Title 43


Subpart C - Judicial Authority and Duties

43: 30.120
   30.120 What authority does the judge have in probate cases
43: 30.121
   30.121 May a judge appoint a master in a probate case
43: 30.122
   30.122 Is the judge required to accept the master's recommended decision
43: 30.123
   30.123 Will the judge determine matters of status and nationality
43: 30.124
   30.124 When may a judge make a finding of death
43: 30.125
   30.125 May a judge reopen a probate case to correct errors and omissions
43: 30.126
   30.126 What happens if property was omitted from the inventory of the estate
43: 30.127
   30.127 What happens if property was improperly included in the inventory
43: 30.128
   30.128 What happens if an error in BIA's estate inventory is alleged