Title 10

PART 1800

Part 1800 - Declaration Of Party State Eligibility For Northeast Interstate Low-level Radioactive Waste Compact

PART 1800 - DECLARATION OF PARTY STATE ELIGIBILITY FOR NORTHEAST INTERSTATE LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMPACT Authority:Sec. 227, Art. IV(i)(7), Art. VII(e), Pub. L. 99-240, 99 Stat. 1842, 1914, 1921-1922. Source:65 FR 30835, May 15, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

10: 1800.10
   1800.10 Purpose and scope.
10: 1800.11
   1800.11 Definitions.
10: 1800.12
   1800.12 Procedures for declaring a state eligible for membership in the Compact.
10: 1800.13
   1800.13 Conditions for becoming an eligible party state.
10: 1800.14
   1800.14 Modification to and enforcement of the rules in this part.