Title 20


Subpart B - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Local Governance (Workforce Development Areas)

20: 679.200
   679.200 What is the purpose of requiring States to identify regions
20: 679.210
   679.210 What are the requirements for identifying a region
20: 679.220
   679.220 What is the purpose of the local area
20: 679.230
   679.230 What are the general procedural requirements for designation of local areas
20: 679.240
   679.240 What are the substantive requirements for designation of local areas that were not designated as local areas under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
20: 679.250
   679.250 What are the requirements for initial and subsequent designation of workforce development areas that had been designated as local areas under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
20: 679.260
   679.260 What do the terms “performed successfully” and “sustained fiscal integrity” mean for purposes of designating local areas
20: 679.270
   679.270 What are the special designation provisions for single-area States
20: 679.280
   679.280 How does the State fulfill the requirement to provide assistance to local areas within a planning region that wish to redesignate into a single local area
20: 679.290
   679.290 What right does an entity have to appeal the Governor's decision rejecting a request for designation as a workforce development area