Title 20


Subpart E - Waivers/WorkFlex (Workforce Flexibility Plan)

20: 679.600
   679.600 What is the purpose of the general statutory and regulatory waiver authority in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.610
   679.610 What provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and the Wagner-Peyser Act may be waived, and what provisions may not be waived
20: 679.620
   679.620 Under what conditions may a Governor request, and the Secretary approve, a general waiver of statutory or regulatory requirements under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.630
   679.630 Under what conditions may the Governor submit a workforce flexibility plan
20: 679.640
   679.640 What limitations apply to the State's workforce flexibility plan authority under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act