Title 10


Subchapter E - Alternate Fuels

10: 500
10: 500.1
     500.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 500.2
     500.2 General definitions.
10: 500.3
     500.3 Electric regions - electric region groupings for reliability measurements under the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978.
10: 501
10: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
10: 501.1
     501.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.2
     501.2 Prepetition conference.
10: 501.3
     501.3 Petitions.
10: 501.4-501.5
     501.4-501.5 [Reserved]
10: 501.6
     501.6 Service.
10: 501.7
     501.7 General filing requirements.
10: 501.8
     501.8 [Reserved]
10: 501.9
     501.9 Effective date of orders or rules.
10: 501.10
     501.10 Order of precedence.
10: 501.11
     501.11 Address for filing documents.
10: 501.12
     501.12 Public files.
10: 501.13
     501.13 Appeal.
10: 501.14
     501.14 Notice to Environmental Protection Agency.
10: B
Subpart B [Reserved]
10: C
Subpart C - Written Comments, Public Hearings and Conferences During Administrative Proceedings
10: 501.30
     501.30 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.31
     501.31 Written comments.
10: 501.32
     501.32 Conferences (other than prepetition conferences).
10: 501.33
     501.33 Request for a public hearing.
10: 501.34
     501.34 Public hearing.
10: 501.35
     501.35 Public file.
10: D
Subpart D - Subpoenas, Special Report Orders, Oaths and Witnesses
10: 501.40
     501.40 Issuance.
10: E
Subpart E - Prohibition Rules and Orders
10: 501.50
     501.50 Policy.
10: 501.51
     501.51 Prohibitions by order - electing powerplants.
10: 501.52
     501.52 Prohibitions by order - certifying powerplants.
10: 501.53-501.56
     501.53-501.56 [Reserved]
