Title 42


Part 37 - Specifications For Medical Examinations Of Coal Miners

PART 37 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS OF COAL MINERS Authority:Sec. 203, 83 Stat. 763; 30 U.S.C. 843, unless otherwise noted. Source:43 FR 33715, Aug. 1, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart - Chest Radiographic Examinations
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   Specifications for Performing Chest Radiographic Examinations
42: 37.1
   37.1 Scope.
42: 37.2
   37.2 Definitions.
42: 37.3
   37.3 Chest radiographs required for miners.
42: 37.4
   37.4 Chest radiographic examinations conducted by the Secretary.
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   37.10 Standards incorporated by reference.
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   37.20 Miner identification document.
42: 37.40
   37.40 General provisions.
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   37.41 Chest radiograph specifications - film.
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   37.42 Chest radiograph specifications - digital radiography systems.
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   37.43 Approval of radiographic facilities that use film radiography systems.
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   37.44 Approval of radiographic facilities that use digital radiography systems.
42: 37.45
   37.45 Protection against radiation emitted by radiographic equipment.
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   Specifications for Interpretation, Classification, and Submission of Chest Radiographs
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   37.50 Interpreting and classifying chest radiographs - film radiography systems.
42: 37.51
   37.51 Interpreting and classifying chest radiographs - digital radiography systems.
42: 37.52
   37.52 Proficiency in the use of systems for classifying the pneumoconioses.
42: 37.53
   37.53 Method of obtaining definitive chest radiograph classifications.
42: 37.54
   37.54 Notification of abnormal radiographic findings.
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   37.60 Submitting required chest radiograph classification and miner identification documents.
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   Review and Availability of Records
42: 37.70
   37.70 Review of classifications.
42: 37.80
   37.80 Availability of records for radiographs.
Subpart - Spirometry Testing
42: 37.90
   37.90 Scope.
42: 37.91
   37.91 Definitions.
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   37.92 Spirometry testing required for miners.
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   37.93 Approval of spirometry facilities.
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   37.94 Respiratory assessment form.
42: 37.95
   37.95 Specifications for performing spirometry tests.
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   37.96 Spirometry interpretations, reports, and submission.
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   37.97 Notification of spirometry results.
42: 37.98
   37.98 Standards incorporated by reference.
Subpart - General Requirements
42: 37.100
   37.100 Coal mine operator plan for medical examinations.
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   37.101 Approval of plans.
42: 37.102
   37.102 Transfer of affected miner to less dusty area.
42: 37.103
   37.103 Medical examination at miner's expense.
Subpart - Autopsies
42: 37.200
   37.200 Scope.
42: 37.201
   37.201 Definitions.
42: 37.202
   37.202 Payment for autopsy.
42: 37.203
   37.203 Autopsy specifications.
42: 37.204
   37.204 Procedure for obtaining payment.