Title 10


Subpart K - Rulemaking

10: 110.130
   110.130 Initiation of rulemaking.
10: 110.131
   110.131 Petition for rulemaking.
10: 110.132
   110.132 Commission action on a petition.
10: 110.133
   110.133 Notice of proposed rulemaking.
10: 110.134
   110.134 Public participation.
10: 110.135
   110.135 Notice of rulemaking.
10: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Nuclear Reactor Equipment Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant Components Under NRC's Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Aerodynamic Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Chemical Exchange or Ion Exchange Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix F
   Appendix F to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Laser-Based Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix G
   Appendix G to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Plasma Separation Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix H
   Appendix H to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Electromagnetic Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix I
   Appendix I to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Reprocessing Plant Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix J
   Appendix J to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Uranium Conversion Plant Equipment and Plutonium Conversion Plant Equipment Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix K
   Appendix K to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority for Use in a Plant for the Production of Heavy Water, Deuterium and Deuterium Compounds
10: Appendix L
   Appendix L to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Byproduct Materials Under NRC Export/Import Licensing Authority a
10: Appendix M
   Appendix M to Part 110 - Categorization of Nuclear Material d
10: Appendix N
   Appendix N to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Lithium Isotope Separation Facilities, Plants and Equipment Under NRC's Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix O
   Appendix O to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Fuel Element Fabrication Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC's Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix P
   Appendix P to Part 110 - Category 1 and 2 Radioactive Material