Title 41


Subchapter A - General

41: 102
41: 102
41: A
Subpart A - Regulation System
41: 5
41: 102-2.5
     102-2.5 What is the Federal Management Regulation (FMR)
41: 102-2.10
     102-2.10 What is the FMR's purpose
41: 102-2.15
     102-2.15 What is the authority for the FMR system
41: 102-2.20
     102-2.20 Which agencies are subject to the FMR
41: 102-2.25
     102-2.25 When are other agencies involved in developing the FMR
41: 102-2.30
     102-2.30 Where and in what formats is the FMR published
41: 102-2.35
     102-2.35 How is the FMR distributed
41: 102-2.40
     102-2.40 May an agency issue implementing and supplementing regulations for the FMR
41: 6
41: 102-2.45
     102-2.45 How is the FMR numbered
41: 102-2.50
     102-2.50 How do I number my agency's implementing regulations
41: 102-2.55
     102-2.55 How do I number my agency's supplementing regulations
41: 7
41: 102-2.60
     102-2.60 What is a deviation from the FMR
41: 102-2.65
     102-2.65 When may agencies deviate from the FMR
41: 102-2.70
     102-2.70 What are individual and class deviations
41: 102-2.75
     102-2.75 What timeframes apply to deviations
41: 102-2.80
     102-2.80 What steps must an agency take to deviate from the FMR
41: 102-2.85
     102-2.85 What are the reasons for writing to GSA about FMR deviations
41: 102-2.90
     102-2.90 Where should my agency send its correspondence on an FMR deviation
41: 102-2.95
     102-2.95 What information must agencies include in their deviation letters to GSA
41: 102-2.100
     102-2.100 Must agencies provide GSA with a follow-up analysis of their experience in deviating from the FMR
41: 102-2.105
     102-2.105 What information must agencies include in their follow-up analysis
41: 102-2.110
     102-2.110 When must agencies provide their follow-up letters
41: 8
  Non-Regulatory Material
41: 102-2.115
     102-2.115 What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish outside of the FMR
41: 102-2.120
     102-2.120 How do I know whom to contact to discuss the regulatory requirements of programs addressed in the FMR
41: 102-2.125
     102-2.125 What source of information can my agency use to identify materials that describe how to do business with GSA
41: B
Subpart B - Forms
41: 102-2.130
     102-2.130 Where are FMR forms prescribed
41: 102-2.135
     102-2.135 How do agencies obtain forms prescribed by the FMR
41: C
Subpart C - Plain Language Regulatory Style
41: 102-2.140
     102-2.140 What elements of plain language appear in the FMR
41: 102-2.145
     102-2.145 To what do pronouns refer when used in the FMR
41: 102
41: A
Subpart A - What Policies Apply to Advisory Committees Established Within the Executive Branch
41: 102-3.5
     102-3.5 What does this subpart cover and how does it apply
41: 102-3.10
     102-3.10 What is the purpose of the Federal Advisory Committee Act
41: 102-3.15
     102-3.15 Who are the intended users of this part
41: 102-3.20
     102-3.20 How does this part meet the needs of its audience
41: 102-3.25
     102-3.25 What definitions apply to this part
41: 102-3.30
     102-3.30 What policies govern the use of advisory committees
41: 102-3.35
     102-3.35 What policies govern the use of subcommittees
41: 102-3.40
     102-3.40 What types of committees or groups are not covered by the Act and this part
41: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 102-3 - Key Points and Principles
41: B
Subpart B - How Are Advisory Committees Established, Renewed, Reestablished, and Terminated
41: 102-3.45
     102-3.45 What does this subpart cover and how does it apply
41: 102-3.50
     102-3.50 What are the authorities for establishing advisory committees
41: 102-3.55
     102-3.55 What rules apply to the duration of an advisory committee
41: 102-3.60
     102-3.60 What procedures are required to establish, renew, or reestablish a discretionary advisory committee
41: 102-3.65
     102-3.65 What are the public notification requirements for discretionary advisory committees
41: 102-3.70
     102-3.70 What are the charter filing requirements
41: 102-3.75
     102-3.75 What information must be included in the charter of an advisory committee
41: 102-3.80
     102-3.80 How are minor charter amendments accomplished
41: 102-3.85
     102-3.85 How are major charter amendments accomplished
41: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart B of Part 102-3 - Key Points and Principles
41: C
Subpart C - How Are Advisory Committees Managed
41: 102-3.90
     102-3.90 What does this subpart cover and how does it apply
41: 102-3.95
     102-3.95 What principles apply to the management of advisory committees
41: 102-3.100
     102-3.100 What are the responsibilities and functions of GSA
41: 102-3.105
     102-3.105 What are the responsibilities of an agency head
