Appendix CC to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Portable Air Conditioners
10: : Appendix CC
Appendix CC to Subpart B of Part 430 - Uniform Test Method for
Measuring the Energy Consumption of Portable Air Conditioners 1.
This appendix covers the test requirements used to measure the
energy performance of single-duct and dual-duct portable air
conditioners, as defined at 10 CFR 430.2.
2. Definitions
2.1 ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015 means the test standard
published by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers,
titled “Portable Air Conditioners,” ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015
(incorporated by reference; see § 430.3).
2.2 ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 means the test standard
published by the American National Standards Institute and American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
and, titled “Methods of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven
Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment,” ASHRAE Standard
37-2009 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3).
2.3 Combined energy efficiency ratio is the energy
efficiency of a portable air conditioner as measured in accordance
with this test procedure in Btu per watt-hours (Btu/Wh) and
determined in section 5.4.
2.4 Cooling mode means a mode in which a portable air
conditioner has activated the main cooling function according to
the thermostat or temperature sensor signal, including activating
the refrigeration system, or activating the fan or blower without
activation of the refrigeration system.
2.5 IEC 62301 means the test standard published by the
International Electrotechnical Commission, titled “Household
electrical appliances-Measurement of standby power,” Publication
62301 (Edition 2.0 2011-01) (incorporated by reference; see §
2.6 Inactive mode means a standby mode that facilitates
the activation of an active mode or off-cycle mode by remote switch
(including remote control), internal sensor, or timer, or that
provides continuous status display.
2.7 Off-cycle mode means a mode in which a portable air
(1) Has cycled off its main cooling or heating function by
thermostat or temperature sensor signal;
(2) May or may not operate its fan or blower; and
(3) Will reactivate the main function according to the
thermostat or temperature sensor signal.
2.8 Off mode means a mode in which a portable air
conditioner is connected to a mains power source and is not
providing any active mode, off-cycle mode, or standby mode
function, and where the mode may persist for an indefinite time. An
indicator that only shows the user that the portable air
conditioner is in the off position is included within the
classification of an off mode.
2.9 Seasonally adjusted cooling capacity means the amount
of cooling, measured in Btu/h, provided to the indoor conditioned
space, measured under the specified ambient conditions.
2.10 Standby mode means any mode where a portable air
conditioner is connected to a mains power source and offers one or
more of the following user-oriented or protective functions which
may persist for an indefinite time:
(1) To facilitate the activation of other modes (including
activation or deactivation of cooling mode) by remote switch
(including remote control), internal sensor, or timer; or
(2) Continuous functions, including information or status
displays (including clocks) or sensor-based functions. A timer is a
continuous clock function (which may or may not be associated with
a display) that provides regular scheduled tasks (e.g.,
switching) and that operates on a continuous basis.
3. Test Apparatus and General Instructions
3.1 Active mode.
3.1.1 Test conduct. The test apparatus and instructions
for testing portable air conditioners in cooling mode and off-cycle
mode must conform to the requirements specified in Section 4,
“Definitions” and Section 7, “Tests,” of ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015
(incorporated by reference; see § 430.3), except as otherwise
specified in this appendix. Where applicable, measure duct heat
transfer and infiltration air heat transfer according to section and section of this appendix, respectively. Note
that if a product is able to operate as both a single-duct and
dual-duct portable AC as distributed in commerce by the
manufacturer, it must be tested and rated for both duct
configurations. Duct setup. Use ducting components provided by
the manufacturer, including, where provided by the manufacturer,
ducts, connectors for attaching the duct(s) to the test unit,
sealing, insulation, and window mounting fixtures. Do not apply
additional sealing or insulation. Single-duct evaporator inlet test conditions.
When testing single-duct portable air conditioners, maintain the
evaporator inlet dry-bulb temperature within a range of 1.0 °F with
an average difference within 0.3 °F. Condensate Removal. Set up the test unit in
accordance with manufacturer instructions. If the unit has an
auto-evaporative feature, keep any provided drain plug installed as
shipped and do not provide other means of condensate removal. If
the internal condensate collection bucket fills during the test,
halt the test, remove the drain plug, install a gravity drain line,
and start the test from the beginning. If no auto-evaporative
feature is available, remove the drain plug and install a gravity
drain line. If no auto-evaporative feature or gravity drain is
available and a condensate pump is included, or if the manufacturer
specifies the use of an included condensate pump during cooling
mode operation, then test the portable air conditioner with the
condensate pump enabled. For units tested with a condensate pump,
apply the provisions in Section 7.1.2 of ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015
(incorporated by reference; see § 430.3) if the pump cycles on and
off. Unit Placement. There shall be no less than 3
feet between any test chamber wall surface and any surface on the
portable air conditioner, except the surface or surfaces of the
portable air conditioner that include a duct attachment. The
distance between the test chamber wall and a surface with one or
more duct attachments is prescribed by the test setup requirements
in Section 7.3.7 of ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015 (incorporated by
reference; see § 430.3). Electrical supply. Maintain the input standard
voltage at 115 V ±1 percent. Test at the rated frequency,
maintained within ±1 percent. Duct temperature measurements. Install any
insulation and sealing provided by the manufacturer. Then adhere
four equally spaced thermocouples per duct to the outer surface of
the entire length of the duct. Measure the surface temperatures of
each duct. Temperature measurements must have an error no greater
than ±0.5 °F over the range being measured.
