Title 40

PART 147

Part 147 - State, Tribal, And Epa-administered Underground Injection Control Programs

PART 147 - STATE, TRIBAL, AND EPA-ADMINISTERED UNDERGROUND INJECTION CONTROL PROGRAMS Authority:42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.; and 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq. Source:49 FR 20197, May 11, 1984, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 147 appear at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004.

40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 147.1
   147.1 Purpose and scope.
40: 147.2
   147.2 Severability of provisions.
40: B
Subpart B - Alabama
40: 147.50
   147.50 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.51
   147.51 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.52
   147.52 State-administered program - Hydraulic Fracturing of Coal Beds.
40: 147.60
   147.60 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: C
Subpart C - Alaska
40: 147.100
   147.100 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.101
   147.101 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.102
   147.102 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.103
   147.103 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.104
   147.104 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: D
Subpart D - Arizona
40: 147.150
   147.150 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.151
   147.151 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.152
   147.152 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: E
Subpart E - Arkansas
40: 147.200
   147.200 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.201
   147.201 State-administered program - Class II wells. [Reserved]
40: 147.205
   147.205 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: F
Subpart F - California
40: 147.250
   147.250 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.251
   147.251 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.252
   147.252 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.253
   147.253 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: G
Subpart G - Colorado
40: 147.300
   147.300 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.301
   147.301 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.302
   147.302 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.303
   147.303 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.304
   147.304 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.305
   147.305 Requirements for all wells.
40: H
Subpart H - Connecticut
40: 147.350
   147.350 State-administered program.
40: 147.351-147.352
   147.351-147.352 [Reserved]
40: 147.353
   147.353 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.354-147.359
   147.354-147.359 [Reserved]
40: I
Subpart I - Delaware
40: 147.400
   147.400 State-administered program.
40: 147.401-147.402
   147.401-147.402 [Reserved]
40: 147.403
   147.403 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.404-147.449
   147.404-147.449 [Reserved]
40: J
Subpart J - District of Columbia
40: 147.450
   147.450 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.451
   147.451 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.452
   147.452 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: K
Subpart K - Florida
40: 147.500
   147.500 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.501
   147.501 EPA-administered program - Class II wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.502
   147.502 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.503
   147.503 Existing Class II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.504
   147.504 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: L
Subpart L - Georgia
40: 147.550
   147.550 State-administered program.
40: 147.551-147.552
   147.551-147.552 [Reserved]
40: 147.553
   147.553 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.554-147.559
   147.554-147.559 [Reserved]
40: M
Subpart M - Hawaii
40: 147.600
   147.600 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.601
   147.601 EPA-administered program.
40: N
Subpart N - Idaho
40: 147.650
   147.650 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.651
   147.651 EPA-administered program - Class II wells and all wells on Indian lands.
40: 147.652
   147.652 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: O
Subpart O - Illinois
40: 147.700
   147.700 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.701
   147.701 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.703
   147.703 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: P
Subpart P - Indiana
40: 147.750
   147.750 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.751
   147.751 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.752
   147.752 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.753
   147.753 Existing Class I and III wells authorized by rule.
40: Q
Subpart Q - Iowa
40: 147.800
   147.800 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.801
   147.801 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.802
   147.802 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: R
Subpart R - Kansas
40: 147.850
   147.850 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.851
   147.851 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.852-147.859
   147.852-147.859 [Reserved]
40: 147.860
   147.860 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: S
Subpart S - Kentucky
40: 147.900
   147.900 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.901
   147.901 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V, and VI wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.902
   147.902 Acquifer exemptions.
40: 147.903
   147.903 Existing Class I and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.904
   147.904 [Reserved]
40: 147.905
   147.905 Requirements for all wells - area of review.
40: T
Subpart T - Louisiana
40: 147.950
   147.950 State-administered program.
40: 147.951
   147.951 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: U
Subpart U - Maine
40: 147.1000
   147.1000 State-administered program.
40: 147.1001
   147.1001 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: V
Subpart V - Maryland
40: 147.1050
   147.1050 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.1051-147.1052
   147.1051-147.1052 [Reserved]
40: 147.1053
   147.1053 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.1054-147.1099
   147.1054-147.1099 [Reserved]
