Title 48

PART 428

Part 428 - Bonds And Insurance

PART 428 - BONDS AND INSURANCE Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c). Source:61 FR 53646, Oct. 15, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

48: 428.1
Subpart 428.1 - Bonds and Other Financial Protections
48: 428.101
   428.101 Bid guarantees.
48: 428.101-1
   428.101-1 Policy on use.
48: 428.106
   428.106 Administration.
48: 428.106-6
   428.106-6 Furnishing information.
48: 428.2
Subpart 428.2 - Sureties and Other Security for Bonds
48: 428.203
   428.203 Acceptability of individual sureties.
48: 428.204
   428.204 Alternatives in lieu of corporate or individual sureties.
48: 428.204-2
   428.204-2 Certified or cashier's checks, bank drafts, money orders, or currency.
48: 428.3
Subpart 428.3 - Insurance
48: 428.307
   428.307 Insurance under cost-reimbursement contracts.
48: 428.307-1
   428.307-1 Group insurance plans.
48: 428.310
   428.310 Contract clause for work on a Government installation.
48: 428.370
   428.370 Government-owned vehicles operated in foreign countries.