3.1.2 Control settings. Set the controls to the lowest
available temperature setpoint for cooling mode. If the portable
air conditioner has a user-adjustable fan speed, select the maximum
fan speed setting. If the portable air conditioner has an automatic
louver oscillation feature, disable that feature throughout
testing. If the louver oscillation feature is included but there is
no option to disable it, test with the louver oscillation enabled.
If the portable air conditioner has adjustable louvers, position
the louvers parallel with the air flow to maximize air flow and
minimize static pressure loss.
3.1.3 Measurement resolution. Record measurements at the
resolution of the test instrumentation.
3.2 Standby mode and off mode.
3.2.1 Installation requirements. For the standby mode and
off mode testing, install the portable air conditioner in
accordance with Section 5, Paragraph 5.2 of IEC 62301 (incorporated
by reference; see § 430.3), disregarding the provisions regarding
batteries and the determination, classification, and testing of
relevant modes.
3.2.2 Electrical energy supply. Electrical supply. For the standby mode and off
mode testing, maintain the input standard voltage at 115 V ±1
percent. Maintain the electrical supply at the rated frequency ±1
percent. Supply voltage waveform. For the standby mode and
off mode testing, maintain the electrical supply voltage waveform
indicated in Section 4, Paragraph 4.3.2 of IEC 62301 (incorporated
by reference; see § 430.3).
3.2.3 Standby mode and off mode wattmeter. The wattmeter
used to measure standby mode and off mode power consumption must
meet the requirements specified in Section 4, Paragraph 4.4 of IEC
62301 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3).
3.2.4 Standby mode and off mode ambient temperature. For
standby mode and off mode testing, maintain room ambient air
temperature conditions as specified in Section 4, Paragraph 4.2 of
IEC 62301 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3).
4. Test Measurement
4.1 Cooling mode. Measure the indoor room cooling
capacity and overall power input in cooling mode in accordance with
Section 7.1.b and 7.1.c of ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015 (incorporated by
reference; see § 430.3), respectively. Determine the test duration
in accordance with Section 8.7 of ASHRAE Standard 37-2009
(incorporated by reference; § 430.3). Apply the test conditions for
single-duct and dual-duct portable air conditioners presented in
Table 1 of this appendix instead of the test conditions in Table 3
of ANSI/AHAM PAC-1-2015. For single-duct units, measure the indoor
room cooling capacity, CapacitySD, and overall power input in
cooling mode, PSD, in accordance with the ambient conditions for
test configuration 5, presented in Table 1 of this appendix. For
dual-duct units, measure the indoor room cooling capacity and
overall power input in accordance with ambient conditions for test
configuration 3, condition A (Capacity95, P95), and then measure
the indoor room cooling capacity and overall power input a second
time in accordance with the ambient conditions for test
configuration 3, condition B (Capacity83, P83), presented in Table
1 of this appendix. Note that for the purposes of this cooling mode
test procedure, evaporator inlet air is considered the “indoor air”
of the conditioned space and condenser inlet air is considered the
“outdoor air” outside of the conditioned space.
Table 1 - Evaporator (Indoor) and Condenser
(Outdoor) Inlet Test Conditions
configuration |
Evaporator inlet
( °C) |
Condenser inlet
( °C) |
Dry bulb |
Wet bulb |
Dry bulb |
Wet bulb |
3 (Dual-Duct,
Condition A) |
80 (26.7) |
67 (19.4) |
95 (35.0) |
75 (23.9) |
3 (Dual-Duct,
Condition B) |
80 (26.7) |
67 (19.4) |
83 (28.3) |
67.5 (19.7) |
(Single-Duct) |
80 (26.7) |
67 (19.4) |
80 (26.7) |
67 (19.4) |
4.1.1. Duct Heat Transfer. Measure the surface
temperature of the condenser exhaust duct and condenser inlet duct,
where applicable, throughout the cooling mode test. Calculate the
average temperature at each individual location, and then calculate
the average surface temperature of each duct by averaging the four
average temperature measurements taken on that duct. Calculate the
surface area (Aduct_j) of each duct according to:
Aduct_j = π × dj × Lj Where: dj = the outer diameter of duct “j”,
including any manufacturer-supplied insulation. Lj = the extended
length of duct “j” while under test. j represents the condenser
exhaust duct and, for dual-duct units, the condenser exhaust duct
and the condenser inlet duct.
