Title 1
11.3 Code of Federal Regulations.
§ 11.3 Code of Federal Regulations.(a) The subscription price for a complete set of the Code of Federal Regulations is $1,019 per year for the bound, paper edition, or $247 per year for the microfiche edition. Those prices exclude postage. The prevailing postal rates will be applied to orders according to the delivery method requested. The Government Printing Office sells individual volumes of the paper edition of the Code of Federal Regulations at prices determined by the Superintendent of Documents under the general direction of the Administrative Committee. The price of a single volume of the microfiche edition is $4 per copy, including postage.
(b) The online edition of the Code of Federal Regulations, issued under the authority of the Administrative Committee, is available on GPO Access, a service of the Government Printing Office (44 U.S.C. 4101).
[65 FR 8843, Feb. 23, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 44524, Aug. 24, 2001; 69 FR 12783, Mar. 18, 2004]