40: W
Subpart W - Massachusetts
40: 147.1100
   147.1100 State-administered program.
40: 147.1101
   147.1101 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: X
Subpart X - Michigan
40: 147.1150
   147.1150 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1151
   147.1151 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1152
   147.1152 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1153
   147.1153 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1154
   147.1154 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1155
   147.1155 Requirements for all wells.
40: Y
Subpart Y - Minnesota
40: 147.1200
   147.1200 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1201
   147.1201 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1202
   147.1202 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1210
   147.1210 Requirements for Indian lands.
40: Z
Subpart Z - Mississippi
40: 147.1250
   147.1250 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.1251
   147.1251 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1252
   147.1252 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: AA
Subpart AA - Missouri
40: 147.1300
   147.1300 State-administered program.
40: 147.1301
   147.1301 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.1302
   147.1302 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1303
   147.1303 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: BB
Subpart BB - Montana
40: 147.1350
   147.1350 State-administered programs - Class II wells.
40: 147.1351
   147.1351 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1352
   147.1352 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.1353
   147.1353 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1354
   147.1354 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1355
   147.1355 Requirements for all wells.
40: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart BB of Part 147 - State Requirements Incorporated by Reference in Subpart BB of Part 147 of the Code of Federal Regulations
40: CC
Subpart CC - Nebraska
40: 147.1400
   147.1400 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1401
   147.1401 State administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1402
   147.1402 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1403
   147.1403 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: DD
Subpart DD - Nevada
40: 147.1450
   147.1450 State-administered program.
40: 147.1451
   147.1451 EPA administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.1452
   147.1452 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1453
   147.1453 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1454
   147.1454 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: EE
Subpart EE - New Hampshire
40: 147.1500
   147.1500 State-administered program.
40: 147.1501
   147.1501 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: FF
Subpart FF - New Jersey
40: 147.1550
   147.1550 State-administered program.
40: 147.1551
   147.1551 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: GG
Subpart GG - New Mexico
40: 147.1600
   147.1600 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1601
   147.1601 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1603
   147.1603 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: HH
Subpart HH - New York
40: 147.1650
   147.1650 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1651
   147.1651 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1652
   147.1652 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.1653
   147.1653 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1654
   147.1654 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1655
   147.1655 Requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: II
Subpart II - North Carolina
40: 147.1700
   147.1700 State-administered program.
40: 147.1701-147.1702
   147.1701-147.1702 [Reserved]
40: 147.1703
   147.1703 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.1704-147.1749
   147.1704-147.1749 [Reserved]
40: JJ
Subpart JJ - North Dakota
40: 147.1750
   147.1750 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1751
   147.1751 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V and VI wells.
40: 147.1752
   147.1752 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: KK
Subpart KK - Ohio
40: 147.1800
   147.1800 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1801
   147.1801 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1802
   147.1802 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1803
   147.1803 Existing Class I and III wells authorized by rule - maximum injection pressure.
40: 147.1805
   147.1805 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: LL
Subpart LL - Oklahoma
40: 147.1850
   147.1850 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1851
   147.1851 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1852
   147.1852 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: MM
Subpart MM - Oregon
40: 147.1900
   147.1900 State-administered program.
40: 147.1901
   147.1901 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: NN
Subpart NN - Pennsylvania
40: 147.1950
   147.1950 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1951
   147.1951 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1952
   147.1952 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.1953
   147.1953 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1954
   147.1954 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1955
   147.1955 Requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: OO
Subpart OO - Rhode Island
40: 147.2000
   147.2000 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2001
   147.2001 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: PP
Subpart PP - South Carolina
40: 147.2050
   147.2050 State-administered program.
40: 147.2051
   147.2051 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: QQ
Subpart QQ - South Dakota
40: 147.2100
   147.2100 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2101
   147.2101 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells and all wells on Indian lands.
40: 147.2102
   147.2102 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2103
   147.2103 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2104
   147.2104 Requirements for all wells.
40: RR
Subpart RR - Tennessee
40: 147.2150
   147.2150 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2151
   147.2151 EPA-administered program Class IV and Indian lands.
40: 147.2152
   147.2152 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.2153
   147.2153 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: SS
Subpart SS - Texas
40: 147.2200
   147.2200 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2201
   147.2201 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2205
   147.2205 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: TT
Subpart TT - Utah
40: 147.2250
   147.2250 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2251
   147.2251 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2253
   147.2253 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: UU
Subpart UU - Vermont
40: 147.2300
   147.2300 State-administered program.
40: 147.2301-147.2302
   147.2301-147.2302 [Reserved]
40: 147.2303
   147.2303 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2304-147.2349
   147.2304-147.2349 [Reserved]
40: VV
Subpart VV - Virginia
40: 147.2350
   147.2350 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2351
   147.2351 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2352
   147.2352 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: WW
Subpart WW - Washington
40: 147.2400
   147.2400 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2403
   147.2403 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2404
   147.2404 EPA-administered program - Colville Reservation.
40: XX
Subpart XX - West Virginia
40: 147.2450-147.2452
   147.2450-147.2452 [Reserved]
40: 147.2453
   147.2453 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2454-147.2499
   147.2454-147.2499 [Reserved]
40: YY
Subpart YY - Wisconsin
40: 147.2500
   147.2500 State-administered program.
40: 147.2510
   147.2510 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: ZZ
Subpart ZZ - Wyoming
40: 147.2550
   147.2550 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V and VI wells.
