Title 42


Part 65 - National Institute Of Environmental Health Sciences Hazardous Waste Worker Training

PART 65 - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER TRAINING Authority:42 U.S.C. 9660a; 49 U.S.C. App. 1816. Source:55 FR 42568, Oct. 22, 1990, unless otherwise noted.

42: 65.1
   65.1 To what projects do these regulations apply
42: 65.2
   65.2 Definitions.
42: 65.3
   65.3 Who is eligible to apply for a grant
42: 65.4
   65.4 Project requirements.
42: 65.5
   65.5 How will applications be evaluated
42: 65.6
   65.6 How long does grant support last
42: 65.7
   65.7 For what purposes may grant funds be spent
42: 65.8
   65.8 What additional Department regulations apply to grantees
42: 65.9
   65.9 Additional conditions.