Title 2


Subchapter C - Award Format And National Policy Terms And Conditions For All Grants And Cooperative Agreements

2: 1120
2: 1120.1
     1120.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1120.2
     1120.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1120.3
     1120.3 DoD Component implementation.
2: 1120.4
     1120.4 Elements and subelements of the standard award format in relation to the organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A - Award Cover Pages
2: 1120.100
     1120.100 Purpose of the award cover pages.
2: 1120.105
     1120.105 Content of the award cover pages.
2: 1120.110
     1120.110 Use of alternative to DoD form.
2: B
Subpart B - Award-specific Terms and Conditions
2: 1120.200
     1120.200 Purpose and inclusion of award-specific terms and conditions.
2: 1120.205
     1120.205 Organization and wording of award-specific terms and conditions.
2: C
Subpart C - General Terms and Conditions
2: 1120.300
     1120.300 Purpose of general terms and conditions.
2: 1120.305
     1120.305 Requirement for general terms and conditions.
2: 1120.310
     1120.310 Use of plain language.
2: 1120.315
     1120.315 Availability of general terms and conditions.
2: D
Subpart D - Preamble to the General Terms and Conditions
2: 1120.400
     1120.400 Requirement to include a preamble.
2: 1120.405
     1120.405 Content of the preamble.
2: E
Subpart E - Administrative Requirements Portion of the General Terms and Conditions
2: 1120.500
     1120.500 Scope of administrative requirements.
2: 1120.505
     1120.505 Location of administrative requirements in the standard award format.
2: 1120.510
     1120.510 Sources of administrative requirements.
2: 1120.515
     1120.515 Incorporation of administrative requirements into general terms and conditions by reference.
2: F
Subpart F - National Policy Requirements Portion of the General Terms and Conditions
2: 1120.600
     1120.600 Scope of national policy requirements.
2: 1120.605
     1120.605 Location of national policy requirements in the standard award format.
2: 1120.610
     1120.610 Source of national policy requirements.
2: 1120.615
     1120.615 Incorporation of national policy requirements into general terms and conditions by reference.
2: G
Subpart G - Programmatic Requirements Portion of the General Terms and Conditions
2: 1120.700
     1120.700 Scope of programmatic requirements.
2: 1120.705
     1120.705 Location of programmatic requirements in the standard award format.
2: 1120.710
     1120.710 Examples of programmatic requirements.
2: 1121
2: 1122
2: A
Subpart A - General
2: 1122.1
     1122.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1122.2
     1122.2 Definition of “national policy requirement.”
2: 1122.3
     1122.3 Definition of other terms as they are used in this part.
2: B
Subpart B - Terms and Conditions
2: 1122.100
     1122.100 Purpose of this subpart.
2: 1122.105
     1122.105 Where to find the terms and conditions.
2: 1122.110
     1122.110 Organization of each article of national policy requirements.
2: 1122.115
     1122.115 Cross-cutting national policy requirements.
2: 1122.120
     1122.120 Other national policy requirements.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1122 - Terms and Conditions for NP Article I, “Nondiscrimination National Policy Requirements”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1122 - Terms and Conditions for NP Article II, “Environmental National Policy Requirements”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1122 - Terms and Conditions for NP Article III, “National Policy Requirements Concerning Live Organisms”
2: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 1122 - Terms and Conditions for NP Article IV, “Other National Policy Requirements”
2: 1123
PARTS 1123 - 1124 [RESERVED]
2: 1125
2: 1125.10
     1125.10 What does this part do
2: 1125.20
     1125.20 Does this part implement the OMB guidance in 2 CFR part 180 for all DoD nonprocurement transactions
2: 1125.30
     1125.30 Does this part apply to me
2: 1125.40
     1125.40 What policies and procedures must I follow
2: A
Subpart A - General
2: 1125.137
     1125.137 Who in the Department of Defense may grant an exception to let an excluded person participate in a covered transaction
2: B
Subpart B - Covered Transactions
2: 1125.220
     1125.220 What contracts and subcontracts, in addition to those listed in 2 CFR 180.220, are covered transactions
2: C
Subpart C - Responsibilities of Participants Regarding Transactions
2: 1125.332
     1125.332 What method must I use to pass requirements down to participants at lower tiers with whom I intend to do business
2: D
Subpart D - Responsibilities of DoD Officials Regarding Transactions
2: 1125.425
     1125.425 When do I check to see if a person is excluded or disqualified
2: 1125.437
     1125.437 What method do I use to communicate to a participant the requirements described in the OMB guidance at 2 CFR 180.435
2: E
Subparts E-H [Reserved]
2: I
Subpart I - Definitions
2: 1125.930
     1125.930 Debarring official (DoD supplement to Governmentwide definition at 2 CFR 180.930).
2: 1125.937
     1125.937 DoD Component.
2: 1125.1010
     1125.1010 Suspending official (DoD supplement to Governmentwide definition at 2 CFR 180.1010).