Title 18


Subchapter A - General Rules

18: 1
18: A
Subpart A - Definitions and Rules of Construction
18: 1.101
     1.101 Definitions.
18: 1.102
     1.102 Words denoting number, gender and so forth.
18: 1b
18: 1b.1
     1b.1 Definitions.
18: 1b.2
     1b.2 Scope.
18: 1b.3
     1b.3 Scope of investigations.
18: 1b.4
     1b.4 Types of investigations.
18: 1b.5
     1b.5 Formal investigations.
18: 1b.6
     1b.6 Preliminary investigations.
18: 1b.7
     1b.7 Procedure after investigation.
18: 1b.8
     1b.8 Requests for Commission investigations.
18: 1b.9
     1b.9 Confidentiality of investigations.
18: 1b.10
     1b.10 By whom conducted.
18: 1b.11
     1b.11 Limitation on participation.
18: 1b.12
     1b.12 Transcripts.
18: 1b.13
     1b.13 Powers of persons conducting formal investigations.
18: 1b.14
     1b.14 Subpoenas.
18: 1b.15
     1b.15 Non-compliance with compulsory processes.
18: 1b.16
     1b.16 Rights of witnesses.
18: 1b.17
     1b.17 Appearance and practice before the Commission.
18: 1b.18
     1b.18 Right to submit statements.
18: 1b.19
     1b.19 Submissions.
18: 1b.20
     1b.20 Request for confidential treatment.
18: 1b.21
     1b.21 Enforcement hotline.
18: 1b.22
     1b.22 Landowner Helpline.
18: 1c
18: 1c.1
     1c.1 Prohibition of natural gas market manipulation.
18: 1c.2
     1c.2 Prohibition of electric energy market manipulation.
18: 2
18: 1
  Statements of General Policy and Interpretations of the Commission
18: 2.1
     2.1 Initial notice; service; and information copies of formal documents.
18: 2.1a
     2.1a Public suggestions, comments, proposals on substantial prospective regulatory issues and problems.
18: 2.1b
     2.1b Availability in contested cases of information acquired by staff investigation.
18: 2.1c
     2.1c Policy statement on consultation with Indian tribes in Commission proceedings.
18: 2
  Statements of General Policy and Interpretations Under the Federal Power Act
18: 2.2
     2.2 Transmission lines.
18: 2.4
     2.4 Suspension of rate schedules.
18: 2.7
     2.7 Recreational development at licensed projects.
18: 2.8
     2.8 [Reserved]
18: 2.9
     2.9 Conditions in preliminary permits and licenses - list of and citations to “P - ” and “L - ” forms.
18: 2.12
     2.12 Calculation of taxes for property of public utilities and licensees constructed or acquired after January 1, 1970.
18: 2.13
     2.13 Design and construction.
18: 2.15
     2.15 Specified reasonable rate of return.
18: 2.17
     2.17 Price discrimination and anticompetitive effect (price squeeze issue).
18: 2.18
     2.18 Phased electric rate increase filings.
18: 2.19
     2.19 State and Federal comprehensive plans.
18: 2.20
     2.20 Good faith requests for transmission services and good faith responses by transmitting utilities.
18: 2.21
     2.21 Regional Transmission Groups.
18: 2.22
     2.22 Pricing policy for transmission services provided under the Federal Power Act.
18: 2.23
     2.23 Use of reserved authority in hydropower licenses to ameliorate cumulative impacts.
18: 2.24
     2.24 Project decommissioning at relicensing.
18: 2.25
     2.25 Ratemaking treatment of the cost of emissions allowances in coordination transactions.
18: 2.26
     2.26 Policies concerning review of applications under section 203.
18: 3
  Non-Mandatory Guidance on Smart Grid Standards
18: 2.27
     2.27 Availability of North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Smart Grid Standards as non-mandatory guidance.
