Title 47

SECTION 1.1106

1.1106 Schedule of charges for applications for enforcement services.

§ 1.1106 Schedule of charges for applications for enforcement services.

Remit payment for these services electronically using the Commission's electronic payment system in accordance with the procedures set forth on the Commission's website, www.fcc.gov/licensing-databases/fees.

[84 FR 8618, Mar. 11, 2019]
Service FCC Form No. Fee amount Payment type code
1. Formal Complaints Corres & 159 $235.00 CIZ
2. Accounting and Audits:
a. Field Audit Carriers will be invoiced for the amount due 121,845.00 BMA
b. Review of Attest Audit Carriers will be invoiced for the amount due 66,510.00 BLA
3. Development and Review of Agreed upon - Procedures Engagement: Corres & 159 66,510.00 BLA
4. Pole Attachment Complaint Corres & 159 295.00 TPC
[83 FR 38049, Aug. 3, 2018]