40: 147.2551
   147.2551 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2553
   147.2553 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2554
   147.2554 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2555
   147.2555 Aquifer exemptions since January 1, 1999.
40: AAA
Subpart AAA - Guam
40: 147.2600
   147.2600 State-administered program.
40: 147.2601
   147.2601 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: BBB
Subpart BBB - Puerto Rico
40: 147.2650
   147.2650 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2651
   147.2651 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: CCC
Subpart CCC - Virgin Islands
40: 147.2700
   147.2700 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2701
   147.2701 EPA-administered program.
40: DDD
Subpart DDD - American Samoa
40: 147.2750
   147.2750 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2751
   147.2751 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2752
   147.2752 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: EEE
Subpart EEE - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
40: 147.2800
   147.2800 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2801
   147.2801 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2802
   147.2802 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: FFF
Subpart FFF - Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
40: 147.2850
   147.2850 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2851
   147.2851 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2852
   147.2852 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: GGG
Subpart GGG - Osage Mineral Reserve - Class II Wells
40: 147.2901
   147.2901 Applicability and scope.
40: 147.2902
   147.2902 Definitions.
40: 147.2903
   147.2903 Prohibition of unauthorized injection.
40: 147.2904
   147.2904 Area of review.
40: 147.2905
   147.2905 Plugging and abandonment.
40: 147.2906
   147.2906 Emergency permits.
40: 147.2907
   147.2907 Confidentiality of information.
40: 147.2908
   147.2908 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2909
   147.2909 Authorization of existing wells by rule.
40: 147.2910
   147.2910 Duration of authorization by rule.
40: 147.2911
   147.2911 Construction requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2912
   147.2912 Operating requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2913
   147.2913 Monitoring and reporting requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2914
   147.2914 Corrective action for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2915
   147.2915 Requiring a permit for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2916
   147.2916 Coverage of permitting requirements.
40: 147.2917
   147.2917 Duration of permits.
40: 147.2918
   147.2918 Permit application information.
40: 147.2919
   147.2919 Construction requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2920
   147.2920 Operating requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2921
   147.2921 Schedule of compliance.
40: 147.2922
   147.2922 Monitoring and reporting requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2923
   147.2923 Corrective action for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2924
   147.2924 Area permits.
40: 147.2925
   147.2925 Standard permit conditions.
40: 147.2926
   147.2926 Permit transfers.
40: 147.2927
   147.2927 Permit modification.
40: 147.2928
   147.2928 Permit termination.
40: 147.2929
   147.2929 Administrative permitting procedures.
40: HHH
Subpart HHH - Lands of the Navajo, Ute Mountain Ute, and All Other New Mexico Tribes
40: 147.3000
   147.3000 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.3001
   147.3001 Definition.
40: 147.3002
   147.3002 Public notice of permit actions.
40: 147.3003
   147.3003 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.3004
   147.3004 Duration of rule authorization for existing Class I and III wells.
40: 147.3005
   147.3005 Radioactive waste injection wells.
40: 147.3006
   147.3006 Injection pressure for existing Class II wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.3007
   147.3007 Application for a permit.
40: 147.3008
   147.3008 Criteria for aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.3009
   147.3009 Area of review.
40: 147.3010
   147.3010 Mechanical integrity tests.
40: 147.3011
   147.3011 Plugging and abandonment of Class III wells.
40: 147.3012
   147.3012 Construction requirements for Class I wells.
40: 147.3013
   147.3013 Information to be considered for Class I wells.
40: 147.3014
   147.3014 Construction requirements for Class III wells.
40: 147.3015
   147.3015 Information to be considered for Class III wells.
40: 147.3016
   147.3016 Criteria and standards applicable to Class V wells.
40: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart HHH of Part 147 - Exempted Aquifers in New Mexico
40: III
Subpart III - Lands of Certain Oklahoma Indian Tribes
40: 147.3100
   147.3100 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.3101
   147.3101 Public notice of permit actions.
40: 147.3102
   147.3102 Plugging and abandonment plans.
40: 147.3103
   147.3103 Fluid seals.
40: 147.3104
   147.3104 Notice of abandonment.
40: 147.3105
   147.3105 Plugging and abandonment report.
40: 147.3106
   147.3106 Area of review.
40: 147.3107
   147.3107 Mechanical integrity.
40: 147.3108
   147.3108 Plugging Class I, II, and III wells.
40: 147.3109
   147.3109 Timing of mechanical integrity test.
40: JJJ
Subpart JJJ - Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
40: 147.3200
   147.3200 Fort Peck Indian Reservation: Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes - Class II wells.
40: KKK
Subpart KKK [Reserved]
40: LLL
Subpart LLL - Navajo Indian Lands
40: 147.3400
   147.3400 Navajo Indian lands - Class II wells.