric heaters
3.2 Annual energy consumption for primary electric heaters by
geographic region of the United States. For primary electric
heaters, calculate the annual energy consumption by geographic
region of the United States (ER) expressed in kilowatt-hours per
year and defined as:
ER = HLH(0.77) (DHR) where: HLH = heating load hours for a specific
region determined from Figure 1 of this appendix in hours 0.77 = as
defined in 3.1 of this appendix DHR = as defined in 3.1 of this
3.3 Rated output for electric heaters. Calculate the
rated output (Qout) for electric heaters, expressed in Btu's per
hour, and defined as:
Qout = PE (3,412 Btu/kWh) where: PE = as defined in 2.1 of this
3.4 Rated output for unvented heaters using either natural
gas, propane, or oil. For unvented heaters using either natural
gas, propane, or oil equipped without auxiliary electrical systems,
the rated output (Qout), expressed in Btu's per hour, is equal to
PF, as determined in section 2.2 of this appendix.
For unvented heaters using either natural gas, propane, or oil
equipped with auxiliary electrical systems, calculate the rated
output (Qout), expressed in Btu's per hour, and defined as:
Qout = PF + PA (3,412 Btu/kWh) where: PF = as defined in 2.2 of
this appendix in Btu/hr PA = as defined in 2.1 of this appendix in

(Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Pub. L. 94-163, as amended by
Pub. L. 94-385; Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, Pub. L.
93-275, as amended by Pub. L. 94-385; Department of Energy
Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91; E.O. 11790, 39 FR 23185) [43 FR
20132, May 10, 1978. Redesignated and amended at 44 FR 37938, June
29, 1979; 49 FR 12157, Mar. 28, 1984; 77 FR 74571, Dec. 17, 2012]