Title 20


Subpart A - State Workforce Development Board

20: 679.100
   679.100 What is the purpose of the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.110
   679.110 What is the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.120
   679.120 What is meant by the terms “optimum policy-making authority” and “demonstrated experience and expertise”
20: 679.130
   679.130 What are the functions of the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.140
   679.140 How does the State Workforce Development Board meet its requirement to conduct business in an open manner under the “sunshine provision” of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
20: 679.150
   679.150 Under what circumstances may the Governor select an alternative entity in place of the State Workforce Development Board
20: 679.160
   679.160 Under what circumstances may the State Workforce Development Board hire staff