Calculate the total heat transferred from the surface of the
duct(s) to the indoor conditioned space while operating in cooling
mode for the outdoor test conditions in Table 1 of this appendix,
as follows. For single-duct portable air conditioners:
Qduct_SD =
h × Aduct_j × (
Tei) For
dual-duct portable air conditioners: Qduct_95 = ∑j{h × Aduct_j ×
Tei)} Qduct_83 = ∑j{h × Aduct_j ×
Tei)} Where: Qduct_SD = for single-duct
portable air conditioners, the total heat transferred from the duct
to the indoor conditioned space in cooling mode when tested
according to the test conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, in
Btu/h. Qduct_95 and Qduct_83 = for dual-duct portable air
conditioners, the total heat transferred from the ducts to the
indoor conditioned space in cooling mode, in Btu/h, when tested
according to the 95 °F dry-bulb and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor test
conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, respectively. h =
convection coefficient, 3 Btu/h per square foot per °F. Aduct_j =
surface area of duct “j”, in square feet. Tduct_SD_j = average
surface temperature for the condenser exhaust duct of single-duct
portable air conditioners, as measured during testing according to
the test condition in Table 1 of this appendix, in °F. Tduct_95_j
and Tduct_83_j = average surface temperature for duct “j” of
dual-duct portable air conditioners, as measured during testing
according to the two outdoor test conditions in Table 1 of this
appendix, in °F. j represents the condenser exhaust duct and, for
dual-duct units, the condenser exhaust duct and the condenser inlet
duct. Tei = average evaporator inlet air dry-bulb temperature, in
4.1.2. Infiltration Air Heat Transfer. Measure the heat
contribution from infiltration air for single-duct portable air
conditioners and dual-duct portable air conditioners that draw at
least part of the condenser air from the conditioned space.
Calculate the heat contribution from infiltration air for
single-duct and dual-duct portable air conditioners for both
cooling mode outdoor test conditions, as described in this section.
Calculate the dry air mass flow rate of infiltration air according
to the following equations:
For dual-duct portable air conditioners:

m SD = dry air mass flow rate of infiltration air for
single-duct portable air conditioners, in pounds per minute (lb/m).
m 95 and
m 83 = dry air mass flow rate of
infiltration air for dual-duct portable air conditioners, as
calculated based on testing according to the test conditions in
Table 1 of this appendix, in lb/m. Vco_SD, Vco_95, and Vco_83 =
average volumetric flow rate of the condenser outlet air during
cooling mode testing for single-duct portable air conditioners; and
at the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor conditions for dual-duct
portable air conditioners, respectively, in cubic feet per minute
(cfm). Vci_95 and Vci_83 = average volumetric flow rate of the
condenser inlet air during cooling mode testing at the 95 °F and 83
°F dry-bulb outdoor conditions for dual-duct portable air
conditioners, respectively, in cfm. ρco_SD, ρco_95, and ρco_83 =
average density of the condenser outlet air during cooling mode
testing for single-duct portable air conditioners, and at the 95 °F
and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor conditions for dual-duct portable air
conditioners, respectively, in pounds mass per cubic foot (lbm/ft
3). ρci_95 and ρci_83 = average density of the condenser inlet air
during cooling mode testing at the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor
conditions for dual-duct portable air conditioners, respectively,
in lbm/ft 3. ωco_SD, ωco_95, and ωco_83 = average humidity ratio of
condenser outlet air during cooling mode testing for single-duct
portable air conditioners, and at the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb
outdoor conditions for dual-duct portable air conditioners,
respectively, in pounds mass of water vapor per pounds mass of dry
air (lbw/lbda). ωci_95 and ωci_83 = average humidity ratio of
condenser inlet air during cooling mode testing at the 95 °F and 83
°F dry-bulb outdoor conditions for dual-duct portable air
conditioners, respectively, in lbw/lbda.
