Title 5


Subpart B - Eligibility

5: 117
General Provisions
5: 839.201
   839.201 Do these rules apply to me
5: 118
Election Opportunity
5: 839.211
   839.211 If these rules apply to me because I had a qualifying retirement coverage error, can I choose which retirement plan I want to be in
5: 839.212
   839.212 May I make a retirement coverage election if I received a refund of my retirement deductions after I was corrected to FERS
5: 839.213
   839.213 May I make a retirement coverage election if I withdrew all or part of my TSP account after I was corrected to FERS
5: 839.214
   839.214 Am I disqualified from making an election of retirement coverage under the FERCCA if I withdrew my TSP account after I retired under FERS
5: 839.215
   839.215 May I make a retirement coverage election under the FERCCA if I received a payment as settlement of my claim for losses because of a qualifying retirement coverage error
5: 119
Previous Election Opportunity
5: 839.221
   839.221 If my qualifying retirement coverage error was that I was put into FERS by mistake and then, after the error was discovered, I chose my current retirement coverage, can I now make another election
5: 120
Court-Ordered Benefits for Former Spouses
5: 839.231
   839.231 Can I make an election if my former spouse is entitled to a portion of my retirement benefits by qualifying court order
5: 839.232
   839.232 If a deceased employee's survivors include both a current spouse and a former spouse, or spouses, who are eligible for survivor annuities, must all of them consent to an election of FERS
5: 121
5: 839.241
   839.241 Am I eligible to make an election under the FERCCA if I had a qualifying retirement coverage error and none of the conditions mentioned in § 839.212 through § 839.232 apply to me
5: 839.242
   839.242 Do these rules apply to me if I had multiple errors