Title 26


Part 50 - Regulations Relating To The Tax Imposed With Respect To Certain Hydraulic Mining

PART 50 - REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE TAX IMPOSED WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN HYDRAULIC MINING Authority:Sec. 23, 27, Stat. 510, as amended; 33 U.S.C. 683. Source:T.D. 6419, 24 FR 8546, Oct. 22, 1959, unless otherwise noted.

26: 50.1
   50.1 Introduction.
26: 50.2
   50.2 Scope of regulations.
26: 50.3
   50.3 General definitions and use of terms.
26: 50.4
   50.4 Rates of tax.
26: 50.5
   50.5 Liability for the tax.
26: 50.6
   50.6 Ascertainment of quantity mined.
26: 50.7
   50.7 Returns.
26: 50.8
   50.8 Due date and place for filing returns and paying tax.