For single-duct and dual-duct portable air conditioners,
calculate the sensible component of infiltration air heat
contribution according to:
Qs_95 =
m × 60 × [(cp_da × (Tia_95−Tindoor)) + (cp_wv
× (ωia_95 × Tia_95−ωindoor × Tindoor))] Qs_83 =
m × 60 ×
[(cp_da × (Tia_83−Tindoor)) + (cp_wv × (ωia_83 × Tia_83−ωindoor ×
Tindoor))] Where: Qs_95 and Qs_83 = sensible heat added to the room
by infiltration air, calculated at the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb
outdoor conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, in Btu/h.
= dry air mass flow rate of infiltration air,
m SD or
m 95 when calculating Qs_95 and
m SD or
m 83
when calculating Qs_83, in lb/m. cp_da = specific heat of dry air,
0.24 Btu/lbm- °F. cp_wv = specific heat of water vapor, 0.444
Btu/lbm- °F. Tindoor = indoor chamber dry-bulb temperature, 80 °F.
Tia_95 and Tia_83 = infiltration air dry-bulb temperatures for the
two test conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, 95 °F and 83 °F,
respectively. ωia_95 and ωia_83 = humidity ratios of the 95 °F and
83 °F dry-bulb infiltration air, 0.0141 and 0.01086 lbw/lbda,
respectively. ωindoor = humidity ratio of the indoor chamber air,
0.0112 lbw/lbda. 60 = conversion factor from minutes to hours.
Calculate the latent heat contribution of the infiltration air
according to:
Ql_95 =
m × 60 × Hfg × (ωia_95−ωindoor) Ql_83 =
m ×
60 × Hfg × (ωia_83−ωindoor) Where: Ql_95 and Ql_83 = latent heat
added to the room by infiltration air, calculated at the 95 °F and
83 °F dry-bulb outdoor conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, in
m = mass flow rate of infiltration air,
m SD
m 95 when calculating Ql_95 and
m SD or
83 when calculating Ql_83, in lb/m. Hfg = latent heat of
vaporization for water vapor, 1061 Btu/lbm. ωia_95 and ωia_83 =
humidity ratios of the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb infiltration air,
0.0141 and 0.01086 lbw/lbda, respectively. ωindoor = humidity ratio
of the indoor chamber air, 0.0112 lbw/lbda. 60 = conversion factor
from minutes to hours.
The total heat contribution of the infiltration air is the sum
of the sensible and latent heat:
Qinfiltration_95 = Qs_95 + Ql_95
Qinfiltration_83 = Qs_83 + Ql_83
Where: Qinfiltration_95 and Qinfiltration_83 = total infiltration
air heat in cooling mode, calculated at the 95 °F and 83 °F
dry-bulb outdoor conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, in Btu/h.
Qs_95 and Qs_83 = sensible heat added to the room by infiltration
air, calculated at the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor conditions
in Table 1 of this appendix, in Btu/h. Ql_95 and Ql_83 = latent
heat added to the room by infiltration air, calculated at the 95 °F
and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor conditions in Table 1 of this appendix,
in Btu/h.
4.2 Off-cycle mode. Establish the test conditions
specified in section 3.1.1 of this appendix for off-cycle mode and
use the wattmeter specified in section 3.2.3 of this appendix (but
do not use the duct measurements in section Begin the
off-cycle mode test period 5 minutes following the cooling mode
test period. Adjust the setpoint higher than the ambient
temperature to ensure the product will not enter cooling mode and
begin the test 5 minutes after the compressor cycles off due to the
change in setpoint. Do not change any other control settings
between the end of the cooling mode test period and the start of
the off-cycle mode test period. The off-cycle mode test period must
be 2 hours in duration, during which period, record the power
consumption at the same intervals as recorded for cooling mode
testing. Measure and record the average off-cycle mode power of the
portable air conditioner, Poc, in watts.
4.3 Standby mode and off mode. Establish the testing
conditions set forth in section 3.2 of this appendix, ensuring that
the portable air conditioner does not enter any active modes during
the test. For portable air conditioners that take some time to
enter a stable state from a higher power state as discussed in
Section 5, Paragraph 5.1, Note 1 of IEC 62301, (incorporated by
reference; see § 430.3), allow sufficient time for the portable air
conditioner to reach the lowest power state before proceeding with
the test measurement. Follow the test procedure specified in
Section 5, Paragraph 5.3.2 of IEC 62301 for testing in each
possible mode as described in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of this
4.3.1 If the portable air conditioner has an inactive mode, as
defined in section 2.6 of this appendix, but not an off mode, as
defined in section 2.8 of this appendix, measure and record the
average inactive mode power of the portable air conditioner, Pia,
in watts.