41: 102-3.110
     102-3.110 What are the responsibilities of a chairperson of an independent Presidential advisory committee
41: 102-3.115
     102-3.115 What are the responsibilities and functions of an agency Committee Management Officer (CMO)
41: 102-3.120
     102-3.120 What are the responsibilities and functions of a Designated Federal Officer (DFO)
41: 102-3.125
     102-3.125 How should agencies consider the roles of advisory committee members and staff
41: 102-3.130
     102-3.130 What policies apply to the appointment, and compensation or reimbursement of advisory committee members, staff, and experts and consultants
41: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 102-3 - Key Points and Principles
41: D
Subpart D - Advisory Committee Meeting and Recordkeeping Procedures
41: 102-3.135
     102-3.135 What does this subpart cover and how does it apply
41: 102-3.140
     102-3.140 What policies apply to advisory committee meetings
41: 102-3.145
     102-3.145 What policies apply to subcommittee meetings
41: 102-3.150
     102-3.150 How are advisory committee meetings announced to the public
41: 102-3.155
     102-3.155 How are advisory committee meetings closed to the public
41: 102-3.160
     102-3.160 What activities of an advisory committee are not subject to the notice and open meeting requirements of the Act
41: 102-3.165
     102-3.165 How are advisory committee meetings documented
41: 102-3.170
     102-3.170 How does an interested party obtain access to advisory committee records
41: 102-3.175
     102-3.175 What are the reporting and recordkeeping requirements for an advisory committee
41: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 102-3 - Key Points and Principles
41: Apply
Subpart E - How Does This Subpart Apply to Advice or Recommendations Provided to Agencies by the National Academy of Sciences or the National Academy of Public Administration
41: 102-3.180
     102-3.180 What does this subpart cover and how does it apply
41: 102-3.185
     102-3.185 What does this subpart require agencies to do
41: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 102-3 - Key Points and Principles
41: 102-4
41: 102
41: A
Subpart A - General
41: 102-5.5
     102-5.5 Preamble.
41: 102-5.10
     102-5.10 What does this part cover
41: 102-5.15
     102-5.15 Who is covered by this part
41: 102-5.20
     102-5.20 Who is not covered by this part
41: 102-5.25
     102-5.25 What additional guidance concerning home-to-work transportation should Federal agencies issue
41: 102-5.30
     102-5.30 What definitions apply to this part
41: B
Subpart B - Authorizing Home-to-Work Transportation
41: 102-5.35
     102-5.35 Who is authorized home-to-work transportation
41: 102-5.40
     102-5.40 May the agency head delegate the authority to make home-to-work determinations
41: 102-5.45
     102-5.45 Should determinations be completed before an employee is provided with home-to-work transportation
41: 102-5.50
     102-5.50 May determinations be made in advance for employees who respond to unusual circumstances when they arise
41: 102-5.55
     102-5.55 How do we prepare determinations
41: 102-5.60
     102-5.60 How long are initial determinations effective
41: 102-5.65
     102-5.65 What procedures apply when the need for home-to-work transportation exceeds the initial period
41: 102-5.70
     102-5.70 What considerations apply in making a determination to authorize home-to-work transportation for field work
41: 102-5.75
     102-5.75 What circumstances do not establish a basis for authorizing home-to-work transportation for field work
41: 102-5.80
     102-5.80 What are some examples of positions that may involve field work
41: 102-5.85
     102-5.85 What information should our determination for field work include if positions are identified rather than named individuals
41: 102-5.90
     102-5.90 Should an agency consider whether to base a Government passenger carrier at a Government facility near the employee's home or work rather than authorize the employee home-to-work transportation
41: 102-5.95
     102-5.95 Is the comfort and/or convenience of an employee considered sufficient justification to authorize home-to-work transportation
41: 102-5.100
     102-5.100 May we use home-to-work transportation for other than official purposes
41: 102-5.105
     102-5.105 May others accompany an employee using home-to-work transportation
41: C
Subpart C - Documenting and Reporting Determinations
41: 102-5.110
     102-5.110 Must we report our determinations outside of our agency
41: 102-5.115
     102-5.115 When must we report our determinations
41: 102-5.120
     102-5.120 What are our responsibilities for documenting use of home-to-work transportation
41: 102-6
PARTS 102-6 - 102-30 [RESERVED]