10: F
Subpart F - Exemptions and Certifications
10: 501.60
     501.60 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.61
     501.61 Certification contents.
10: 501.62
     501.62 Petition contents.
10: 501.63
     501.63 Notice of the commencement of an administrative proceeding on an exemption petition.
10: 501.64
     501.64 Publication of notice of availability of tentative staff analysis.
10: 501.65
     501.65 Publication of notice of availability of draft EIS.
10: 501.66
     501.66 OFE evaluation of the record, decision and order.
10: 501.67
     501.67 Petition redesignations.
10: 501.68
     501.68 Decision and order.
10: 501.69
     501.69 Judicial review.
10: G
Subpart G - Requests for Modification or Rescission of a Rule or Order
10: 501.100
     501.100 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.101
     501.101 Proceedings to modify or rescind a rule or order.
10: 501.102
     501.102 OFE evaluation of the record, decision and order for modification or rescission of a rule or order.
10: 501.103
     501.103 OFE decision.
10: H
Subpart H - Requests for Stay
10: 501.120
     501.120 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.121
     501.121 Filing and notice of petitions for stays.
10: 501.122
     501.122 Contents.
10: 501.123
     501.123 Evaluation of the record.
10: 501.124
     501.124 Decision and order.
10: I
Subpart I - Requests for Interpretation
10: 501.130
     501.130 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.131
     501.131 Filing a request for interpretation.
10: 501.132
     501.132 Contents of a request for interpretation.
10: 501.133
     501.133 DOE evaluation.
10: 501.134
     501.134 Issuance and effect of interpretations.
10: J
Subpart J - Rulings
10: 501.140
     501.140 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.141
     501.141 Criteria for issuance.
10: 501.142
     501.142 Modification or rescission.
10: 501.143
10: K
Subpart K - Enforcement
10: 501.160
     501.160 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.161
     501.161 Filing a complaint.
10: 501.162
     501.162 Contents of a complaint.
10: 501.163
     501.163 OFE evaluation.
10: 501.164
     501.164 Decision to initiate enforcement proceedings.
10: 501.165
     501.165 Commencement of enforcement proceedings.
10: 501.166
     501.166 Hearings and conferences.
10: 501.167
     501.167 Fuel use order.
10: L
Subpart L - Investigations, Violations, Sanctions and Judicial Actions
10: 501.180
     501.180 Investigations.
10: 501.181
     501.181 Sanctions.
10: 501.182
     501.182 Injunctions.
10: 501.183
     501.183 Citizen suits.
10: M
Subpart M - Use of Natural Gas or Petroleum for Emergency and Unanticipated Equipment Outage Purposes
10: 501.190
     501.190 Purpose and scope.
10: 501.191
     501.191 Use of natural gas or petroleum for certain unanticipated equipment outages and emergencies defined in section 103(a)(15)(B) of the act.
10: 501.192
     501.192 [Reserved]
10: 503
10: A
Subpart A - General Prohibition
10: 503.1
     503.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 503.2
     503.2 Prohibition.
10: 503.3
     503.3 [Reserved]
10: B
Subpart B - General Requirements for Exemptions
10: 503.4
     503.4 Purpose and scope.
10: 503.5
     503.5 Contents of petition.
10: 503.6
     503.6 Cost calculations for new powerplants and installations.
10: 503.7
     503.7 State approval - general requirement for new powerplants.
10: 503.8
     503.8 No alternate power supply - general requirement for certain exemptions for new powerplants.
10: 503.9
     503.9 Use of mixtures - general requirement for certain permanent exemptions.
10: 503.10
     503.10 Use of fluidized bed combustion not feasible - general requirement for permanent exemptions.
10: 503.11
     503.11 Alternative sites - general requirement for permanent exemptions for new powerplants.
10: 503.12
     503.12 Terms and conditions; compliance plans.
10: 503.13
     503.13 Environmental impact analysis.
10: 503.14
     503.14 Fuels search.
10: C
Subpart C - Temporary Exemptions for New Facilities
10: 503.20
     503.20 Purpose and scope.
10: 503.21
     503.21 Lack of alternate fuel supply.
10: 503.22
     503.22 Site limitations.
10: 503.23
     503.23 Inability to comply with applicable environmental requirements.
10: 503.24
     503.24 Future use of synthetic fuels.
10: 503.25
     503.25 Public interest.
10: D
Subpart D - Permanent Exemptions for New Facilities
10: 503.30
     503.30 Purpose and scope.
10: 503.31
     503.31 Lack of alternate fuel supply for the first 10 years of useful life.
10: 503.32
     503.32 Lack of alternate fuel supply at a cost which does not substantially exceed the cost of using imported petroleum.
10: 503.33
     503.33 Site limitations.
10: 503.34
     503.34 Inability to comply with applicable environmental requirements.
10: 503.35
     503.35 Inability to obtain adequate capital.
10: 503.36
     503.36 State or local requirements.
10: 503.37
     503.37 Cogeneration.
10: 503.38
     503.38 Permanent exemption for certain fuel mixtures containing natural gas or petroleum.
10: 503.39-503.44
     503.39-503.44 [Reserved]
10: 504
10: 504.2
     504.2 Purpose and scope.
10: 504.3-504.4
     504.3-504.4 [Reserved]
10: 504.5
     504.5 Prohibitions by order (certifying powerplants under section 301 of FUA, as amended).
10: 504.6
     504.6 Prohibitions by order (case-by-case).
10: 504.7
     504.7 Prohibition against excessive use of petroleum or natural gas in mixtures - electing powerplants.
10: 504.8
     504.8 Prohibitions against excessive use of petroleum or natural gas in mixtures - certifying powerplants.
10: 504.9
     504.9 Environmental requirements for certifying powerplants.
10: Appendix I
  Appendix I to Part 504 - Procedures for the Computation of the Real Cost of Capital
10: Appendix II
  Appendix II to Part 504 - Fuel Price Computation
10: 508
10: 516