4.3.2 If the portable air conditioner has an off mode, as
defined in section 2.8 of this appendix, measure and record the
average off mode power of the portable air conditioner, Pom, in
5. Calculation of Derived Results From Test Measurements
5.1 Adjusted Cooling Capacity. Calculate the adjusted
cooling capacities for portable air conditioners, ACC95 and ACC83,
expressed in Btu/h, according to the following equations. For
single-duct portable air conditioners:
ACC95 =
CapacitySD −
Qduct_SD −
ACC83 =
CapacitySD −
For dual-duct portable air conditioners:
ACC95 =
Capacity95 −
Qduct_95 −
ACC83 =
Capacity83 −
Qduct_83 −
Qinfiltration_83 Where: CapacitySD,
Capacity95, and Capacity83 = cooling capacity measured in section
4.1.1 of this appendix. Qduct_SD, Qduct_95, and Qduct_83 = duct
heat transfer while operating in cooling mode, calculated in
section of this appendix. Qinfiltration_95 and
Qinfiltration_83 = total infiltration air heat transfer in cooling
mode, calculated in section of this appendix.
5.2 Seasonally Adjusted Cooling Capacity. Calculate the
seasonally adjusted cooling capacity for portable air conditioners,
SACC, expressed in Btu/h, according to:
SACC = ACC95 ×
0.2 + ACC83 ×
0.8 Where: ACC95
and ACC83 = adjusted cooling capacity, in Btu/h, calculated in
section 5.1 of this appendix. 0.2 = weighting factor for ACC95. 0.8
= weighting factor for ACC83.
5.3 Annual Energy Consumption. Calculate the annual
energy consumption in each operating mode, AECm, expressed in
kilowatt-hours per year (kWh/year). Use the following annual hours
of operation for each mode:
Operating mode |
hours |
Cooling Mode,
Dual-Duct 95 °F 1 |
750 |
Cooling Mode,
Dual-Duct 83 °F 1 |
750 |
Cooling Mode,
Single-Duct |
750 |
Off-Cycle |
880 |
Inactive or
Off |
1,355 |
AECm =
Pm ×
tm ×
k Where: AECm = annual
energy consumption in each mode, in kWh/year. Pm = average power in
each mode, in watts.
m represents the operating mode (“95” and “83” cooling mode at
the 95 °F and 83 °F dry-bulb outdoor conditions, respectively for
dual-duct portable air conditioners, “SD” cooling mode for
single-duct portable air conditioners, “oc” off-cycle, and “ia”
inactive or “om” off mode).
t = number of annual operating time in each mode, in hours. k =
0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor from watt-hours to kilowatt-hours.
Total annual energy consumption in all modes except cooling, is
calculated according to:

AECT = total annual energy consumption attributed to all modes
except cooling, in kWh/year; AECm = total annual energy consumption
in each mode, in kWh/year.
m represents the operating modes included in AECT (“oc”
off-cycle, and “im” inactive or “om” off mode).
5.4 Combined Energy Efficiency Ratio. Using the annual
operating hours, as outlined in section 5.3 of this appendix,
calculate the combined energy efficiency ratio, CEER, expressed in
Btu/Wh, according to the following:

Where: CEERSD and
CEERDD = combined energy efficiency ratio for single-duct and
dual-duct portable air conditioners, respectively, in Btu/Wh. ACC95
and ACC83 = adjusted cooling capacity, tested at the 95 °F and 83
°F dry-bulb outdoor conditions in Table 1 of this appendix, in
Btu/h, calculated in section 5.1 of this appendix. AECSD = annual
energy consumption in cooling mode for single-duct portable air
conditioners, in kWh/year, calculated in section 5.3 of this
appendix. AEC95 and AEC83 = annual energy consumption for the two
cooling mode test conditions in Table 1 of this appendix for
dual-duct portable air conditioners, in kWh/year, calculated in
section 5.3 of this appendix. AECT = total annual energy
consumption attributed to all modes except cooling, in kWh/year,
calculated in section 5.3 of this appendix. t = number of cooling
mode hours per year, 750. k = 0.001 kWh/Wh conversion factor for
watt-hours to kilowatt-hours. 0.2 = weighting factor for the 95 °F
dry-bulb outdoor condition test. 0.8 = weighting factor for the 83
°F dry-bulb outdoor condition test. [81 FR 35265, June 1, 2016, as
amended at 81 FR 70923, Oct. 14, 2016; 85 FR 21746, Apr. 20, 2020]