Title 48

PART 304

Part 304 - Administrative Matters

PART 304 - ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 121(c)(2). Source:80 FR 72151, Nov. 18, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

48: 304.6
Subpart 304.6 - Contract Reporting
48: 304.602
   304.602 General.
48: 304.604
   304.604 Responsibilities.
48: 304.13
Subpart 304.13 - Personal Identity Verification
48: 304.1300
   304.1300 Policy.
48: 304.16
Subpart 304.16 - Unique Procurement Instrument Identifiers
48: 304.1600
   304.1600 Scope of subpart.
48: 304.70
Subpart 304.70 [Reserved]
48: 304.71
Subpart 304.71 - Review and Approval of Proposed Contract Actions
48: 304.7100
   304.7100 Policy.
48: 304.72
Subpart 304.72 - Affordable Care Act Prevention and Public Health Fund - Reporting Requirements
48: 304.7200
   304.7200 Scope of subpart.
48: 304.7201
   304.7201 Procedures.
48: 304.7202
   304.7202 Contract clause.