18: 4
  Statements of General Policy and Interpretations Under the Natural Gas Act
18: 2.51
     2.51 [Reserved]
18: 2.52
     2.52 Suspension of rate schedules.
18: 2.55
     2.55 Auxiliary installations and replacement facilities.
18: 2.57
     2.57 Temporary certificates - pipeline companies.
18: 2.60
     2.60 Facilities and activities during an emergency - accounting treatment of defense-related expenditures.
18: 2.67
     2.67 Calculation of taxes for property of pipeline companies constructed or acquired after January 1, 1970.
18: 2.69
     2.69 [Reserved]
18: 2.76
     2.76 Regulatory treatment of payments made in lieu of take-or-pay obligations.
18: 2.78
     2.78 Utilization and conservation of natural resources - natural gas.
18: 5
  Statement of General Policy To Implement Procedures for Compliance With the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
18: 2.80
     2.80 Detailed environmental statement.
18: 6
  Statement of General Policy To Implement the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, as Amended, and Executive Orders 11615 and 11627
18: 2.100-2.102
     2.100-2.102 [Reserved]
18: 2.103
     2.103 Statement of policy respecting take or pay provisions in gas purchase contracts.
18: 2.104
     2.104 Mechanisms for passthrough of pipeline take-or-pay buyout and buydown costs.
18: 2.105
     2.105 Gas supply charges.
18: 7
  Rules of General Applicability
18: 2.201
     2.201 [Reserved]
18: 8
  Statement of General Policy and Interpretations Under the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978
18: 2.300
     2.300 Statement of policy concerning allegations of fraud, abuse, or similar grounds under section 601(c) of the NGPA.
18: 9
  Statement of Interpretation Under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
18: 2.400
     2.400 Statement of interpretation of waste concerning natural gas as the primary energy source for qualifying small power production facilities.
18: 10
  Statement of Penalty Reduction/Waiver Policy To Comply With the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996
18: 2.500
     2.500 Penalty reduction/waiver policy for small entities.
18: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 2 - Guidance for Determining the Acceptable Construction Area for Auxiliary and Replacement Facilities
18: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 2 [Reserved]
18: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 2 - Nationwide Proceeding Computation of Federal Income Tax Allowance Independent Producers, Pipeline Affiliates and Pipeline Producers Continental U.S. - 1972 Data (Docket No. R-478)
18: 3
18: 3a
18: 11
18: 3a.1
     3a.1 Purpose.
18: 3a.2
     3a.2 Authority.
18: 12
18: 3a.11
     3a.11 Classification of official information.
18: 3a.12
     3a.12 Authority to classify official information.
18: 3a.13
     3a.13 Classification responsibility and procedure.
18: 13
  Declassification and Downgrading
18: 3a.21
     3a.21 Authority to downgrade and declassify.
18: 3a.22
     3a.22 Declassification and downgrading.
18: 3a.23
     3a.23 Review of classified material for declassification purposes.
18: 14
  Classification Markings and Special Notations
18: 3a.31
     3a.31 Classification markings and special notations.
18: 15
  Access to Classified Materials
18: 3a.41
     3a.41 Access requirements.
18: 16
  Security Officers
18: 3a.51
     3a.51 Designation of security officers.
18: 17
  Storage and Custody of Classified Information
18: 3a.61
     3a.61 Storage and custody of classified information.
18: 18
  Accountability For Classified Material
18: 3a.71
     3a.71 Accountability for classified material.
18: 19
  Transmittal of Classified Material
18: 3a.81
     3a.81 Transmittal of classified material.
18: 20
  Data Index System
18: 3a.91
     3a.91 Data index system.
18: 3b
18: A
Subpart A - General
18: 3b.1
     3b.1 Purpose.
18: 3b.2
     3b.2 Definitions.
18: 3b.3
     3b.3 Notice requirements.
18: 3b.4
     3b.4 Government contractors.
18: 3b.5
     3b.5 Legal guardians.
18: B
Subpart B - Standards for Maintenance and Collection of Records
18: 3b.201
     3b.201 Content of records.
18: 3b.202
     3b.202 Collection of information from individuals concerned.
18: 3b.203
     3b.203 Rules of conduct.
18: 3b.204
     3b.204 Safeguarding information in manual and computer-based record systems.
18: C
Subpart C - Rules for Disclosure of Records
18: 3b.220
     3b.220 Notification of maintenance of records to individuals concerned.
18: 3b.221
     3b.221 Access of records to individuals concerned.
18: 3b.222
     3b.222 Identification requirements.
18: 3b.223
     3b.223 Fees.
18: 3b.224
     3b.224 Requests to amend records and disputes thereon.
18: 3b.225
     3b.225 Written consent for disclosure.
18: 3b.226
     3b.226 Accounting of disclosures.
18: 3b.227
     3b.227 Mailing lists.
18: D
Subpart D - Rules for Exemptions
18: 3b.250
     3b.250 Specific exemptions.
18: 3c
18: 3c.1
     3c.1 Cross-reference to employee ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations.
18: 3c.2
     3c.2 Nonpublic information.
18: 3c.3
     3c.3 Reporting fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption and cooperation with official inquiries.