Title 48

PART 2823

Part 2823 - Environment, Conservation, Occupational Safety, And Drug-free Workplace

PART 2823 - ENVIRONMENT, CONSERVATION, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE Authority:28 U.S.C. 510; 40 U.S.C. 486(c); 28 CFR 0.75(j) and 28 CFR 0.76(j). Source:63 FR 16130, Apr. 2, 1998, unless otherwise noted.

48: 2823.1
Subpart 2823.1 - Pollution Control and Clean Air and Water
48: 2823.107
   2823.107 Compliance responsibilities.
48: 2823.3
Subpart 2823.3 - Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data
48: 2823.303-70
   2823.303-70 Departmental contract clause.
48: 2823.4
Subpart 2823.4 - Use of the Recovered Materials
48: 2823.403
   2823.403 Policy.
48: 2823.404
   2823.404 Procedures.
48: 2823.404-70
   2823.404-70 Affirmative procurement program for recycled materials.