Title 48

PART 326

Part 326 - Other Socioeconomic Programs

PART 326 - OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 121(c)(2). Source:80 FR 72151, Nov. 18, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

48: 326.5
Subpart 326.5 - Indian Preference in Employment, Training, and Subcontracting Opportunities
48: 326.501
   326.501 Statutory requirements.
48: 326.502
   326.502 Definitions.
48: 326.503
   326.503 Compliance enforcement.
48: 326.504
   326.504 Tribal preference requirements.
48: 326.505
   326.505 Applicability.
48: 326.6
Subpart 326.6 - Acquisitions Under the Buy Indian Act
48: 326.600
   326.600 Scope of subpart.
48: 326.601
   326.601 Policy.
48: 326.602
   326.602 Definitions.
48: 326.603
   326.603 Requirements.
48: 326.604
   326.604 Competition.
48: 326.605
   326.605 Responsibility determinations.
48: 326.7
Subpart 326.7 - Acquisitions Requiring the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
48: 326.700
   326.700 Scope of subpart.
48: 326.701
   326.701 Applicability.