Title 46
PART 160 SUBPART 160.051
Subpart 160.051 - Inflatable Liferafts for Domestic Service Source: CGD 85-205, 62 FR 25546, May 9, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
- 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 3703 and 4302; E.O. 12234; 45 FR 58801; 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; and Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
- Source:
46: | SECTION 160.051-1 | 160.051-1 Scope. | |
46: | SECTION 160.051-3 | 160.051-3 Definitions. | |
46: | SECTION 160.051-5 | 160.051-5 Incorporation by reference. | |
46: | SECTION 160.051-7 | 160.051-7 Design and performance of Coastal Service inflatable liferafts. | |
46: | SECTION 160.051-9 | 160.051-9 Design and performance of A and B inflatable liferafts. | |
46: | SECTION 160.051-11 | 160.051-11 Equipment required for Coastal Service inflatable liferafts. |