Title 43


Subpart E - Claims

43: 30.140
   30.140 Where and when may I file a claim against the probate estate
43: 30.141
   30.141 How must I file a claim against a probate estate
43: 30.142
   30.142 Will a judge authorize payment of a claim from the estate if the decedent's non-trust property was or is available
43: 30.143
   30.143 Are there any categories of claims that will not be allowed
43: 30.144
   30.144 May the judge authorize payment of the costs of administering the estate
43: 30.145
   30.145 When can a judge reduce or disallow a claim
43: 30.146
   30.146 What property is subject to claims
43: 30.147
   30.147 What happens if there is not enough trust personalty to pay all the claims
43: 30.148
   30.148 Will interest or penalties charged after the date of death be paid